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I Accept Your Challenge

Sagemind says...

You do understand that employment rates are fake numbers for real employment right?

"In general, anyone who reports working for pay — even just an hour — during the previous week is considered employed.
Anyone who was laid off or actively looked for work (sending out résumés, responding to help-wanted ads) during the previous four weeks, regardless of any government benefits received, is considered unemployed. People who are not looking — this includes millions of students enrolled in college, plenty of parents who are happy to stay home with young children and millions more retirees — are not counted in the labor force."

So people who manage to work for one hour in a pay period because they're desperate with mouths to feed, and even works below minimum wage, they're counted as employed. This includes all part-time workers who can't afford to even pay rent. Even if these people are actively looking for full time employment but can't get it because it doesn't exist.

These numbers don't tell us anything about what's really going on.

So if 100,000 people loose their jobs and they all are able to replace their 40/hours wk. living wage with 12 hours a week working at McDonalds, then they are not counted as lost jobs.

Anyone who has lost their job, and has had to go back for retraining of any kind, often putting themselves years in debt, are also not considered unemployed.

This is called lying with statistics. Learn some economics.

Bill Maher - Sen. Bernie Sanders

RFlagg says...

How do they take our money? Half the people who work for Walmart qualify for food stamps, even though they make so much money they could easily pay living wages, give benefits and still make a profit. This happens at big companies all across the country. That's how they take our money. But you, as a Christian, don't give a crap about those employees, they just better get another job and work 80 hours a week, so they don't have to get food stamps, just so the rich people running these companies and the shareholders can continue to reap in the huge amounts of money. Who cares Jesus commanded you to help the poor, and that the rich were going to hell, in modern Christian culture it is the rich who are blessed, and the poor who need to be vilified.

I'd wager most of us are working, probably 40 hours or more. Used to be that one person in the family working 40 hours a week was enough. Now that isn't enough in most cases. That money moved to the top. We have one of the largest and fastest growing wealth and income gaps in the world, and in history. Real world income isn't staying with inflation, but that 1% that modern Christians love so much, is staying so far ahead of the curve.

And as to, "they like making $8 an hour" bull fucking shit. While I'm making well more than that, I know that isn't true. They got the best job they can get. It's not that people aren't applying for the jobs that are out there, the employers aren't hiring the people applying. Perhaps that person making $8 an hour doesn't have a college degree, and can't afford to go to college. I have a worthless bachelor's degree in "programming and applications" which basically means I know how to use Word, which I knew before I had it (I could have taught even the programming classes for all the further we got into the programming). That degree cost me near $25k, and who knows how much it'll cost by the time I'm done paying it off with all the interest on it. Back on point, those people can apply to a ton of jobs, but unless they are qualified they won't get it, and even among those they do qualify for, there are a ton of applicants for each job out there. Nobody is working Walmart, McDonald's, Lowes or whatever because it's their dream job. It's the job they can get.

Why should you make a living off 40 hours a week, but they should have to work 80? Why the double standard? Why say let the rich owners and shareholders take that income that used to go to the workers and just say f the employees, so long as I make a living at 40, those people better just work longer. This is why I HATE Christianity because every person who thinks that is a Christian. Every person who thinks that LGBTQIA+ people shouldn't have equal rights under the law is a Christian. Every person who was shouting "let him die" at the Republican debate in '08 in regards to a guy without insurance, was a pro-life Christian. Every person who cheered at the idea of carpet bombing at the 16' debates were pro-life Christians. It's why, in the unlikely event it is real, I'd rather burn in hell than be around those people for all eternity. I've never met a good right-wing Christian. Never. They are all evil vile people who are full of greed and have zero of the love of Christ. Their witness is a shining example of how evil and vile Christianity is.

I'm surprised that fat tub of lard Trump, who dictated his son's letter, who dictated his Doctor's letter, can swing a golf club as often as he does... a guy who bitched and moaned about how often Obama golfed, and who's own golfing and vacation time has far outdone Obama's golfing and vacation time.

We got a President, flagrantly breaking the emoluments clause, and nobody seems to give a rats ass (save a few on the further end of the left, certainly the mainstream media, which Fox and the right accuse of being far left, doesn't care, nor do even moderate Democrats).

I know you don't believe he, or Fox and the like are the ones doing the lies and deceit... and nobody will ever convince you otherwise. I know, because I too once was a far-right Christian, who only trusted Fox, and thought the science of climate change was a joke, as was evolution and the big bang (though I was an old earth creationist, I could never get into the 6,000-10,000-year-old argument)... then I learned to actually vet my news and information. I have no doubt that most of my anger at the right is the fact I was so easily deceived for over 30, nearly 40 years of my life. Hopefully, in the highly unlikely event that others on the right learn that they are the ones who've been lied to, that they are the ones more guilty of spreading falsehoods, deceit, greed, and setting a horribly bad witness for their faith that does far more harm than good, they don't get as angry as I did and leave the faith all together and then hate all of what they once were a part of.

bobknight33 said:

Our Money? How does the 1% take our money?

Bill Gates getting 1$ per copy of windows.
Jeff Bezo getting 3 cents from every product.

This is the 1% and and you consider that this is ripping off the 99%?

No one is stealing YOUR money ( except Government). GET off you ASS and make more. No one is stopping you.

Those making 8$/hr like making 8$/hr otherwise they will find a better paying job. AT 3.9% unemployment rate this should not be hard to do. You can thank MR. Trump for that.

C-note (Member Profile)

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Seth Meyers Opens 2018 Golden Globes

Asmo says...

Roughly the equivalent of awarding McDonald's 3 Michelin stars.

newtboy said:

To be honest, except for a few of her movie rolls, I've never been a fan, and I totally agree about Dr Oz etc., but between the shows, channel, production company, magazine, and movie rolls her contributions to entertainment are pretty outstanding in their ubiquity if not quality.

Yacht Rock: What A Fool Believes

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Michael McDonald, Doobie Brothers, 80s, Cheesetastic' to 'Michael McDonald, Doobie Brothers, 80s, Cheesetastic, JD Ryznar, Yacht Rock' - edited by lurgee

Stephen Bites Into The Juicy New Trump Book

nanrod says...

If Trump eats so much McDonalds food, do they send for take out, does he have an official taster, or have they installed a McD's in the White House?

Vox: Why the rise of the robots won’t mean the end of work

RFlagg says...

Pretty much everything @ChaosEngine said, and as pointed out in the Humans Need Not Apply video. There are far more factors going into this than the economists are willing to look at.

Shelf checkouts might result in slightly higher theft rates, and each person might be at the register than they would be with a properly trained cashier, but you now have one minimum wage employee watching 6 or 12 registers, rather than 6 or 12 people... that is a huge savings. That's 5 to 11 jobs lost, and at the low end, where people can least afford to lose job opportunities. It's just a matter of time until McDonald's, Wendy's and the like all add app-based ordering, or ordering at a kiosk, and that saves a couple employees there (Chick-fil-a already has that in their app, order, notify when you are there, they process the order)... and it wouldn't be too difficult to automate the McDonald's cooking line either... the burgers aren't flipped, the grill cooks both sides at the same time, drop them in place, grill down, cook, up, then put them in the stream tray, easy for a cheap bot to do. Portion control would be far easier with a bot too... there are huge incentives for them to move to automate...

The only real incentive not to automate as fully as everyone can is the fact it would cause a huge disruption to the economy if a Universal Basic Income isn't in place. I'd expect the biggest push for a UBI to eventually come from the various industries that want to automate, who'd gladly pay an automation tax to help pay the UBI in order to greatly increase their bottom lines, because we are very close to where a UBI, even based on an automation tax, is still cheaper than employing people.

King Tut - SNL

StukaFox says...

Listen -- do you know how much high-grade Peruvian flake we were hoovering back in the late 70's? Steve Martin was the perfect comedian for coke-sniffers: wild and energetic, creative on script and off the cuff. We liked our comedians Wild and Crazy and our afternoon bumps in little McDonald's coffee-stirrer spoons.

Those were the days, my friend, those were the days.


ChaosEngine said:

Eh, this is just not that funny. It's mildly amusing at best, and in that sense, it is classic SNL.

Gee jay On Woju gospel remix

Gee jay Woju gospel

Gee jay Woju gospel

Burger Flippers Beware! Robots Are Here To Take Your Jobs!

RFlagg says...

Not sure why you need a bot to flip the burger. McDonald's uses a double sided grill that comes down on top of the burgers and cooks the top at the same time. You just need a way of moving the burgers from the storage, to the grill and from the grill to the holding trays, and insure the holding trays are emptied when the food expires (compared to the usual, just rotate and hope they sell before they technically expired)... based on my time in McDonald's you could also automate the fries, as the machine already dispenses the pre-measured amount into the basket, from there it would be easy enough to move that basket right into the fryer and then out and into the tray and salt them as needed.

Burger Flippers Beware! Robots Are Here To Take Your Jobs!

Briguy1960 says...

I don't think the average flipper is asking for 15 either just a chance to earn a buck but take their jobs away just the same.
I made $2.15 at McDonalds which was minimum wage back in the day.

What a krok

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Donald and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad ...

Mordhaus says...

I'm not sure if I am saying it clearly, so let me attempt to break it down. When I say that a country benefits, I mean the businesses of that country benefit. The economy overall does not.

I don't really care about right wing vs left wing, other than that the left currently doesn't really seem to care about illegal immigration. I don't know why, perhaps they see a large number of possible voters if they can simply legalize everyone. But that is speculation on my part.

As far as Mcdonalds, or other fast food locations, I don't really have an issue if they need to charge a few cents more so that they can pay a living wage. I do care if they hire illegals to keep their prices low.

While it isn't the illegal immigrants fault, they are breaking the law and should be returned to their home countries until such time as either the immigration laws change, or until they apply properly according to the law. Businesses should be held accountable as well. It isn't an either/or equation, you shouldn't get to ignore the law so you can benefit, no matter who you are.

Drachen_Jager said:

Honestly @Mordhaus, you can't even make up your own mind.

You start off saying "Almost every single country benefits from 'illegal' immigrants" Then you go on to list a bunch of reasons why they hurt the labor market.

True, immigrants drive wages down, especially illegal immigrants. That's part of the point, Right-wing politicians have protected businesses from the fallout, now they want to turn around and pretend to be the "good guys" protecting American jobs.

Americans complain when their McDonalds costs too much and complain when they can't get decent pay for working at McDonalds. Which do you want?

Still, none of that is the immigrants fault. It's the government and the businesses. Punish them.

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