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Dancing Sandwich

State of the Sift 2010 (Sift Talk Post)

NordlichReiter says...

>> ^dag:

Perhaps we could have an option not to use the fancy quote formatting. That would solve most problems.>> ^ForgedReality:
Dag, problem with the quoting system. Is there a way to make it not use HTML tags, and be more intelligent? This is aside from the quote appearing beneath the quoter's message (something that I still dislike greatly), but I believe it happened when that transition occurred.
The problem is, it's a lot more confusing to look at in the message you're editing, so if you want to remove old quotes, like when the quote string starts to get long, you have to be very careful what you remove, or you'll end up screwing up the whole rest of the page, as seen here:
It's not my quote that did it, it's residue's, the person above mine. His quote was all screwed up when I went to quote him, and I had to edit mine to be cleaner, but as you can see, the html tags in his message are screwing up the rest of the page. The quote/reply stuff appears after his message, but before the quoted text, when it SHOULD be at the bottom of the message box. Then when I quoted him, the page still thinks that the information belongs within the same element on the page, so now my message is all screwed up. I suspect that the next person to post on this page will continue that trend.
I tried putting closing divs in the top of my message as well as other things, to no effect.

I use the block quote feature that the Sift has always allowed if the quoted text is discombobulated. But given that most users don't eat, sleep, and breath code that could be asking too much of the average user.

Quoted Text using the tags above and below this line of text.
Adding @dag to mimic contacting someone about quoting them with the blockquote HTML element.

It's not a solution, it's just a work around. One that has always worked for me.

Guy plays in the traffic and gets hit by a van.

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

residue says...

oh no! How did they find me?!

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Too late! The cyber-police have alreay backtraced you!!

Thanks for fixing it.

In reply to this comment by residue:
What consequences? I'm going to be hit by a van? I just deleted the whole mess

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
You dun goofd. The consequences will be the same.

residue (Member Profile)

State of the Sift 2010 (Sift Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Perhaps we could have an option not to use the fancy quote formatting. That would solve most problems.>> ^ForgedReality:

Dag, problem with the quoting system. Is there a way to make it not use HTML tags, and be more intelligent? This is aside from the quote appearing beneath the quoter's message (something that I still dislike greatly), but I believe it happened when that transition occurred.
The problem is, it's a lot more confusing to look at in the message you're editing, so if you want to remove old quotes, like when the quote string starts to get long, you have to be very careful what you remove, or you'll end up screwing up the whole rest of the page, as seen here:
It's not my quote that did it, it's residue's, the person above mine. His quote was all screwed up when I went to quote him, and I had to edit mine to be cleaner, but as you can see, the html tags in his message are screwing up the rest of the page. The quote/reply stuff appears after his message, but before the quoted text, when it SHOULD be at the bottom of the message box. Then when I quoted him, the page still thinks that the information belongs within the same element on the page, so now my message is all screwed up. I suspect that the next person to post on this page will continue that trend.
I tried putting closing divs in the top of my message as well as other things, to no effect.

residue (Member Profile)

Guy plays in the traffic and gets hit by a van.

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^entr0py:

>> ^Ryjkyj:
I love this attitude that people have sometimes. "I'm a pedestrian, so I have the legal right-of-way. Which means NO ONE can hit me EVER, because that would be illegal." This is why you'll see me riding my bike illegally on the sidewalk most of the time.

Doesn't that just make things worse for the pedestrians? Now there's literally nowhere they can walk without the risk of being run over by something.

Yeah, I don't live in a big city anymore so it's easy to get around in suburbia and not hit anyone. When foot traffic increases or I can't see around tight corners then I ride in the street.

Besides,I pose a lot less danger to pedestrians on when on my bike. I'm not one of those guys that wears the sweet little aerodynamic shorts and always has to be going down the street as fast as possible. And those guys piss me off even more, but not for any other reason then their own safety.

I respect bicyclists and I like that we're trying to integrate them into traffic more and more but (and this sounds dramatic) my 7th grade shop teacher was killed on his bike just a year ago commuting home from school. He was wearing a helmet, he was obeying traffic laws and he had about 20 years of experience riding around in traffic. But all of that means dick when some stoned sixteen year old decides, for whatever reason, to jerk the steering wheel to the right for just a fraction of a second... WHAM!, you're a pancake.

So anyway, whenever I'm driving down a rural highway with cars shooting by at 50 or 60 MPH and I see a cyclist hanging out into the lane (and that's his right dammit!), I still can't help but think the guy is kind of a prick for expecting everyone to obey traffic laws at his own expense. Of course, it's his life. If a cop were to pull me over on my bike for riding on the sidewalk, I would have no problem explaining exactly why I was doing it. Or explaining that I'm more than happy to pay a small fine for protecting my own life.

State of the Sift 2010 (Sift Talk Post)

ForgedReality says...

Dag, problem with the quoting system. Is there a way to make it not use HTML tags, and be more intelligent? This is aside from the quote appearing beneath the quoter's message (something that I still dislike greatly), but I believe it happened when that transition occurred.

The problem is, it's a lot more confusing to look at in the message you're editing, so if you want to remove old quotes, like when the quote string starts to get long, you have to be very careful what you remove, or you'll end up screwing up the whole rest of the page, as seen here:

It's not my quote that did it, it's residue's, the person above mine. His quote was all screwed up when I went to quote him, and I had to edit mine to be cleaner, but as you can see, the html tags in his message are screwing up the rest of the page. The quote/reply stuff appears after his message, but before the quoted text, when it SHOULD be at the bottom of the message box. Then when I quoted him, the page still thinks that the information belongs within the same element on the page, so now my message is all screwed up. I suspect that the next person to post on this page will continue that trend.

I tried putting closing divs in the top of my message as well as other things, to no effect.

Guy plays in the traffic and gets hit by a van.

ForgedReality says...

>> ^residue:

Well I thank you for the help across the road, but I can't guarantee I won't spray you with rectal material just a little on accident of course. Both times I was clipped by mirrors was when I was actually walking in drainage ditches on the burm where there wasn't a sidewalk rather than walking in someone's yard, so technically I wasn't even in the road those times. The time I got hit by a bumper I was walking in a cross-walk. One of those cases where you start walking slow planning on walking behind the car that's coming. He stopped to let me cross, then fucking bumped me. Oh let's quit playing around, I KNOW IT WAS YOU FORGED, I DOG DAMN KNOW IT!
Also, usually when I'm in traffic pretending to be a vroom-vroom car I'm in my cardboard box thank you very much
In reality, I do agree that if someone is purposefully stopping traffic and they get hit, it's PARTIALLY their fault and on some level they were asking for it, but I don't think that gives people in cars license to "teach them a lesson"
What I don't like about this video is that it happened in a neighborhood and if that van actually didn't see that retard than it could have just as easily been a kid chasing a ball that got run down. As a driver you should be watching where you are going...

Ahem. Yeah, it was me. I hit the brake instead of the gas. I meant to mow you down. But damn, that's fucked up. You're walking in the grass, IN A DITCH, way off the side of the road and not one, but TWO motherfuckers happen to clip you with their side mirrors?? You have some SHITTY drivers where you live.

But yeah, I totally agree, that driver wasn't paying very close attention. That was among my first thoughts when watching this. He may have been looking down at his delivery list or something when this dumbass ran out in front of him. But the last time he looked up, it was clear, and he didn't expect some idiot to just jump out in front of him.

They're both somewhat responsible, but I think the pedestrian is far more responsible. 70%/20% or so. Dude was fuckin around in TRAFFIC! Not just in the road, but IN TRAFFIC! Several cars went by. Looks like a fairly busy road. The truck driver managed to hit the brakes before anything major went down, but that motherfucker shouldn't have been there in the first place.

<<< Damn, I hate the "new" quoting system. I brought it up when it was initially brought online that I hate how quotes appear beneath your text now, but it's also confusing as fuck because it keeps injecting all manner of html.. If you're not careful to properly close tags when you remove parts of older quotes, things get all kinds of messed up. Look how badly Residue's quote above is messed up with the "quote/reply" stuff in the wrong place.. DAG: FIX IT! What we need is a more intuitive, automatic solution that does not involve HTML (and in XHTML, br tag without a closing slash is no longer valid, but is supported by most browsers, so long as it's a transitional doctype). >>>

Guy plays in the traffic and gets hit by a van.

ForgedReality says...

>> ^residue:

What if I have diarrhea real bad and I'm struggling to get across the road to the bathroom emporium and I'm moving kind of slow. Here comes ole ForgedReality in his Mazda Miata on an ego trip thinking everyone is out to get him so you clip me with a mirror. How's that responsible? If you're driving a car, you have a personal responsibiliy to not hit people with it regardless of what you THINK their intentions are.
And for the record, I've been clipped twice by a mirror while walking on the side of the road and hit with a bumper since I was apparently crossing too slow for some retard who thinks his car is a toy

haha.. Mazda Miata. I drive a sport pickup.

But if you've been hit that many times, it tells me that maybe you shouldn't be playing in traffic, pretending you're a vroom-vroom-car. I'm considerate of drivers when I'm walking. I get the fuck out of their way as quickly as I can, say if I'm walking by a shopping center driveway, or thru a parking lot, or even a crosswalk or something.

I know how annoying it is to have some thug wigger gangster punk bitch taking his sweet time because he thinks he's "all that," and doesn't take other people into consideration. It's the same kind of person who doesn't wave to the person who politely let them merge in a line of traffic, or the guy who doesn't even make a "thank you" gesture when someone stops to let you walk by.

It's all about a general deficit of respect that stupid people have grown up with the last couple generations. Everybody's out for themselves, and it's just "me, me, me" as if nobody else even matters.

So yes, if someone hits you with their car, they're either homicidal, mentally disturbed, or, much more likely, you're just a prick.

Also, I guess to more directly answer your question: If it appears you're struggling to cross the road, limping and grasping at your buttcheeks, yeah, I'll be like, "damn that motherfucker really has to take a shit!" I might even stop to help you across, so long as you promise not to spray rectal treasure all over me in the process.

I'm talking about the pieces of shit (usually black, for some reason) that walk DOWN the street, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD, not even really making an effort to get to one side or the other. They look back at you, like, "wutchoo gon' do, honkey?" and keep slowly walking down the street, like they aren't gunna move for you, so you better go AROUND them. Okay, so now you're forcing me into the oncoming lane because you're a dick? Fuck you. You're not endangering MY safety; you're risking me blowing a fuse and endangering YOURS.

Guy plays in the traffic and gets hit by a van.

residue says...

What if I have diarrhea real bad and I'm struggling to get across the road to the bathroom emporium and I'm moving kind of slow. Here comes ole ForgedReality in his Mazda Miata on an ego trip thinking everyone is out to get him so you clip me with a mirror. How's that responsible? If you're driving a car, you have a personal responsibiliy to not hit people with it regardless of what you THINK their intentions are.

And for the record, I've been clipped twice by a mirror while walking on the side of the road and hit with a bumper since I was apparently crossing too slow for some retard who thinks his car is a toy

>> ^ForgedReality:

Haha! I would, if the stupid pedestrians in the street had some respect for the vehicles on the road, and the people trying to get somewhere. If you're literally walking down the middle of the road, taking your sweet time to get off to the side, you deserve whatever happens, because you're purposely doing it just to fuck with people.

Guy plays in the traffic and gets hit by a van.

ForgedReality says...

>> ^residue:

And I hate pricks like you who almost fucking run over me when I'm trying to cross the road. You're in a fucking huge bullet, have some common fucking decency
>> ^ForgedReality:
Jesus fucking christ. Get the fuck out of the road, you stupid piece of dog shit. I hate idiot pricks like you. THE ROAD IS FOR CARS, NOT STUPID THUG FUCKING ASSHOLES TRYING TO HOLD UP TRAFFIC AND ACT LIKE THE WORLD FUCKING OWES THEM SOMETHING.
We've all seen these dicks. You're driving down the road, and some stupid prick is just strolling slow as fuck down the street, making zero effort to get the fuck out of the way, with that holier than thou attitude like, "wut?! Go around!" Solution: Make them shit their pants as you clip them with your side mirror at 45mph.
Fuck you. You deserved what you got.

Haha! I would, if the stupid pedestrians in the street had some respect for the vehicles on the road, and the people trying to get somewhere. If you're literally walking down the middle of the road, taking your sweet time to get off to the side, you deserve whatever happens, because you're purposely doing it just to fuck with people.

Guy plays in the traffic and gets hit by a van.

residue says...

And I hate pricks like you who almost fucking run over me when I'm trying to cross the road. You're in a fucking huge bullet, have some common fucking decency

>> ^ForgedReality:

Jesus fucking christ. Get the fuck out of the road, you stupid piece of dog shit. I hate idiot pricks like you. THE ROAD IS FOR CARS, NOT STUPID THUG FUCKING ASSHOLES TRYING TO HOLD UP TRAFFIC AND ACT LIKE THE WORLD FUCKING OWES THEM SOMETHING.
We've all seen these dicks. You're driving down the road, and some stupid prick is just strolling slow as fuck down the street, making zero effort to get the fuck out of the way, with that holier than thou attitude like, "wut?! Go around!" Solution: Make them shit their pants as you clip them with your side mirror at 45mph.
Fuck you. You deserved what you got.

Guy plays in the traffic and gets hit by a van.

residue says...

He means that just because you have the right-of-way doesn't mean it's impossible to be hit. In other words, pay attention to where you are going. People do this in my town all the time, look down or away from traffic when crossing the street as if by not seeing the threat, it will disappear.

>> ^entr0py:

>> ^Ryjkyj:
I love this attitude that people have sometimes. "I'm a pedestrian, so I have the legal right-of-way. Which means NO ONE can hit me EVER, because that would be illegal." This is why you'll see me riding my bike illegally on the sidewalk most of the time.

Doesn't that just make things worse for the pedestrians? Now there's literally nowhere they can walk without the risk of being run over by something.

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