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JAPR (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

That sucks. I'm guessing it's cut-backs though. I think they have to maintain a minimum number of students. Maybe that quota wasn't filled? Oh well, back to "not giving a fuck" you go!
In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Haha good to hear. My school just canceled the only class I was enrolled in that I had any actual interest in taking, so this semester is going to be full of not giving a fuck. It probably would have been to some extent anyway, since it's my last one, but they kind of made sure of that with this silly move lol. I hope the prof is okay and they're not canceling it because of an issue he's having; he's my thesis adviser and favorite prof lol.
In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
Thanks. You know, the usual douchebaggery. Just started class back up yesterday. My math professor is a hot piece of ass (and this time it's a female).

What about you, Chinese dragon man?

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
digging your custom url, bro. how's life?

rottenseed (Member Profile)

JAPR says...

Haha good to hear. My school just canceled the only class I was enrolled in that I had any actual interest in taking, so this semester is going to be full of not giving a fuck. It probably would have been to some extent anyway, since it's my last one, but they kind of made sure of that with this silly move lol. I hope the prof is okay and they're not canceling it because of an issue he's having; he's my thesis adviser and favorite prof lol.
In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
Thanks. You know, the usual douchebaggery. Just started class back up yesterday. My math professor is a hot piece of ass (and this time it's a female).

What about you, Chinese dragon man?

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
digging your custom url, bro. how's life?

JAPR (Member Profile)

Half Life 2: Every single Breencast

Ricky Gervais joke: The Missing Girl

The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim

JAPR (Member Profile)

20th Century Boy- T Rex

Longest telemarketer call ever = Greatest prank ever

Arkaium says...

>> ^JAPR:
>> ^Arkaium:
While I laugh, and while we're all in the right to feel a bit of a consumer victory against telemarketers in general thanks to a video like this, I can't help but feel bad for the girl (assuming this is real).

Why would you feel bad for her at all? From the way he's acting, the only impression one can assume she has is that she believes he has some sort of issue with his mental capacity, and DESPITE that, she is STILL trying to sell the paper to him. This is clearly the sort of bitch that would attempt to sell her shitty product to an older person with Alzheimer's who doesn't even want it. Fuck her.

Because she's a human being. And while there may have been other options for her, there probably weren't a ton, with the state of the world economy atm. If he'd said no thank you, the call would have been over. Your suggestion that she's supposed to diagnose the guy on the other end of the phone and ascertain the nature of his mental illness is a bit unfair.

I don't like telemarketers. I think it's a loathesome profession. But it sounds like she's just trying to do her job, and she is pretty darn patient and courteous throughout.

Longest telemarketer call ever = Greatest prank ever

curiousity says...

>> ^JAPR:

>> ^Arkaium:
While I laugh, and while we're all in the right to feel a bit of a consumer victory against telemarketers in general thanks to a video like this, I can't help but feel bad for the girl (assuming this is real).

Why would you feel bad for her at all? From the way he's acting, the only impression one can assume she has is that she believes he has some sort of issue with his mental capacity, and DESPITE that, she is STILL trying to sell the paper to him. This is clearly the sort of bitch that would attempt to sell her shitty product to an older person with Alzheimer's who doesn't even want it. Fuck her.

Or perhaps another way to look at it:
Isn't sad that this person is in a desperate position that she is forced to take a job cold-calling people trying to sell a paper? Of course listening to how young she sounds, this sounds more like that first job that you have to take to put something down on your resume.

Of course, I tend to fail empathetic so my view might be skewed.

blankfist (Member Profile)

JAPR says...

My guitarist is a Libertarian, and while I have yet to check it out as much as I should have, it's always seemed really reasonable and sensible to me, and most of the smart people I know tend towards it lately, lol. Just sad that we can't rely on our government to protect us from capitalism. I think capitalism is a good thing, but that doesn't mean it should just run around unchecked when it fucks over the people at the bottom who are doing the actual work to make bastards rich.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
Yeah, I went from a moderate leaning Democrat to a full-blown Libertarian in a matter of five years.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
The times we live in have made me sad and cynical at a young age. Huzzah, America.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
Awesome speech. He's right on 100% of what he's saying. 100%.

JAPR (Member Profile)

California Voter Intimidation - The Federal Government

Cute girl rocks out on an electric guitar (wait for it)

JAPR says...

Bah. You can find plenty of guitars that have great action, a bajillion frets, and a similar level of comfort for playing that don't look like absolute shit. At least, imho. To each his/her own, lol.

>> ^lwi:

>> ^JAPR:
What's up with the tendency of highly skilled guitarists gravitating towards disgustingly ugly guitars? You almost never see anybody with real chops playing on something good-looking like a Rickenbacker or something classy.

the reason is simple: you need the right tool for the job. A big bulky Rickenbaker is not as playable as all those sleek and highly functional guitars you call ugly. Playing the things she does on a guitar that's not suited for that is just not very pleasant.

Cute girl rocks out on an electric guitar (wait for it)

lwi says...

>> ^JAPR:

What's up with the tendency of highly skilled guitarists gravitating towards disgustingly ugly guitars? You almost never see anybody with real chops playing on something good-looking like a Rickenbacker or something classy.

the reason is simple: you need the right tool for the job. A big bulky Rickenbaker is not as playable as all those sleek and highly functional guitars you call ugly. Playing the things she does on a guitar that's not suited for that is just not very pleasant.

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