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Homophobic message in public Iowa school

shang says...

>> ^Stormsinger:

>> ^shang:
>> ^FlowersInHisHair:
>> ^shang:
definitely wasn't "homophobic" <- the new political correct term
phobic/phobia is a fear of, such as I have arachnophobia, but even though I am anti-gay, I do not have homophobia.
political correctness wants to redefine words, such as trying to redefine phobia to also mean hate.
again I am arachnophobic but I do not hate spiders, I fear them.

"political correct movement should die in a fucking fire" - George Carlin

The term "homophobia" refers to anti-gay sentiment and you know it. Stop splitting hairs, homophobe.

there's those political correct people popping in...
stop using the wrong word, created by the p.c. movement.
I am no homophobe I do not fear, I am anti-gay but that's my life and my family I don't care what others do.
You should download some George Carlin albums and give a listen, hopefully it will reverse what the political correct brainwashing has done.

You want to call it what it is?'re a bigot.


Now there ya go, Yes I am prejudice against certain things and of course I'm a bigot.

I wouldn't be human if I had certain preferences, if everyone thought alike and had the same morals and ethics we'd be sheep with no individualism which is what political correctness wants to remove from people is their individuality. George Carlin although a comedian was dead right 100% on that point.

And just as he said on stage, Of course I'm a bigot, I'm human. No phobias here other than spiders -grin-

Homophobic message in public Iowa school

Stormsinger says...

>> ^shang:

>> ^FlowersInHisHair:
>> ^shang:
definitely wasn't "homophobic" <- the new political correct term
phobic/phobia is a fear of, such as I have arachnophobia, but even though I am anti-gay, I do not have homophobia.
political correctness wants to redefine words, such as trying to redefine phobia to also mean hate.
again I am arachnophobic but I do not hate spiders, I fear them.

"political correct movement should die in a fucking fire" - George Carlin

The term "homophobia" refers to anti-gay sentiment and you know it. Stop splitting hairs, homophobe.

there's those political correct people popping in...
stop using the wrong word, created by the p.c. movement.
I am no homophobe I do not fear, I am anti-gay but that's my life and my family I don't care what others do.
You should download some George Carlin albums and give a listen, hopefully it will reverse what the political correct brainwashing has done.

You want to call it what it is?'re a bigot.

Homophobic message in public Iowa school

Auger8 says...

To quote Yoda's undying wisdom.

Fear creates, anger, Anger creates hate, Hate creates Suffering!

Are you telling me you've never killed a spider out of fear? Or Anger? or Hate? If you say no your lying to yourself and everyone else.

For the record I'm Arachnophobic myself so I understand how the process works.
I'm also not gay but I believe anyone and everyone has the free will to be who and what they want period.

>> ^shang:

definitely wasn't "homophobic" <- the new political correct term
phobic/phobia is a fear of, such as I have arachnophobia, but even though I am anti-gay, I do not have homophobia.
political correctness wants to redefine words, such as trying to redefine phobia to also mean hate.
again I am arachnophobic but I do not hate spiders, I fear them.

"political correct movement should die in a fucking fire" - George Carlin

Homophobic message in public Iowa school

FlowersInHisHair says...

It's not "political correctness", it's just what the word means. Stop trying to justify bigotry with semantics, homophobe.
>> ^shang:

>> ^FlowersInHisHair:
>> ^shang:
definitely wasn't "homophobic" <- the new political correct term
phobic/phobia is a fear of, such as I have arachnophobia, but even though I am anti-gay, I do not have homophobia.
political correctness wants to redefine words, such as trying to redefine phobia to also mean hate.
again I am arachnophobic but I do not hate spiders, I fear them.

"political correct movement should die in a fucking fire" - George Carlin

The term "homophobia" refers to anti-gay sentiment and you know it. Stop splitting hairs, homophobe.

there's those political correct people popping in...
stop using the wrong word, created by the p.c. movement.
I am no homophobe I do not fear, I am anti-gay but that's my life and my family I don't care what others do.
You should download some George Carlin albums and give a listen, hopefully it will reverse what the political correct brainwashing has done.

Homophobic message in public Iowa school

shang says...

>> ^FlowersInHisHair:

>> ^shang:
definitely wasn't "homophobic" <- the new political correct term
phobic/phobia is a fear of, such as I have arachnophobia, but even though I am anti-gay, I do not have homophobia.
political correctness wants to redefine words, such as trying to redefine phobia to also mean hate.
again I am arachnophobic but I do not hate spiders, I fear them.

"political correct movement should die in a fucking fire" - George Carlin

The term "homophobia" refers to anti-gay sentiment and you know it. Stop splitting hairs, homophobe.

there's those political correct people popping in...

stop using the wrong word, created by the p.c. movement.

I am no homophobe I do not fear, I am anti-gay but that's my life and my family I don't care what others do.

You should download some George Carlin albums and give a listen, hopefully it will reverse what the political correct brainwashing has done.

Homophobic message in public Iowa school

FlowersInHisHair says...

>> ^shang:

definitely wasn't "homophobic" <- the new political correct term
phobic/phobia is a fear of, such as I have arachnophobia, but even though I am anti-gay, I do not have homophobia.
political correctness wants to redefine words, such as trying to redefine phobia to also mean hate.
again I am arachnophobic but I do not hate spiders, I fear them.

"political correct movement should die in a fucking fire" - George Carlin

The term "homophobia" refers to anti-gay sentiment and you know it. Stop splitting hairs, homophobe.

Homophobic message in public Iowa school

shang says...

definitely wasn't "homophobic" <- the new political correct term
phobic/phobia is a fear of, such as I have arachnophobia, but even though I am anti-gay, I do not have homophobia.

political correctness wants to redefine words, such as trying to redefine phobia to also mean hate.

again I am arachnophobic but I do not hate spiders, I fear them.

"political correct movement should die in a fucking fire" - George Carlin

The content industry has made everybody a pirate.

Ryjkyj says...

In the real world, I can make a copy of a car from the tires up, and then drive it. I can copy a poem from my favorite collection and send it to my wife on our anniversary. I can write down a phrase from my favorite author's work, and put it in my wallet for inspiration. I still have my old mix tapes from the eighties and the Christmas specials I used to tape on TV. Nobody seems to want them.

A computer is simply a tool. If I try to paint my own copy of my favorite painting, I can do it. If I try really hard and practice for a long time, I might even get something that's practically identical. And I can use many tools to do it. I can take a photo of the other painting and put it out on a grid, and I can use lines or even a laser level to make sure my copy is exact. But at what point am I not allowed to use a certain tool to make the copy for my enjoyment. Where exactly is the line? Why can't I use a device like a printer to make my copy? At what point does my copy become illegal? I demand to know where that exact line is.

Digital information seems to be best represented by George Carlin's crumb paradox: if I split a crumb in half, I don't have two half-crumbs. I have two crumbs. In the same way, why does digital information, when I copy it, become two originals? At what point does all this craziness stop?

Lying Politicians And Words

The Evolution of Louis CK

Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

Could SOPA kill Videosift? (Law Talk Post)

marinara says...

We already have the war on drugs. SOPA is the first step to outlaw independent media. Indy media will be ok, as long as it never uses any kind of copyrighted content. The instant it does, Indy media gets gets shutdown by financial sanctions, and gets shut off the web.

Sure, it's not the end of the world. But try making a news site without using "clips from the news"
Try making a comedy site without having a George carlin or Jon Stewart clip.
Try making a music site without having a sample of commerical music. (or a copyrighted melody, or copyrighted lyrics)

People on the internet are free to remix culture, to reinvent it. Until SOPA passes we are free.

enoch (Member Profile)

enoch (Member Profile)

The Immortal Rejoinders of Christopher Hitchens

bcglorf says...

>> ^obscenesimian:

Another man in our times that matches his caliber?
Let me list a few that pop into my head:
Noam Chomsky
Carl Sagan
George Carlin
Stephen Jay Gould
Richard Dawkins
David Suzuki
Douglas Adams
Bill Hicks.
Granted, they all differ, but they certainly hold up in my eyes.
The same thing could have been said when Sagan passed, but others moved in to fill his shoes.
It's all good, we just have to keep an eye out for the new person who is waiting to have a go.
>> ^bcglorf:
He will be so very sorely missed. I truly can not think of or name another man in our times that nearly matches his caliber.
It is a very sad day and our world is considerably diminished by his loss.

I think you slightly diminish Hitch's name including Carlin, Hicks and Suzuki. Even Chomsky only bares inclusion for his great heights in the past.

I get your point, but you may want to read up on Hitchen's some more. He stood apart from almost everyone on your list by willingly putting himself in harms way to put his beliefs and understanding to the test, and in many cases surviving the ordeal to come back and declare that what he learned had changed his mind.

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