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ant (Member Profile)

Frank Turner - The Next Storm

White Party - A Lesson in Cultural Appropriation

ulysses1904 says...

Call me old school but the material is always so weak in most of these socio-ethnic commentary videos, for lack of a better term. They get an HD camera and some troupe and it all looks slick but rarely does anyone have a talent for writing something better than a college freshman could have produced. It usually ends up being a premise in search of a writer.

fallout 4 trailer

lv_hunter says...

It looks like the engine has been upgraded, but meh its a matter of time for the mod community to get a hold of it and establish some HD packs for it then. All hail the PC mod community!

lurgee (Member Profile)

Little Bruce Lee

Dream Jump - Dubai

12K PC Gaming

SDGundamX says...


Everything @newtboy said. I think you're exaggerating just a tad. You're not going to build a PC that runs newly released games at 1080p at 60fps and also includes a blu-ray drive , 500 GB HD, and wireless motion sensitive controller for under $400 US (current price of PS4 on US Amazon). Plus, you're almost certainly going to have to buy a 1080p monitor (since most people don't do their computing on their TV or keep their tower case in the living room), which will set you back $200 minimum even for a cheap one that's likely to ghost.

As far as games go, nearly EVERY major release will be on all platforms and in fact will likely come out on console first (GTA V). Sure, some kickstarter stuff like Pillars of Eternity won't be available but it works both ways--you won't get some awesome console exclusives on the PC (Mario Kart, Little Big Planet, etc.) either.

Plus as newtboy mentioned, you can rent and sell console games. Yeah, PC games drop to much lower price points as they get older (I usually pick up all the good stuff I missed at $3-5 during Steam sales) but reselling isn't an option for most stuff (yet). You can mod most PC games, though, so that's a plus for them.

Look, I play 90% of my games on my gaming PC. That's because I have the time and money to do so. I don't understand the attitude of looking down on people who don't have those luxuries or who don't want to spend the prerequisite time required pouring over tech forums, price comparing at hardware vendors websites like Newegg, and downloading proper drivers just to build a gaming PC on the cheap when they can just go to a store down the road and pick up something comparable with virtually no effort.

Apollo 11 Saturn V Launch Camera E-8

BoneRemake (Member Profile)

Time Lapse - 57 Story Skyscraper Built in Just 19 Days

Time Lapse - 57 Story Skyscraper Built in Just 19 Days

Time Lapse - 57 Story Skyscraper Built in Just 19 Days

oritteropo says...

Prefabricated construction has a long history both in China and the west, and to some degree almost every modern building uses the technique. There is a video on here about the construction of the Empire State building for instance, and the WTC twin towers were quite prefabricated too. (*related: Steel erecting on the Empire State Building -1930s, Building the World Trade Center Towers 720p HD)

It was particularly popular in ancient Rome, and combined with the use of cranes and concrete their construction times weren't that different to the modern era (actually sometimes faster, I think the planning process must have been more streamlined).

The standardised look of ancient Chinese buildings is for the same reason, the parts were standardised to make prefabrication easier, certainly by the Ming dynasty if not earlier - see for instance.

This particular building just does a particularly good job of it.

Sagemind said:

"Constructed" may also be a misnomer..., The way I see it, it may have been "Assembled" in 19 days, but the building had to start long before that, as construction began off-site with all the panels and parts being engineered so that they could be assembled on-site.

No mention of the length of time for that process.
Pretty sure everything wasn't manufactured on site.
I see a very large meccano/lego set being assembled.

Assassin's Creed Rogue Walkthrough Part 3

Assassin's Creed Rogue Walkthrough Part 2 (NO COMMENTARY) HD

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