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poolcleaner (Member Profile)

I can't imagine a President being named Obama!

Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays to ALL. (Happy Talk Post)

ChaosEngine says...

Happy New Year, people living in the past!!

2015 is amazing, you won't believe it... the clock ticked over and I got a hover board from some crazy dude in a flying delorean!!

28 Reasons To Hug A Black Guy Today - SNL

newtboy says...

I can never fathom why descendants of slaves aren't also incredibly pissed off at Africans. It was mostly Africans that captured, then sold them into slavery. Why do the one's that captured and sold them get a free pass, but the one's that bought them (and their descendants) are unforgiveable asshats for eternity? I just don't understand (and I'm not being silly or joking, I really don't get it).
I also have to agree, living in the past means you can't move on to the future. I feel it would be beneficial to forgive the dead their crimes, but not forget. I don't feel like this has happened to a large degree. When you hold onto anger, it usually only hurts yourself, the one's you're angry with usually don't know and often wouldn't care if they knew.
This is a different discussion from entrenched racism, which seems to be on the decline but is not yet absent. Sadly, it does seem that racism is on the rise and considered acceptable in much of the black community, and often excused with the ridiculous sentiment 'black people CAN'T be racist' which I like to counter with 'why not, they have a race don't they?'. (similar to the reply to 'you can't hit a girl in the face') :-}

Can't go to a very old comment? (Geek Talk Post)

ant jokingly says...

>> ^rottenseed:

I'll give you calculator watches, and I'll add music to that list, but that's it! Oh, and cocaine...>> ^ant:
>> ^rottenseed:
Why are you living in the past?

Becuase the past is rad(ical) like 1980s/80s, video casette recorders (VCRs), cathode ray tube (CRT) televisions (TVs), analog stuff, calculator watches, etc.

Oooh, I hope those are Casio Data Bank watches!

Can't go to a very old comment? (Geek Talk Post)

rottenseed says...

I'll give you calculator watches, and I'll add music to that list, but that's it! Oh, and cocaine...>> ^ant:

>> ^rottenseed:
Why are you living in the past?

Becuase the past is rad(ical) like 1980s/80s, video casette recorders (VCRs), cathode ray tube (CRT) televisions (TVs), analog stuff, calculator watches, etc.

Can't go to a very old comment? (Geek Talk Post)

Can't go to a very old comment? (Geek Talk Post)

levels of consciousness-spiral dynamics & bi-polar disorder

Jinx says...

My thoughts:

I've struggled with depression for much of my life, I think I'll probably be struggling with it for most of the rest of it but a few things have made the struggle somewhat easier, mostly this notion of living in the now. Be aware of where your minds eye is wandering, attempt to always bring it back to your present moment. When you live in the past or future you're not really living at all, life just sort of blurs past in front of you as you contemplate your failings or worry about your future. Generally this idea of mindfulness, which has origins in Buddhism, helps me a lot.

Related to that is also learning to detach yourself from your emotions, simply identify them and just understand that they are transitory. I actually picked that up from the SciFi masterpiece, Dune. I read it at a very stressful point in my life and the litany against fear really stuck with me. I really believe fear, above any other emotion, is the most destructive to our ability to think critically and hence live a meaningful existence. Despite being from a fictional religion I think those words contain more truth, at least for me, than anything else I've ever stumbled upon. This idea was reinforced, strangely, by Day[9] of SC2 fame when he replied to a question about how he is so happy.

So our personal philosophies are patchworks of ideas cut from the strangest sources. I'm not a buddhist or a Bene Gesserit, but none the less there are grains of truth in each, as I believe there is some truth in what this video describes. So while I'm not dismissing mainstream medicine when it comes to treating mental illness, but I also think our conscious thoughts are as much a sympton as a cause. When I am in control of my thoughts and emotions I am a happier more productive person, and for that I have to thank not my Dr, but Frank Herbert, Buddhism and Sean Plott (among others).

Anyway, there is a small glimpse into my brain mr anonymous internet stranger.

pfff I watched this video before they even made it

Zakaria PWNS Iranian Regime Mouthpiece

griefer_queafer says...

Interesting. And I DID look at Ledpups links. I am aware of the iran-contra debacle, but need some sprucing up on my info. So thanks to both of you.

You are correct that it is not a big leap to assume that those chems were used as weapons. America has made some pretty egregious errors in the past with regards to foreign policy. But isn't there a way in which the figures like Ahmed. are living in the past? Especially with the new rhetoric coming out of the Obama white house? And its funny that Iran is STILL making this about us while the white house is being careful and distant, and not about themselves and the iranians who are dying in the streets!

2 out of 3 Americans Want Bush Investigated

dystopianfuturetoday says...

^Until the day comes when quantum decides to do his own thinking, rather than regurgitate talking points, feel free to give him the respect he has earned, which is roughly none. He is a poor spokesman for conservatism: unthinking and unable to respond to follow up questions when pressed.

He is obviously unaware that Blogovich was arrested and removed from office, while Bush roams free, living off the past, present and future tax dollars funneled to his cronies through bailouts, tax cuts and no-bid contracts. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of innocents that lie dead in the ground as a result of his military adventures.

Jean-Marie Le Pen addresses the European Union

Ornthoron says...

>> ^Pprt:
Everyone is booing because he's ruffling feathers by holding an unpopular opinion towards immigration.

No, they're not. They are booing because he holds despicable opinions, and that is why they are unpopular. Sometimes opinions are unpopular for a reason, and the "ruffling of feathers" you speak so fondly of is nothing more than sensationalism.

But the reaction from the delegates here is not the correct one. Instead of laughing at him, which only makes them seem uppity, they should ignore him and get on with some real policy making instead of the innuendo that has gripped the EU the last couple of years. This right-wing bordering on fascism conspiracy theorist lives in the past, and doesn't deserve more attention.

And this video has nothing to with islam, other than the fact that some of the immigrants might be muslim. Read the channel description. It doesn't belong in humanitarian either, as Le Pen's plans does nothing to alleviate suffering, only to create a protectionist xenophobic Europe.

*nochannel *worldaffairs *politics *news

This Is Not The Greatest Post In The World, No... (Mystery Talk Post)

rasch187 says...

1) Season - Summer. noooo doubt.
2) Place in the world - the deep forrest or in the mountains
3) Children's book - Lord of the rings (read it when I was 9, so that counts)
4) TV Series - nothing right now
5) Word - schadenfreude, it just sounds so fun, yet perverted
6) Film - too many to choose...but I'll say either Taxi Driver or Good, Bad & Ugly
7) Curse - the curse of the receding hairline (as it affects everyone but me)
Creature - Jeff Koons' puppy
9) Past time - looking in the mirror with my pal Narcissus
10)Person - Bob Dylan...big surprise, I know.

11) Dog or cat - they're both good
12) Sweet or savoury - savoury
13) Cereal or Toast - cereal
14) Tan or pale - hmmmmmmmmmm....gonna have to go with pale - you brits are OK by me
15) Shoes or barefoot - slippers
16) Desktop or laptop - laptop
17) Drive or walk - ghost-riding
18) Drama or comedy - there's a time for everything
19) Sex or food - ever heard of multitasking?
20) Futurama or Simpsons - both very good...nowadays it's futurama

21) Your fave personal submission - Joe Strummer - Redemption Song
22) A great comment on one of your vids - I don't comment on my own vids
23) Most off the wall member - too many...or too few?.
24) Favourite user name - dystopianfuturetoday
25) Your most used channel - comedy
26) Personal dumbass moment - what, today?
27) Best avatar - Mine, but blankfist made it. Whatta guy!
28) Partner in crime - siftbot
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem - I like to keep my realities separate
30) Idea for the site - no more election vids.

31) Where do you live - norway, it's cold here
32) Smoker/non-smoker - non
33) Left or right handed - right, I'm not a freak or anything!
34) Hair colour - blond
35) Relationship status - free as a bird
36) How tall - 189 cm, not sure what in feet/inches
37) Children - only my inner child
38) Ever had an operation - numerous
39) Best feature - I've been told I have beautiful eyes (by blankfist)
40) Use four words to describe yourself - don't. feel. like. it.

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead - Maybe not so famous, but (Emperor) Joshua Norton would be great. (and Joe Strummer of course)
42) Give 50 grand to any charity - diabetes, I guess
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon - myself, I've always wanted my own planet (yes, I know it's not a planet, but it'll do!)
44) Relive a moment in your life - I don't live in the past
45) Have a superpower - being able to juggle
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know - who killed jfk
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - nah, I like women
48) Be president for one hour - what for?
49) Delete a period in history - the 80s
50) Achieve one thing - to die in my footsteps

The Difference Between Barack Obama and Ron Paul

blankfist says...

"to me, [freedom] means I don't have to spend hours researching farmers and grocers to be sure they're not using toxic pesticides"

Haha. That's your definition of freedom? I doubt that is widely accepted.

" The same way I have police out there to make sure my house isn't eternally being broken into."

Where do you live? I'm going to move there, because everywhere I've lived in the past I never had a police sentry outside my house ensuring my house isn't burglarized. That's amazing. LOL.

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