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Goat walking along an almost vertical cliff face

Raaagh says...

Dad used to run goats on his property so we would get a few motherless kids to rear: they are a fun animal, hella curious etc. If you ever go to a petting zoo or whatever push on their crown and they will inevitably start pushing back in a mock fight. Funny buggers.

Omegle (Geek Talk Post)

blankfist says...

Man, I could do this all day...

You: I hate Finland
Stranger: dude me to
You: Sweet!
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: totally
You: I have to throw that out at the beginning, just in case, you know, someone is from Finland...
Stranger: im deff not, from canada
You: We call that America's Attic... Oh snap
Stranger: haha thats some funny shit
You: But, I don't really hate Finland...
You: just Finnish people
Stranger: bahaha alright
You: Finnish people are racist
Stranger: mhhhm!
You: I'm from Instanbul, but was raised on American tv, so I speak like a homeboy
Stranger: hahahaha
Stranger: tight
You: hella
You: They call me Doug E. Labesh in my village
You: My MC name
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Eating worms never looked so good

Johnny Depp Tips Waiter $4,000

Krupo says...

>> ^entr0py:
>> ^burdturgler:

You don't compare the tip to your salary, you compare it to the check.

In judging how generous an act is, I do think you have to take the person's ability to pay into account. But let's try your approach:
The meal cost $4,000, as they said in the video it was a 100% tip. I've actually left a few 100% tips before, when I thought they service was particularly awesome. But they didn't land me on the news because they only amounted to $4-7 each time. We find this story so impressive only because we can't fathom exactly how wealthy the ultra wealthy are.
Don't get me wrong, I've always liked Johnny Depp, he's hella affable. But I also like arguing on the internets.

I guess this is trickle-down economics in action.

Johnny Depp Tips Waiter $4,000

entr0py says...

>> ^burdturgler:

You don't compare the tip to your salary, you compare it to the check.

In judging how generous an act is, I do think you have to take the person's ability to pay into account. But let's try your approach:

The meal cost $4,000, as they said in the video it was a 100% tip. I've actually left a few 100% tips before, when I thought they service was particularly awesome. But they didn't land me on the news because they only amounted to $4-7 each time. We find this story so impressive only because we can't fathom exactly how wealthy the ultra wealthy are.

Don't get me wrong, I've always liked Johnny Depp, he's hella affable. But I also like arguing on the internets.

Ponceleon Flies Ever Higher, Reaches 100 Gold Stars (Happy Talk Post)

ponceleon says...

On a sentimental note: I would like to thank all those folks who make these videos even better with all their great comments... Here's a bit of nostalgia that some may remember, but not remember that it was me.

So back when I was a lurker, I didn't quite get what videosift was all about. I read the instructions and thought I understood what was up. So the first video I submitted promptly got me banned! It was a video I took of a cow in switzerland and I said "hey buddy" to the cow. Yup... exciting stuff. Anyway, I got banned pretty fast and then went back and read the stuff on self-promoting. I guess I took the rule as being literal, as in I was promoting myself in some way. Anyway, understanding the rule better, I promptly removed the offending video, apologized, and someone (sorry can't remember who) gave me a second chance!

I must say I am eternally grateful to whoever that was, as the time I've spent with all you guys has been hella fun.

Love the sift

eric3579 (Member Profile)

alien_concept (Member Profile)

Zonbie (Member Profile)

Never Ending Sun - a week's timelapse in the Arctic Circle

300 - by Bioware

braindonut says...

I can't find this trailer on the game's website. Maybe it was a fan remix or something.

Besides, actually going to the website for the game has me hella excited. Looks like it's going to be exactly what I would expect out of a Bioware title.

"IF" Folding Bicycle

Unreal 3 Engine: New Features

braindonut says...

These are fantastic features. The content browser updates will help a ton and the gameplay analysis is freaking awesome.

Of course, engine updates are hella hawt also. But personally, I'm excited about the content browsing, cause the current UI blows.

Get to know Maru the Cat


StukaFox says...

I remember this one time I died and my friends drove me to the hospital and by drove I mean stopped doing meth long enough to put my body in the back of a Mazda 3 and pushed me out in the parking lot of the local Kaiser and the doctor said "Hey, um, this guy's like dead and stuff!" and then he realized I had Primera medical insurance and so he's all, "And his insurance sucks, too! Go be dead somewhere else!" Anyway, I got better, but I was charged $9,000 for declaration of death and my insurance was all, "dude, you were hella dead when you got there so we ain't paying!" That day I learned if you're an American with health insurance, you're pretty much fucked, live or dead.

True story, bro.

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