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How to start a fire using nothing but IKEA merchandise

Making Fire using only Ikea Products

Making Fire using only Ikea Products

Making Fire using only Ikea Products

How to start a fire using nothing but IKEA merchandise

How to start a fire using nothing but IKEA merchandise

How to start a fire using nothing but IKEA merchandise

Anti-Anti-Gay Protesters Targeting Target

poolcleaner says...

Upvote for the clever song and the pronunciation of Target, but not really for the cause. I'll more than likely shop there and maybe even Walmart if it's 4 AM and I really need a bathrobe or a desk lamp or a gallon of milk or something. God, I really wish there were 24 hour Ikeas...

Amazing Italian Designed Space Saving Furniture

Transforming a piece of stone into a Polar Bear

westy says...

baah I bet you could achieve something like this if you spent a good month trying it out.

maby using 3d modaling package, I think most people can achive these sorts of skillz its like singing I think given some time almost anyone can sing a song in tune.

I mean fair enoughf coming up with an abstract concept of a 3d object and then aplying that to another object untill you have achived the object you have in mind is a very hard thing to do , but its really hard to say when sum one has truly achieved what they actually had in there mind.

but yah the basic form of this polor bare could be broken down into maby 30 or so steps that any mupit culd follow , then just repeat aload of times till you can do it well , then make some changes and you have your own bare.

In the end If people can put together Ikea fernature anything is possible.

>> ^Stormsinger:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since July 25th, 2006" class="profilelink">westy, You call it mediocre, I call it light-years better than anything -I- could do... ::sigh::
Like Throbbin, I was born with no trace of artistic ability. So I watch any artist, of vitually any degree of talent, with a feeling of bewilderment and awe. Much like I felt as a kid watching David Copperfield and Doug Hennings perform their magic...I have no idea how it's done, and at times, I'd give my left nut to be able to do the same.

Living in small spaces with a "transformer" style apartment

mxxcon says...

wow, that's some awesome imagineering.
Manhattan also needs apartments like this.
It's be awesome if he got hired by Ikea and they created the whole line of wall-modules to build one for yourself.

Clean up your apartment or someone else might get it

Probably the most moving, beautiful PSA I've ever seen

Clean up your apartment or someone else might get it

Clean up your apartment or someone else might get it

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