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BP Rent a Cop Halts Media Coverage

Porksandwich says...

I understand the need to keep people from the work areas and allowing the work to continue unhindered. I even understand preventing the guy from approaching the rest area to some degree. But there are ways to deal with it that don't involve what is being shown in this video. They could simply barricade the area, post signs to keep the unauthorized out, and have their guards escort anyone off who enters the area without authorization.

But that is implying that they have the right to do that, which a lot of these areas are public locations. If they had the power it would be announced on the news and radio, and posted to keep away from these areas until announced otherwise. And that would be the best way to deal with the problem of camera men and the public at large, and made it a crime at the same time giving more deterrent. Except that I don't think they want to keep all the public from within speaking range of the workers, they just want to keep the people with cameras away. If it were truly dangerous to the public at large, it would be done by now. And we all know the public at large can't keep from driving through construction sites without barricades, avoiding uncovered man hole covers without barricades, and dealing with much of anything out of the normal where they can stick their nose to find out what's going on (don't those rubberneckers just piss you off? Especially when they drift all over the place.)

And this isn't just actual work sites they are preventing people from going to and filming. There are plenty of videos of the COAST GUARD stopping people from filming and exploring the coast line from sea because BP said so with no other reason than that. No booms were in place, there was absolutely nothing but oil coated coastline and dead/dying birds, sea life, etc.

And Im rather curious that there isn't a lot of personal footage being shot from people's own land of the mess and sent to these news networks to be aired, but I suspect that is being discouraged in another unknown manner as of yet.

As a sidenote: BP has been putting out low ball estimated reports for the leak, that webcam is underwater with no real frame of reference for the public. Without scale, that thing could be a pin prick in a garden hose or the size of that sink hole in Chile. They've since repositioned the camera a little to give better footage, but scale is still pretty hard to judge if you don't know how big the items being shown are. It's kinda like the realtors who like to shoot everything with that fish eye lens that warps everything out of shape to make it appear bigger...wasting your time looking at that shit since it could have been taken in a barbie house for all you know.

Coast Guard with BP guys stop reporters trying to check out oil covered location..they say it's not their rules by BP's rules "under threat of arrest".

Hadn't seen this one myself's even more apparent that they are blocking media exclusively...even from flying over:

Common sense and critical thinking tell me that they don't want the public at large getting pissed off and pressuring Congress to actually punish the company. The longer they can keep the illusion alive that the problem isn't horrifically bad, the more time they have to let the oil sink under the surface of the water and clean up those it won't look as bad as it truly is. Oh and the illusion helps keep their stock prices up, if the clean up outlook is grim...their stock prices will tank. Can't have that happening. If they can keep the stock up, and Congress off their back...they'll only be out up to 75 mil in damages when the lawsuits start coming in...pretty nifty deal with the government contracts already having paid them 800+ million this year.

And upon watching it again, the supervisor gave the media permission to approach the rest areas (after the guards denied it, didn't ask the supervisor at any point as well) to see if the workers would speak to them. The security guards told them not to and continued to do so until they spoke for themselves. At which point the reporter thanked them for cleaning up the beaches and left. And as for the "deadness" of the shots, they didn't shoot much beyond the guards blocking access and their attempt to ask workers to speak to them. We don't know how many people the guards have chased off with or without the authority to do so under the law.

>> ^BrknPhoenix:

Please do re-read your hippie comments and reflect for a bit. These things are why you are throwing fire on an Internet website and not making actual decisions.
Let's think about it a minute. If BP/the gov't gives carte blanche for all reporters, what's going to happen? The next day they're going to have thousands of reporters standing in the way of the actual work being done. All of the workers will be talking to reporters instead of working. They will create a disruption.
I'm not defending BP for the oil spill at all, but having a little fucking common sense, people. The media does have access. There's a web cam on the spill itself for Christs' sake. That does NOT mean any random person can just walk right up to it and get in the way. It's no difference than me going to the White House, and after being denied access, claiming that because of that, they have something to hide.
Also, take a look at that shot. It's dead. There's not a ton of reporters there. Everyone knows the rules. These douchebags know the rules too. They're deliberately trying to stir shit up by asking questions to "Rent-a-cops" about what the CEO of the company says, and making unreasonable demands about going onto a work-site.
Do keep this in mind one day when you finally go over the edge, and after mowing down half a school's worth of kids in your Prius after a hella cocaine bender, the media can't follow you right into your place of work because you too enjoy protections like the workers of BP! Isn't America wonderful.
The steps go like this. Step 1) Think critically. Step 2) Lynch. Not the other way around.

BP Rent a Cop Halts Media Coverage

BrknPhoenix says...

Please do re-read your hippie comments and reflect for a bit. These things are why you are throwing fire on an Internet website and not making actual decisions.

Let's think about it a minute. If BP/the gov't gives carte blanche for all reporters, what's going to happen? The next day they're going to have thousands of reporters standing in the way of the actual work being done. All of the workers will be talking to reporters instead of working. They will create a disruption.

I'm not defending BP for the oil spill at all, but having a little fucking common sense, people. The media does have access. There's a web cam on the spill itself for Christs' sake. That does NOT mean any random person can just walk right up to it and get in the way. It's no difference than me going to the White House, and after being denied access, claiming that because of that, they have something to hide.

Also, take a look at that shot. It's dead. There's not a ton of reporters there. Everyone knows the rules. These douchebags know the rules too. They're deliberately trying to stir shit up by asking questions to "Rent-a-cops" about what the CEO of the company says, and making unreasonable demands about going onto a work-site.

Do keep this in mind one day when you finally go over the edge, and after mowing down half a school's worth of kids in your Prius after a hella cocaine bender, the media can't follow you right into your place of work because you too enjoy protections like the workers of BP! Isn't America wonderful.

The steps go like this. Step 1) Think critically. Step 2) Lynch. Not the other way around.

Eyjafjallajökull (Volcano) - You're doing it wrong!

Lawmaker shares hot tub w/naked 13 yr old..gets ovation/hugs

MaxWilder says...

Forgive me if somebody has already made this point, but I couldn't wade through all the comments implying this man was sick for his attraction to an underage girl.

Let us speak for a moment about nature. In the wild, female mammals will often mate and bear children the very first season they are able to do so. The fact that they have grown old enough to bear children is good enough for nature. If an 8 year old male animal was to mate with a 2 year old female, we would not call that male sick, depraved, and in need of treatment. We consider it natural, even though the male in this case is four times the female's age.

Human beings are animals. Granted, society has established extra terms of proper behavior that we have superimposed upon our animal nature, but the animal is there regardless. People tend to forget this. In regards to this discussion, it is perfectly natural for a male human to begin finding a female human attractive sexually when she begins to show secondary sexual characteristics. These include a widening of the hips, and enlargement of the breasts. The starts normally between age 8 and 13, usually around 10.

We can assume that this young woman had for five years been developing the traits that are specifically designed by evolution to arouse males' sexual interest.

Historically speaking, most of human history has seen young women married and starting families by their mid teens, the exact same age as the woman in this story. It is only for the past few decades that anybody has started seeing this practice as unconscionable or depraved. Remember the 1957 "scandal" when Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13 year old third cousin. That was a scandal in the cities, but still fairly common in the country where the two were raised. If that had happened a few decades earlier, it wouldn't even have been a scandal in the cities.

Now our standards are different. For better or worse, we have decided that girls should have a few more years to mature before getting married. Of course everybody knows they are still having sex for the first time around 14-16 on average; but now they are not married, they are experimenting. And it is only appropriate, for some reason, for them to experiment with other kids near their own age.

I would heartily agree that Representative Garn may have broken laws here, and may be prosecuted for that without objection. However, I object to anyone who would imply that he needs psychological treatment, or that we can assume he has had other encounters with underage women. I would submit that any healthy male would be attracted to a pretty 15 year old girl, and that a little alcohol and some persuasion by the girl would easily get any man into this situation. And if you are going to use the word pedophile to describe a man who might be aroused by any female under the legal age of consent, then every heterosexual male on the planet is a pedophile.

But that is simply not the case. Pedophilia is defined as the persistent intense attraction to pre-pubescent children, or early pubescent children. And while we as a society have decided over the last hundred years or so to give women a few more years to mature before being "legal", nature takes a little longer to adapt.

Sorry for the length of this comment, but this is a pet peeve. Even though I would never touch a woman under 18 for a variety of legal and moral reasons, I find no purpose to denying the fact that some women under 18 are hella sexy. And dress and makeup styles are becoming more and more enticing at younger ages. It actually scares me a bit that one day I might theoretically be seduced by an underage girl and have my life ruined. A couple years ago I met a 16 year old girl who looked 22, and that was a shock. Men have been put on the sexual predator list for lesser offenses, and that pisses me off.


thinker247 says...

Is this the roast? It's more like a vegetarian barbecue, complete with soy hot dogs. Or as blankfist calls them, "edible sex toys." That's not mayo, folks.

Sigh. This is lamer than Michael J. Fox shaking hands with Muhammad Ali while Stephen Hawking does the fox trot.

Hello, is this thing on?

These roasts are becoming so tired, I feel like I'm watching a Ben Stein documentary during a gas leak. Someone light a match and end this suffering.

I guess I should say something about Kulpims, since it's his party, right? Sure.

Kulpims is a foreigner, and I distrust all foreigners. I also distrust Foreigner, because they sing "I Want to Know What Love Is." Which is a song about Ike Turner, I believe. I can't remember. I'm baked off my ass right now. What was I talking about? Oh yeah, fuck Foreigner. and Fuck foreigners. But not Kulpims, because he probably has AIDS or gonorrhea or scurvy, like a pirate. Speaking of pirates, have you seen that one movie where the guy is all like, AAARGH! That shit was hella awesome. But anyway, Kulpims is...uh...Eritrean, right? Or is he Scandinavian? I forget. He's one of those white dudes who rides his bicycle in circles and shoots documentaries about evolution. Or was that Bob Crane? Yeah, that's it. Kulpims is the guy who shoots bondage film and whacks off while hitting himself with a flagellation stick. What was I talking about? Oh yeah:

Fuck Foreigner.

Anybody got any French Onion Dip?

The World's Most Talented Man

toast says...

I always love it when people think that being good at many many things is a bad thing. The real quote is perhaps:

"Jack of all trades, master of none, though often better than a master of one"

It is hella amazing that he has had time to go to work and come back to spend his time on doing his hobbies - and doing them really really well and pushing the boundaries as I have not seen a lot of what he has attempted.

Oh but you say nothing that he does is of any use... well m'dears... what do you do that is of any use? Cooking? cleaning? I bet he could do everything that you could do (that was of any use) on top of all this jazz (or super epic urban/garage ninja moves as the music would suggest).

Granted with the music he might think a lot about himself but that's the great thing about the internet.. I never have to meet these people.

>> ^poolcleaner:
I've pursued a lot of what this man seemingly has mastered (and I still suck at most of them), but if you think about it, he hasn't excelled to the point of mastery in any of his chosen talents -- which are all awesome in an ordinary man way. This isn't me trashing his exceptional skills, but if you itemize his talents you can find videos of people who have singly mastered them beyond what he is capable of. Jack of all trades, master of none.
But it makes a really hilarious video. The over the top music combined with the seemingly profound skills he demonstrates is funny. Both the haters and the glorifiers fail to realize this, apparently.

Kids try to shoot down R/C plane with Fireworks

Memorare says...

Looks like hella fun. Seems like the pilot is maybe flying the plane into the fireworks rather than a shootdown but whatever, what better way to train a generation of domestic terrorists/freedom fighters for the coming conflagration.

The Passenger (a great award-winning animated short film)

Murder By Death - Boy Decide

Crunchgear review of Dyson Air Multiplier

Stormsinger says...

So -this- is what Dyson was spamming me about. They sent a link to some BS video clip of people going "what is that?" and "Cool!" All with not a word or view of the object itself. Apparently they plan to unveil it Oct 15th. Personally, I can't stand these "buzz" type ad campaigns.

Given the wondrousness of my Dyson vacuum, I'm willing to wager that they've got some really creative process here...they -are- masters of vortexes, after all. I'd also guess that it's going to be hella expensive.

The Coup - Fat Cats and Bigga Fish

MrFisk says...

It's almost ten o clock see i got a ball of lifted property
so i slid my beenie hat on sloppily
and promenade out to take up a collection
i got game like i read the directions
i 'm wishing that i had an automobile
as i feel the cold wind rush past
but let me state that i am a hustler for real
so you know i got the stolen bus pass
just as the bus pulls up and i step to the rear
this ole lady look like she drank a forty of fear
i see my ole school partner said his brother got popped
pay my respects
can you ring the bell we came to my stop
the street light reflects off the piss on the ground
which reflects off the hamburger sign as it turns round
which reflects off the chrome of the bmw
which reflects off the fact that i am broke
now what the fuck is new
i need loot i sweat the motherfucka
in the tweed suit
and i'm on his ass quicker than a kick from a grease boot
eased up slow and discreet
could tell he was suspicious by the way he slid his feet
didn't wanna fuck up the come on
so i smiled with my eyes said hey how it's hanging guy
bumped into his shoulders but he passed with no reaction
damn this motherfucka had a hella of andrew jacksons
i'm a thief or pickpocket give a fuck what you call it
used to call em fat cats.
i just call them wallets getting federal aint just a klepto
master card or visa i'd gladly accept those
sneaky motherfucka with a scam know how to pull it
got a mirror in my pocket but that wont stop no bullets
story just begun but you already know
aint no need to get down shit i'm already low

My footsteps echo in the darkness
my teeth clenched tight like a fist in the cold sharp mist
i look down and i hear my somach growling
step to burger king to attack it like a shaolin
i never pay for shit that i can get by doing dirt
link up to the girl cashier and start to flirt
all up in her face and her breath was like murder
damn the shit i do for a free hamburger
(girl )"well you got my number you gonna call me tonite"
it depends is them burgers attached to a price
"sorry sorry"
im just kidding i'ma call you write you love letters
"it's all good"
thanks for the burgers emm hook me up with a dr pepper.
(girl)thats cool you want some ice
yeah and some fries will be hella nice
(girl) damn my managers coming play it off okay have a nice day
im up outta here anyway
i use peoples before they use me
cos you could get got by an uzi over an oz
thats what an og told me
gots to find someplace warm and cozy to eat the vittles that i just got
came to an underground parking lot
this place is good as any fuck its all good
walked in found a car hopped itself up on a hood
ate my burger threw back my cola
somebody said hey it was a rented pig i thought it was a roller
"want me to call the cops?"
i dont want them to see me
looked down and saw that i was sitting on a lamboughini
it was rollses ferraris and jags by the dozen
a building door opened
damn it was my cousin
getting offa work dressed up no lie
tux cummerband and a blackbow tie
i was like hey
"who is it"
"oh whats up man i just quit this company
they hella racist and the pay was too low "
i said arite what was up in there though
"a party with rich motherfuckas i dont know the situation
i know they got cabbage owning corporations
ibm chryslers and shit is what they seeing"
just then a light bulb went off in my head
they be thinking all black folks is resembling
gimme your tux and i'll do some pocket swindling
fit the change in the bathroom and i freeze off my nuts
lets take a short break
while i get into this tux
grunt zipp
alright i'm ready

Fresh dressed like a million bucks
i be the flyiest muthafucka in an afro and a tux
my arm is at a right angle up silver tray in my hand
may i interest you in some caviar mam
my eyes shoots round the room there and here
noticing the diamonds in the chandelier
background barry manilow copacobana
and a strong ass scent of stoagies from havana
what no place where a brother might been
snobby ole ladies drinking champagne with rich white men
allrite then lets begin this
nights like this is good for business
five minutes in the mix noticed several diffrent cliques
talking giggling and shit
well one mother fucka gave me twits
and everbody else jacking it throttling
found out later you know coca cola bottling
talking to a black man who he's confused
we looking hella bourgie
ass all tight and seditty
recognzed him as the mayor of my city
who treats young black man like frank nitty
mr coke said to mr mayor "you know we got a process like ice t's hair
we put up the fund for your election campaign
and oh um waiter can you bring the champagne"
a real estate fronts as opportunities arousing
to make some condos out of low income housing
immediately we need some media heat
to say that gangs run the street and then we bring in the police fleet
harrasing me everbody till they look inebriated
when we bought the land motherfuckas will appreciate it
dont worry about the urban league or jesse jackson
my man that owns marlboros
donated a fat sum
thats when i step back some to contemplate what few know
sat down wrestle with my thoughts like a sumo
aint no one player that could beat this lunancy
aint no hustler on the street could do a whole community
this is how deep shit can get
it reads macaroni on my birth certificate
poontang is my middle name but i cant hang
i'm getting hustled
only knowing half the game
shit how the fuck do i get out of this place.

Paperboy in real life

Sixty Symbols: Find out how the Drinking Bird works.

Hot Romanian Girl Takes Kirk Cameron's Book Video Apart

Tonight Show - Conan learns to clean a swimming-pool

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