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legacy0100 and JTZ make the worst music video ever made?

JTZ says...

The cat is out of the bag! Blankfist can't tell emo-screamo turds from asians!
How coked up or dumb do you have to be to willingly to be in this video and have them screaming in your ear? I'd say at least 3 8-balls
Cocaine is hella've a drug!

Gorgar and Firepower - pinball awesomeness

ponceleon says...

Awww man... takes me back to college. We had this machine called Earthshaker in our dorm. Hella fun and when you would get multi-ball, the wholemachine would vibrate. Anyway, long story short, our friend Frank had a habit of smashing his head against the glass whenever he lost a ball. One night, his head went through the glass... they didn't let us have a replacement pinball machine for like a semester.

Tina Fey on Letterman - re. Palin Skits

NordlichReiter (Member Profile)

Japanese game shows are so much better than ours

VideoSift 3.3 Roundtable (Sift Talk Post)

MrFisk says...

And better emblems. Silver, and gold stars look much cooler than gold 100 and diamond 250. The numbers are hella lame. A sword or feather or some shit across the the star/daimond? Not real shit, unless for bronze or probation, but good, cool shit. You know what I'm saying?

John McCain and Sarah Palin talk Pakistan in CBS Interview

bamdrew says...

McCain keeps saying 'you never tell Pakistan you're gonna sneak into their county, kill some people, then gtfo (you just do it and say you're sorry about the civilian dead afterward)'...

How could this be an acceptable answer? ... because the Bush folks just did this, and Pakistan was hella pissed!

What part do you play in the VS community? (Mystery Talk Post)

WKUK - Gallon of PCP

How Much Does McCain Know About his VP??

Sexy olympians (Sports Talk Post)

Sexy olympians (Sports Talk Post)

Zero Punctuation Review: Alone in the Dark

shuac says...

>> ^budzos:
They could possibly fix the control issues, and add camera control, with a patch. That would make it about twice as good a game, which would be pretty decent.
I really dig the inventory implementation. It's logical. Why should a character who might otherwise be normal have the ability to freeze time so he can dick around in his inventory? Realtime forces you to prepare and be strategic, which is usually what the developers are going for if they give you an inventory in the first place. It also enhances immersion.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. has realtime inventory and it's hella fun.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is the most satisfying single-player gaming experience I've ever had on the PC. I'm very much looking forward to Clear Sky.

Zero Punctuation Review: Alone in the Dark

budzos says...

They could possibly fix the control issues, and add camera control, with a patch. That would make it about twice as good a game, which would be pretty decent.

I really dig the inventory implementation. It's logical. Why should a character who might otherwise be normal have the ability to freeze time so he can dick around in his inventory? Realtime forces you to prepare and be strategic, which is usually what the developers are going for if they give you an inventory in the first place. It also enhances immersion.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. has realtime inventory and it's hella fun.

Redman Shows MTV His Fly Crib

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