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Democrats For Violence

visionep says...

It's really hard to listen to this guy where he freely mixes in a few facts with a ton of bold face lies.

He works really hard to hit all of the Trump talking points with full on lies and misdirection.

As a populous we need to have a little dignity and stop listening to people that tell verifiable lies non-stop. If they can't keep from telling lies to make their point then their point isn't worth hearing.

The very few good points this guy makes are slathered in so much oily misinformation it is really painful to try and hear him out.

BSR (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Get off your high horse. People are dying and apples like this who spread misinformation and nonsense are to blame. You have a way to do it? Get on with it then

BSR said:

Well, if you've said once, you've said it a thousand times.

Yes, I see you crumbling. I see you creating.

Yes, Incompetence.

Moving Day

newtboy says...

Trump's covid "response", Trump's economy, Trump's unemployment numbers, Trump's (total lack of a) plan, his new idea is (probably unconstitutionally) offer 1/2 the relief needed contingent on bankrupt states coming up with another 1/6 from thin air....a plan blatantly designed to fail, but Trump will claim he tried and states just didn't want the money because they hate Trump and want to make him look bad. 🤦‍♂️

So yes, it's Trump's fault people don't have money to pay their bills nor any way to earn it. Leaders in other countries infected at the exact same time as the U.S. actually led and S Korea and New Zealand never had the issues we did and didn't have to lock down long at all. We had leadership that actively made things worse, not better, spread misinformation constantly, contradicted itself daily, and insanely conflated ignoring and denying public health emergencies with freedom and civil rights.

Longer than necessary? What states have met the required two weeks of consistent low numbers and a solid declining infection rate that even Trump says are the minimum guidelines for opening?

Buddy, you've never read the constitution, and wouldn't comprehend it if you did. You probably think Trump suspending payroll taxes is constitutional because he's the one trying it.

Yes, 3-5% death rate with up to 15% disabled for life is definitely worth closing businesses and keeping them closed.....unless morons like Trumpsters continue to ignore the recommendations and extend the shutdown indefinitely.

Precondition groups? You mean anyone with a pre-existing condition which makes them more susceptible? You're implying those without preexisting conditions are safe, utter bullshit. They aren't. BTW, obesity is a preexisting condition that covers >40% of America all by itself, being overweight covers >70%....and it's just one of dozens.

Can't go to work if it's closed. Can't safely reopen until infection rates decline, rates won't decline until morons stay home long enough without attending rallies and parties. Duh. After Sturgis, expect the second wave nationwide in two weeks extending shutdowns for months at least, fucking morons.

Gov cheese ran out now because Republicans want billions-trillions in unrelated payoffs, pork, pet projects, and tax cuts to consider continuing them, after grifting billions from the last, totally unregulated handout to businesses,... your brother is coming to live with you soon. If everyone got the extra unemployment and every business shut down and people stayed home, we could be like S Korea, but with Trump's (total lack of) leadership we have become a worldwide pariah, unwelcome around the world, and with 4% of the population we have 25% of infections and deaths and rising.
You said you work largely from home. We're you lying then, or are you being intentionally dishonest, misleading people now by hiding it?

bobknight33 said:

And how is this Trumps Fault?

People not paying their bills is Trumps fault?

Democrats keeping states closed down longer than necessary keeping people out of work is un Constitutional and how is this Trumps fault?

Is a 3% death rate with 1/2 of deaths for those past retirement age and government should keep business closed?

Precondition groups should be told to stay home and receive aid.

Mask Up, Go to to work, Pay your bills.

My brother has a precondition and was told by his Dr. to stay home. He collects more $ from gov cheese.

I've yet to miss a day of work.

Inside Nancy Pelosi’s District:

newtboy says...

SF has this problem so bad because it's such a successful city. Cost of living is at least double the national average, you're lucky to find a small one bedroom for $3500 a month there.
Because the weather is mild year round, transients never move on to warmer climates, but more show up in spring.
Housing problems there are largely caused by rising housing costs, unaffordable to some working 3 jobs. Many are lured in because you get more panhandling money when the average income is >$100000. I recall a few being investigated in the 90's who seemed to make well over $100000 a year by begging, one was estimated at $250000+. Thousands are working homeless, living in their cars because they don't earn enough to even share an apartment. Most make more than the national average. Keep in mind, $190000 is middle class in San Francisco.

This has been an issue in San Francisco and the bay in general at least since the early 80's when i lived there....but it has gotten worse as the population and rent increased but low income housing didn't.
Now Trump has said there will be no low income housing (which he thinks means all blacks) in suburbs, directing infinitely more homeless and low income citizens to cities in search of a possible roof over their heads...and in the same breath he blames Democrats for the homeless problems in cities.

As mentioned above, there is no republican plan to deal with homeless. None. They seem to think if you deny them services and food they evaporate. It doesn't work that way.

Pelosi doesn't control San Francisco, she represents it in the house. Derp.

What a dishonest tool. 1/2 the nation's homeless?! Bullshit. San Francisco has around 10000, America has around 500000. It's just more bullshit and *lies @bobknight33, not philosophy, news, or talks, and the only thing to learn from it is massive levels of misinformation.

How it Starts

newtboy says...

The armed anarchists causing trouble are the same right wing gun toters you claim are anti tyranny not the Black Lives Matter protesters, and they're fighting/killing police, children, and peaceful protesters, lighting fires, and building bombs...all while carrying their manifesto which explains in language plain enough even you can understand it that their violent criminality is designed to get BLM and Antifa blamed for their acts and trigger tyrannical government response and race wars.

It worked....but only on ignoramuses so moronic they get their misinformation from Trump and OAN and ignore what police and federal agencies have all agreed is fact. Antifa is NOT the instigator of violence and damage, right wing groups are, consistently.

65% of Americans support BLM, <35% support the response.
You are correct that this isn't tyranny being stopped....because no one's stopping it.

This isn't anarchy being stopped, it's making blatantly fake excuses for why peaceful protests are being attacked by the right and police, and excuses for sliding into tyranny quick before the election. You support armed anarchy when it's right wingers doing it....Bundys.

bobknight33 said:

Where are the gun toting Americans who always claim they're the only thing between citizens and tyranny?

This is not Tyranny being stopped this is Anarchy being stopped .

How Wind Turbines Make You Sick | Rare Earth

drradon says...

This is a problem not exclusive to wind machines and is, thanks to social media, a universal problem. Unfortunately, many/most humans believe the first thing they hear/see regarding an issue. It is possible to "inoculate" a population against this viral misinformation, but it requires that accurate information is widely distributed before the malicious virus is.

Dr Drew's Horrific Coronavirus Advice Compilation

eoe says...

When I bike around town and some asshole almost hits me with his car, I oftentimes catch up to them at a red light. I usually knock on their window and ask them to be more careful because they almost fucking killed me. Politely. But usually a little bit of adrenaline behind my voice because, you know, he almost killed me.

Sometimes they tell me to fuck off. But 9 times out of 10 they say they didn't even see me and that they're sorry. And honestly, even though they almost killed me, sorry makes a lot of the hate go away.

Can one of these pigfuckers please, for the love of fucking god, just say, "I was wrong. I'm sorry that I underestimated the breadth and deadliness of this disease. Please listen to other sources of information. I'm obviously misinformed."

But not one yet. Not a single one has admitted to their inaccuracy. Not even good ol' @bobknight33.

What are the most devastating pandemics in human history?

cloudballoon says...

Just look up Wikipedia, the CDC or some other authoritative scientific sites and this video is full of misinformation. Of import, the origins of the top 3 and other lesser ranked Y. P. strains are still best guesses and points to Central Asia, not China in most recent studies. China is like the "first mass victim," not the "patient zero" of the pandemics, but these plagues ultimately spread far and wide with deadly repercussions all over the world. Fact those Y.P. plagues devastated Europe so much speaks more of the unsanitary living they had back then and other misconception of how the plagues spread they had exacerbated the spread more than anything.

Time to learn those lessons and take Covid-19 seriously. Wash your hands, keep a good physical distance, and shut up around strangers as much as possible in public. And don't go out as much as possible.

simonm (Member Profile)

simonm (Member Profile)

Could Earth's Heat Solve Our Energy Problems?

Spacedog79 says...

You'd be surprised.

Geothermal try to keep public exposure to less than 1 mSv per year.

Living near a Nuclear Power station will get you about 0.00009 mSv/year.

Living in Fukushima will get you about 10 mSv in a lifetime, with life expectancy there at about 84 years that is 0.177 mSv/year.

Even Chernobyl is almost entirely background radiation now. Radiation is all scaremongering and misinformation these days, so people freak out about it but it really isn't that dangerous. It takes about 100 mSv a year to have even the slightest statistically detectable health effect and far more than that to actually kill someone.

newtboy said:

Please site your sources for this information.
I'm assuming they mean the estimated radiation from a properly functioning nuclear power plant and not the average actual radiation, which includes meltdowns, leaks, transportation accidents, etc. I can't imagine any geothermal plant ever contaminating like Chernobyl or Fukushima did.

It bears noting that coal ash is apparently 3-6 more radioactive than properly functioning nuclear power plants emit for the same energy generation, and it gets absorbed both directly from particles and indirectly in food and water.

Antifa Surrounds Man & Daughter During Portland

newtboy says...

Oh. I see now. This is Andy Gno trying the same thing he couldn't sell on his own, but this time putting "children" in danger to try to sell his lies.
Footage of Gno planning the violence to provoke a response they could film at the rally where he claimed to have been attacked has surfaced, so he had to produce another video to sell his fake narrative....this time the morons brought their kids (edit: turns out she's 24 and a well known provocateur, not a little girl, just a small woman they tried to play off as a young girl) to their attempted riot and armed them with pepper spray, only to abandon them when the inevitable shit hit the fan.

Andy Gno is not one bit credible, he's been repeatedly caught making up his stories and lying about facts, @bobknight33, just like 99.9% of your sources of misinformation.

Also note, your heroes here, Bianca and John Turano (alt right violent activists who posted their hope Bianca would be beaten before the event), are trying (and weakly failing) to smash random business windows as they who are the thugs?

Funny enough, video of the pair angrily accusing 5 year old girls of being terrorists because they're Muslims has surfaced, so in reality they , two adults, are the ones who attacked children that day.

Not worth channel reassignment, but this isn't news, education, or learning. It's debunked propaganda from a disgraced fraudster, miseducation, and as usual you bought it hook line and sinker and tried to resell it.

Sad you feel compelled to continuously spread obvious lies. Reality must be incredibly painful and frightening for you.

The Truth About the Sri Lanka Attacks

newtboy says...

Of course, you never need background as long as you have an edited soundbite. It's certainly not because background information usually invalidates your position....couldn't be.

Calling out political enemies for not jumping onto the homophobic bus before the suspects were known is the problem. Now that they've been identified, maybe calling them out is appropriate....maybe not, but he's ranting about their first tweets, cherry picked to make his dumb "point".
It's almost like you all are ignorant of the fact that 1/2 the bombs weren't at Christian churches.

Taking note that right wing nationalistic terrorism is on the rise and a worse problem in America is identifying reality, which you have never seemed to have a grasp on.

Pretending Islamic terrorism is a bigger problem in the U.S. than right wing terrorism is a real problem.

Liars who produce partisan conspiracy theory propaganda and sell it to gullible ignoramuses like yourself, who then act on the misinformation, that is the problem that led you and many others out of reality.

Yes, they appear to be Islamic terrorism...but jumping to that conclusion based on nothing has led you astray before, blaming right wing terrorism on Muslims and never retracting the false accusations when facts come to light makes you the worst kind of liar.

bobknight33 said:

Background not needed

These were Islamic Terror Attacks.

Islam is the problem not Paul Joseph Watson.

Taking note that Islam radicals did this is NOT Islamophobic it is identifying reality, which you don't seem to be in.

Was "Can you trust Kurzgesagt?" video preemptive dmg control

newtboy says...

Good for him. It's nice to see someone reevaluate their position and admit their mistakes publicly.....which is why it was so disappointing when Kurzgesagt pretended their correction video was all their idea and totally unrelated to and unprompted by coffeebreak asking about their mistakes.

Sadly the original angry video he's talking about is *dead....but maybe for the better.

I still would like a better answer about why Kurzgesagt, for years, left up a video he KNEW was misleading or just wrong and poorly researched than 'people said it helped them'....that's absolutely not an excuse to continue spreading misinformation, particularly when you pride yourself on being scientifically honest. He never even added a note to the video explaining that it was incorrect but somehow helpful, just left it up until he took it down after being called on it.

Science Moms

newtboy says...

This already has a *quality and *doublepromote, but that's just no where near enough. We need to applaud and support people like these as much as humanly possible.
These are the real super heroines of today, standing up to ignorance and misinformation knowing they will be blasted with backlash and attacks from zealous believers who actually know nothing but are dead certain of their (totally wrong and ignorant) beliefs and are willing to pretend to have fact and knowledge backing them up.

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