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RMR - The Government of Canada now "The Harper Government"

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Rick, Mercer, Report, Rant, Stephen, Harper, ego' to 'Rick Mercer Report, Rant, Stephen Harper, ego, rick mercer, alley, government, Canada' - edited by BoneRemake

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

Softball Team Wins Canadian Election

Ben Mulroney Not Endorsing

the build up to world war III and the new world order

Softball Team Wins Canadian Election

Canadian Women's Favourite Pick-up Line - Shit Harper Did

She just wants a Harper Government 3.0

Ryan Gosling Not Endorsing Shit Harper Did dot com

schlub says...

*sigh* Vote for someone else! Doesn't matter who. Just not Harper. Brilliant. That's currently the Liberals' strategy too. There's currently a minority government. If bad decisions are being made, I blame parliament. Not just one person or party. I also blame citizens for not being more involved in politics. If you have a fucking problem with what's happening in parliament, speak to your MP (you know... the guy you actually voted for in the last election).

Canada's evil Prime Minister sings "Imagine" for photo-op

notarobot says...

I'm sorry? Which "decade of darkness" are you talking about? Are you going back to the 1982 recession--which has nothing to do with this discussion--just to find a point to defend the Conservatives on? You don't even like them! Even the Mulroney government didn't do all that well balancing the books...--what am I doing? Back then the Conservatives were progressive. It was a different party! It has nothing to do with our current discussion.

"The Liberals inherited a $40-billion deficit from the Conservatives when they came to power in 1993. So, talking today about 10 years of darkness, I don't think it's appropriate. I think it's highly political and I am very disappointed by it."

I will restate:

Being ignorant of the real costs of those warplanes does not make them a defensible purchase.

Get this country back in the black and we can revisit the necessary equipment upgrades that our hard-working folk in the military deserve. For now, putting that gear on the nation's credit card is poor leadership and bad economics.

Until the debt starts going the other direction, I'm firm in my opinion here.

Canada's debt is currently 561 Billion and rising.

>> ^Skeeve:

Actually, no.
While the Liberals under Chretien and Martin took the credit for balancing the budget it was former Conservative finance ministers Michael Wilson and Don Mazankowski who undid the financial catastrophe created by the Trudeau Liberals. The Mulroney government's institution of free trade and the GST (as horrible as it is) are what truly balanced the budget. The Liberals, on the other hand, gutted the health care system - rolling back transfers to the provinces - and decimated the military to make short-term political gains with the "military is evil, peacekeeping is teh win" crowd.
There is a lot about the Conservatives I don't like (Matthu pointed out a few good ones) but, as it stands, their policies have ensured Canada has, arguably, the most robust economy in the world and is back on track to have a respectable military (one that is taken seriously abroad, something seriously lacking under the previous administration).
There are big problems with the "Harper Government" (and believe me when I say that I hate that term more than you do) but their stance with regards to the military is the only intelligent one put forward and as close to the best thing for Canada as our problematic system gets.

Canada's evil Prime Minister sings "Imagine" for photo-op

Skeeve says...

Actually, no.

While the Liberals under Chretien and Martin took the credit for balancing the budget it was former Conservative finance ministers Michael Wilson and Don Mazankowski who undid the financial catastrophe created by the Trudeau Liberals. The Mulroney government's institution of free trade and the GST (as horrible as it is) are what truly balanced the budget. The Liberals, on the other hand, gutted the health care system - rolling back transfers to the provinces - and decimated the military to make short-term political gains with the "military is evil, peacekeeping is teh win" crowd.

There is a lot about the Conservatives I don't like (Matthu pointed out a few good ones) but, as it stands, their policies have ensured Canada has, arguably, the most robust economy in the world and is back on track to have a respectable military (one that is taken seriously abroad, something seriously lacking under the previous administration).

There are big problems with the "Harper Government" (and believe me when I say that I hate that term more than you do) but their stance with regards to the military is the only intelligent one put forward and as close to the best thing for Canada as our problematic system gets.
>> ^notarobot:
Why do you think "the decade of darkness" happened? Could it have something to do with an attempt to dig the country out of the gaping deficit the previous government caused? I wonder.

Canada's evil Prime Minister sings "Imagine" for photo-op

notarobot says...

Did I suggest the the military not be funded? Quote me.

The reality is: even if Canada is going to put 29 Billion or any other dollar amount towards the military, it can be better spent than on 65 warplanes.

As it is, we have a "The Harper Government" sized deficit to dig our selves of first. Why do you think "the decade of darkness" happened? Could it have something to do with an attempt to dig the country out of the gaping deficit the previous government caused? I wonder.

Get this country back in the black and we can revisit the necessary equipment upgrades that our hard-working folk in the military deserve. For now, putting that gear on the nation's credit card is poor leadership and bad economics. >> ^Skeeve:

Believe it or not, but nations need a military that is able to maintain their sovereignty - no amount of bubblegum and rainbows can protect a nation.

Canada's evil Prime Minister sings "Imagine" for photo-op

Matthu says...

blah blah blah

private prisons, mandatory minimums, extremist criminilization of marijuana, abortion and generally being a cunt.

those are all the reasons I need to do my part to make sure harper loses in my riding.

Canada's evil Prime Minister sings "Imagine" for photo-op

Skeeve says...

Again, you are using old information. Kevin Page's estimate is for the cost of the planes over the course of 30 years. The government's estimate is the cost over 20. Plus, those last 10 years, by the very nature of aircraft, are going to cost more money than the previous 20.

Of course the planes are going to cost more over 30 years than over 20. Page's estimates have been ridiculed by most independent sources for this very reason.

As for Harper's military spending, the Canadian Forces were decimated by the previous government in what many have called "the decade of darkness". Massive military spending was necessary to ensure Canada was able to maintain a military at all. And, after all that spending, Canada still spends less on the military as a percentage of GDP than nearly every western country, a measly 1.5%. Believe it or not, but nations need a military that is able to maintain their sovereignty - no amount of bubblegum and rainbows can protect a nation.
>> ^notarobot:


Now, as far as my math on $300 Million I'll walk you through that:
29 Billion divided by 65 warplanes is (about) 446 Million per warplane. Subtract the price of the warplanes (I used the average price from the wikipedia page for my ballpark but we can use your numbers and see how they work out) $138 Million equals (about) $308 Million dollars.
Now, I guess that's WITH engines. But Canadians are still going to be paying about $308 Million dollars in costs above and beyond the purchase price announced advertised by "The Harper Government" to own and operate these warplanes. A total cost of nearly $1000 for every man, woman and child in Canada.

Canada's evil Prime Minister sings "Imagine" for photo-op

notarobot says...


Critiques of King Steve's politics are so abundant in this video and on the web that you would have to have your head in the sand not to notice. I'll help you out. Try*

*note: it's the website this video is talking about.
>> ^Skeeve:

Maybe people who don't like Harper should waste less time on critiquing his singing and more on critiquing his politics.

>> ^Retroboy:

Couple observations and points.
Bad singing and awful song selection does not necessarily make a bad PM. Harper doesn't need any help in that regard, but he shouldn't be judged solely on a friggin' soundbite.

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