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Let's talk about Republican reaction to the SCOTUS leak....

dogboy49 says...

Your opinion about perjury duly noted. I assume that you are a lawyer, and know exactly what you are talking about. Since all of their testimony is public record, shall I expect to see the appropriate prosecutor convening a grand jury to address this crime?

Your other opinion as to "how it works" is also duly noted. I guess SCOTUS should not have overruled Plessy vs Ferguson (decided in 1896) when they heard Brown vs Board of Education (1954).

newtboy said:

...accepted those laws as settled precedent, these were asked and they answered, with lies, that’s perjury....

Historically they do restrict themselves based on previous SUPREME COURT decisions, which this was. I guess you believe nothing is settled law or overriding precedent then, all laws are up for grabs based on the current courts whims and nothing more.

That’s just not how it works.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Math is the main requirement for engineering. If you can’t do basic math, it’s incredibly unlikely you could earn a degree in any kind of engineering. If your wife couldn’t write a sentence I would also doubt any journalist credentials she claimed, if she couldn’t do basic arithmetic I would doubt any degree she claimed. There are basic minimum requirements to graduate that you don’t seem to meet. So much for your stupid rebuttal.

Clearly it’s not…but what is? Not math. Not critical thinking. Not history.

As I’ve said repeatedly, clearly, and directly, no. I don’t think he’s achieving as much as even I hoped for in my unbounded cynicism, and I never had high hopes from him, he’s not my choice….but I understand exactly why he’s not getting much done and don’t hold him 100% accountable for much of it. Without a functional congress, his hands are tied on many fronts.
Foreign policy, that’s on him. I wish we had soldiers in the Ukraine so Russia would be forced to attack America if they want to attack the Ukraine….like we said we would when they gave up their nukes by treaty.

I invite you to explain how I’m wrong at any time, but without facts and reliable sources to cite you’ll likely fail like so often before.

? Grand master? I pointed out a basic fact, GDP under Obama was double GDP under Trump. What delusional fantasy are you railing against now?

Didn’t watch. Guaranteed it was more informative and less self aggrandizing than any Trump “press conference” ever, with fewer exaggerations and outright falsehoods.

Incomprehensible. Take a deep breath and try again. Use your words.

Massive debt, unequalled corruption, isolationism, nationalism, and division certainly don’t make America better, and that’s the Trump legacy. Investment in America makes it better, Biden’s already done that and wants to do more.

bobknight33 said:

My wife has a journalism degree but can't do any meaningful math.

So much your stupid argument.

Everyone is different, grammar is not my strong suit.

You know so much that just ain't so. You in a bubble. Are you 1 of the 30% that think Biden is doing a great job?

You sit here thinking up on you high horse but you are so often wrong is it laughable

Trying to put the failed OBAMA on some grand master of a POTUS truly shows how much shit for brains you have.

Truly I bet you think Bidens 2 hour press conference today was pretty fucking all right.

80% failure where you most likely 80% success. This is how shit you are.

You, like Obama, Biden Clinton are good at speaking BS. Just keep giving your failed ideas of what makes America better.

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

My wife has a journalism degree but can't do any meaningful math.

So much your stupid argument.

Everyone is different, grammar is not my strong suit.

You know so much that just ain't so. You in a bubble. Are you 1 of the 30% that think Biden is doing a great job?

You sit here thinking up on you high horse but you are so often wrong is it laughable

Trying to put the failed OBAMA on some grand master of a POTUS truly shows how much shit for brains you have.

Truly I bet you think Bidens 2 hour press conference today was pretty fucking all right.

80% failure where you most likely 80% success. This is how shit you are.

You, like Obama, Biden Clinton are good at speaking BS. Just keep giving your failed ideas of what makes America better.

newtboy said:

You claim to be an engineer that couldn’t pass 6th grade English. Knowing many engineers, actually being raised by one (dad was a chemical engineer by trade, creating new molecules for specific purposes) I do understand that language is sometimes not a strong suit, but I’ve never known one with half your struggles in that area, including the maintenance and disposal engineers at the company lab.

Passing basic English is a requirement for a degree, even an engineering degree, at every reputable university in America.

You’ve shown not only a severe deficiency in language skills, but also in math. For instance, recently deriding Obama, lamenting the nation returning to what you were told was an appallingly low GDP of near 2% but you are unable to realize it was near double the often negative GDP under Trump, who finished his single term with a GDP of 1% per year….basic and simple math. (So you know, if Biden’s first year has a GDP of 2%, that’s an increase of 5.5% from last year, and double Trump’s 4 year average).
It’s impossible to be an engineer without good math skills, and you have not demonstrated any over the years.

It begs the question, did you get your degree from a Trump (or similar) school? (You know, the ones closed for being diploma mills with no accreditation, the ones Trump had to pay students back from and admit they were cons, fraudulent schools).
Something doesn’t add up.

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

On top of the other grand juries investigating Trump’s businesses for multiple kinds of tax frauds, a new grand jury has now been convened to investigate Trump’s personal bank and tax fraud schemes….that scheme being reporting one ridiculously minuscule valuation to the IRS for tax purposes, and another wildly inflated estimated value to banks for loan purposes. Keeping two sets of books. There’s absolutely zero doubt he’s done it for decades, he’s bragged about it often and it’s public record now. Those are major felonies thanks to the dollar amounts involved….the kind of thing that took down Capone….massive tax evasion.
This is the case to watch.
It’s going to be difficult to run for president from prison….just sayin.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Twiddle Dumb just won't stop.

Your messiah, who's under criminal investigation for election interference in Georgia, just decided to make certain he's indicted by sending ANOTHER letter to the Secretary of state demanding he decertify the election results based on all the fraud Trump knows happened (but has zero evidence of).

(In case you're still unsure, that's not a thing the Secretary of state, or anyone else, can do. Once the election was certified by the states, all legal challenges were over and there is no legal mechanism to reverse an election.)

That's illicit election interference. The exact thing he's being investigated for by a grand jury as we speak. Not so smart to try again while they're investigating and trying to decide if prosecution is warranted or necessary. It kind
of forces their hand.

US sues to block TX abortion law

bobknight33 says...

Nazi killed people
Abortion kills people

This bill helps stops the killing.

So how is this comparable ?

Having the father / grand parents a legal recourse against murdering doctors is not
not a bad thing.

Don't think the Uber driver or school teachers desiring to cash in on this.

noseeem said:

What newt said.

Should bother you, being interested in history - statues and all - but this is comparable to what the Nazis did w/the Gestapo.

They used neighbors against neighbors. They projected strength while doing very little themselves. Sounds chillingly the same as the TX GOP.

If it talks like a fascist, legislates like a fascist - it ain't a duck.

A rare view of the surface of a comet

elrondhubbard says...

I would love to have a sense of scale... How high are these 'cliffs'? Knee high?

Of course on a comet, gravity would be so light you easily might be able to bound from bottom to top even if they're as high as the Grand Canyon. You might even jump off altogether.

First Revolving Toilet for Port of Amsterdam

noims jokingly says...

Absolutely. A quick bowl rinse and an hourly outer bowl cleanse is probably grand.

I like the idea of a floor rinse, but particularly where sandals are detected. As any guy knows, if you pee wearing sandals you get a lot more splash on the floor than normal. Weird, but true!

newtboy said:

Not exactly a water saver, but I like it.

newtboy (Member Profile)

Trump didn't do anything wrong

luxintenebris says...

come on. there was more than enough evidence to convict in all those cases.

we all know this.

and just like 9/11 - JAN 6 receives coverage because it was an attack on American soil.

Think about it.

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the German Chancellor both used the term 'Reichstag' describing JAN 6.

That is concerning.

[Can picture Grand Daddy Knight33 grousing, "Auschwitz, Auschwitz, Auschwitz! When is the liberal media going to let it go!"]

He is news because bad news sells.

[just look at your avatar. who won't let shat go?]

file your comment(s) right next to 'landslide'.

[there's a reason why they won't let you umpire at the church softball league...take the hint.]

bobknight33 said:

Muller 40 Million spent--- Russia's bitch
Impeachment 1 and 2 --- Yes and Yes

But hey Trump is out and now its just JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 Morning noon and night.

Trump is wrong. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Arizona secretary of state, Katie Hobbs sent a letter to the Arizona attorney general yesterday asking him to please investigate Donald Trump. And of course his close allies, Rudy Giuliani, and possibly even Sidney Powell for possible election interference in the state of Arizona.

Here's what happened in case you missed it last week, it was revealed that both the Trump white house and Rudy Giuliani on separate occasions and on multiple occasions made phone calls to officials in the state of Arizona following the November election, trying to get them to stop the counting, begging to be called back. In fact, it got so bad, the Arizona Republic detailed two separate attempts by Trump to reach Republican supervisor Clinton Hickman in the weeks after the election, as the president's allies sought to alter the election results in a state he narrowly lost to Democrat Joe Biden at the time, Hickman was chairman of the board of supervisors, the elected body that oversees elections in the state's most populous county, Maricopa. Hickman received the first call from the white house switchboard on December 31st while he was out celebrating the coming new year with his wife and friends, he let the call go to voicemail.

Second call came on the night of January 3rd after the Washington post published a recording of Trump's hour long phone call with Georgia secretary of state Hickman sought to avoid talking to the president because of ongoing litigation, any let the call go to voicemail and yes, for the record, the Arizona Republic does in fact have those voicemails where you can hear what they were trying to do. Then of course, Rudy Giuliani steps in, he starts emailing or I'm sorry, texting and calling the chairwoman of the Arizona Republican party, trying to get her to somehow interfere, stop the counting of the votes. Honestly, it is pretty much identical to what these idiots were doing over in Georgia, trying to get them to stop the vote, trying to get them to go find the votes as Trump said, and let's not forget... Trump is already under criminal investigation in Georgia. I know we all get distracted with New York, but there have been two grand juries empaneled in the state of Georgia regarding Donald Trump's potential criminal election interference in that state. That's a big deal that everybody seems to have forgotten about.

And now the same thing might happen in Arizona. There's a catch here. Arizona's attorney general, a Man by the name of Brenna Vich Is running for US Senate as a Republican. So he's got a lot, uh, got a lot at stake here. He can't PISS off Republicans by investigating Donald Trump.

Brenna Vich did, in fact, support Arizona's sweeping new voter suppression laws.

Edit: btw, multiple Republicans including but not limited to McConnell have gone public with their plan of hoping they can cause maximum chaos and division for the next 18 months because it will help them successfully block any and all legislation, then they can blame the gridlock on Democrats during the election. Total nationwide chaos with the corresponding rise in crime and damage to the economy....that's the Republican plan for victory. True patriots. 🤦‍♂️

Better donate to the Trump Twitter lawsuit quick before they manage to destroy your investment portfolio with the planned chaos...Trump can't sue social media without your cash donations because he's really a billionaire so he needs your no attention to his standard microscopic fine print explaining that he may, at his discretion, use your donation for personal debts. Doesn't matter, DONATE NOW. He needs your fight the invisible fight against those paper tigers and windmills. Please don't remember when he did the exact same thing begging for money to fight for the "election fraud" fraud in court but then pocketed the money and fired his (now disgraced and disbarred) lawyers without filing a legitimate lawsuit.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Aaaahaha. Have you seen Eric's interview yesterday trying to defend Weisselberg? He's so dumb he actually publicly admitted the company paid him under the table and gave him millions in unreported perks and salary to avoid taxes....$3.5 million in unreported salary with cars, opulent houses, tuition for his family members totalling $359,058, etc. Eric doesn't think >$3.5 million hidden from the IRS is even an infraction....that's more than the average worker makes in their lifetime....Imagine if you fraudulently reported never making a dime your entire career, imagine if a Democrat did that....what should happen to such a criminal? What should happen to the business owner who organised the secret payments?

It makes one wonder how much Eric doesn't report if $3.5 million hidden from the IRS is nothing to him. He, Don jr, and Ivanka were all top level executives during Weisselberg's time there, and all received the same off the books compensation or more, and also had oversight over all these illicit secret payments just like Daddy....prosecutors have the secret record books, Weisselberg left them for his estranged daughter to find and turn over...that's where these charges come from, their own off the books records their crooked accountant kept at home. Expect them to be next, and do you really think they won't flip on Daddy to avoid prison? LMFAHS!

Hilariously he, in efforts to minimise these massive massive financial crimes, admitted his father personally paid Weisselberg's family's tuition as a company perk with personal checks signed by Don himself, indicating there's physical evidence of daddy's personal involvement in a long term tax fraud scheme that's not just felony tax fraud but grand larceny.

And we haven't even gotten to the bank frauds Trump's already publicly admitted to, overvaluing properties on loan forms, then undervaluing them on tax forms. He calls it good business and claims everyone does it, not tax and banking fraud that are serious felonies most people wouldn't even consider. It's sure going to be a fun couple of years watching the whole group go bankrupt and to prison.

Imagine if Clinton had done many congressional investigations would we have had by now? Instead, Republicans don't even want to know what happened Jan 6, probably because any investigations will show their involvement in the failed coup, that's definitely how it looks. They certainly don't want to know about Trump's tax and bank frauds because a felon can't be president and they've got no one else.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

How'd you like Dumb Donald's low energy, rambling, disjointed, delusional, dementia ridden speech this weekend? He doesn't have a speech impediment, but he still cannot give a rational or intelligible speech, even when he's reading one. He's sure making Biden look good by comparison.

Are you getting time off so you can spend a grand to be in Don the Con's presence for a few hours? You do understand that he's telling you by planning these events that he knows there's zero chance he will be president again, despite what his crack head friends say.

When you buy your tickets, can you post the disclaimer that comes with it? I want to know how he words the "no refunds if I'm in court or prison on the event dates" clause.

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

I never said or went after Biden for having a speech impediment. He doesn't

He is just too old and worn out and doesn't have it in him to be to POTUS.

Trump has given more speech than Biden since Biden been POTUS.

Joe is a worn out old man what should be home eating cookies with grand kids.

newtboy said:

You love to go after Biden for having a speech impediment, so of course you aren't going to be a hypocrite and you'll go after Trump's demented, rambling, total nonsensical speech in N Carolina where, among other nonsense, he declared....

"We have to get it done. We have no choice. Actually, we have to get it done together. We're going to defund our freedoms. You just take a look at what's happening. Biden is halted wall construction, suspended, removals, and even removables or removals of just horrible, horr...." all with his huge extra absorbent diaper showing clearly through his pants that were apparently on backwards.

No? That's normal to you?

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