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WaterDweller (Member Profile)

Lawdeedaw (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, George Carlin on Child Worship, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

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George Carlin on Child Worship

George Carlin on Child Worship

Yogi says...

>> ^gorillaman:

>> ^Yogi:
As a referee of child sports, I get to see the delusional thinking of parents about their children constantly.
I find it funny when the rich white kids get scored on 8 times by the poor scrawny mexican kids.

That doesn't sound like a very good attitude for a referee.

What attitude should a referee have? We're all sports fans, and seeing David triumph over Goliath is always fun. Also I didn't say I work hard to ensure that the Mexican kids triumph over the rich white kids.

Also you kinda have to know the history of the game to get what I'm talking about. Soccer is sort of a poor mans sport, which is why many of the Stars of the game have stories of coming from abject poverty.

George Carlin on Child Worship

George Carlin on Child Worship

Darkhand says...

>> ^Yogi:

As a referee of child sports, I get to see the delusional thinking of parents about their children constantly.
I find it funny when the rich white kids get scored on 8 times by the poor scrawny mexican kids.

Is there anything Mexicans can't do better than Wealthy White Americans?!

George Carlin on Child Worship

Ryjkyj says...

Picturing you as a referee scares me. But that probably has something to do with the fact that when I picture you refereeing, I'm still picturing you as Annie holding a gun.
>> ^Yogi:

As a referee of child sports, I get to see the delusional thinking of parents about their children constantly.
I find it funny when the rich white kids get scored on 8 times by the poor scrawny mexican kids.

George Carlin on Child Worship

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'George Carlin, Child, Worship, Children, Sticks' to 'George Carlin, Child Worship, Children, Sticks, camp, school, play, its bad for ya' - edited by xxovercastxx

Lawdeedaw (Member Profile)

George Carlin on Child Worship

gorillaman says...

>> ^Yogi:

As a referee of child sports, I get to see the delusional thinking of parents about their children constantly.
I find it funny when the rich white kids get scored on 8 times by the poor scrawny mexican kids.

That doesn't sound like a very good attitude for a referee.

Sam Harris with Joe Rogan

kevingrr says...


Paragraph 1:

1. The difference between collateral damage and terrorism is easy to assess. Intentions, methods, and actions of the bombers of 9/11 and the allied forces are different. Does that make civilian casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan less tragic? No. Do we have to understand the ripple effect of those lost innocent lives? Yes. If an allied soldier killed my family I probably would not care why they did it - accident or not - and I would probably want to seek revenge. Thus the viscious cycle that armed conflict perpetuates.

However, to call allied soldiers terrorist is completely out of line.

2. I'm not defining terrorist as a muslim with a beard.

As George Carlin said, "You have to be realistic about terrorism. Certain groups of people, certain groups, Muslim fundamentalists, Christian fundamentalists, Jewish fundamentalists, and just plain guys from Montana, are going to continue to make life in this country very interesting for a long, long time."

What George is pointing out, and I believe Sam to agree with, is that people with bad ideas are bad no matter where they are from.

Or from wikipedia: "Terrorism is the systematic use of terror, especially as a means of coercion."

Paragraph 2 - Harris Fear Mongering, Generalizing:

1. How is Harris fear mongering? He is stating simple facts about the reality of a nuclear attack on US soil. He did not inflate those numbers or misrepresent them.

2.You can say things like "blatant generalizations" but you are not giving any real concrete examples.

Paragraph 3 - Hedges:

1. Aside from some debates I have seen Hedges in I have very little knowledge of his work. I can't comment on it because I have not read it.

Paragraph 4 - Self Gratification?

1. I fail to see how Harris mention of a possible nuclear attack on the United States, or anywhere, is an example of self gratification. I do not think this statistic brings Sam any pleasure at all.

Nuclear Attack a Ticking Time Bomb

Now for the Rip.

You admit you didn't listen to the video in its entirety which means you didn't give Sam a chance to fully develop his ideas. I don't know exactly what you expect from him or any other speaker, but they can only get so many words out of their mouth at one time and they cannot cover every objection. From what I have read and heard from Sam in the past I know him to be a fairly reasonable person - so I give him some leeway.

It reminds me of a fellow student in one of my literature classes in college. He opened his mouth and said," Well, I did not have a chance to read the story, but from what I'm hearing in the discussion I think..."

The Professor stopped him right there. He had no right to spend my time giving me his opinion of something he did not take the time to understand - and frankly neither do you.

Homophobic message in public Iowa school

ponceleon says...

>> ^TheSluiceGate:

>> ^shang:
definitely wasn't "homophobic" <- the new political correct term
phobic/phobia is a fear of, such as I have arachnophobia, but even though I am anti-gay, I do not have homophobia.
political correctness wants to redefine words, such as trying to redefine phobia to also mean hate.
again I am arachnophobic but I do not hate spiders, I fear them.

"political correct movement should die in a fucking fire" - George Carlin

Why are you anti-gay?

I wonder what else he is "anti" about? Africans? Jews? People who aren't blond?

Homophobic message in public Iowa school

TheSluiceGate says...

>> ^shang:

definitely wasn't "homophobic" <- the new political correct term
phobic/phobia is a fear of, such as I have arachnophobia, but even though I am anti-gay, I do not have homophobia.
political correctness wants to redefine words, such as trying to redefine phobia to also mean hate.
again I am arachnophobic but I do not hate spiders, I fear them.

"political correct movement should die in a fucking fire" - George Carlin

Why are you anti-gay?

Homophobic message in public Iowa school

Yogi says...

>> ^shang:

definitely wasn't "homophobic" <- the new political correct term
phobic/phobia is a fear of, such as I have arachnophobia, but even though I am anti-gay, I do not have homophobia.
political correctness wants to redefine words, such as trying to redefine phobia to also mean hate.
again I am arachnophobic but I do not hate spiders, I fear them.

"political correct movement should die in a fucking fire" - George Carlin

Phobos is greek...means fear or hatred according to Homo Stephen Fry...he would know don't ya think?

It's very very hard to fear something and not hate it for being something that exists and you fear. I'm sure you can consult a psychiatrist with a better analysis. In my opinion though, you're a moron.

Homophobic message in public Iowa school

Stormsinger says...

>> ^shang:

>> ^Stormsinger:
>> ^shang:
>> ^FlowersInHisHair:
>> ^shang:
definitely wasn't "homophobic" <- the new political correct term
phobic/phobia is a fear of, such as I have arachnophobia, but even though I am anti-gay, I do not have homophobia.
political correctness wants to redefine words, such as trying to redefine phobia to also mean hate.
again I am arachnophobic but I do not hate spiders, I fear them.

"political correct movement should die in a fucking fire" - George Carlin

The term "homophobia" refers to anti-gay sentiment and you know it. Stop splitting hairs, homophobe.

there's those political correct people popping in...
stop using the wrong word, created by the p.c. movement.
I am no homophobe I do not fear, I am anti-gay but that's my life and my family I don't care what others do.
You should download some George Carlin albums and give a listen, hopefully it will reverse what the political correct brainwashing has done.

You want to call it what it is?'re a bigot.

Now there ya go, Yes I am prejudice against certain things and of course I'm a bigot.
I wouldn't be human if I had certain preferences, if everyone thought alike and had the same morals and ethics we'd be sheep with no individualism which is what political correctness wants to remove from people is their individuality. George Carlin although a comedian was dead right 100% on that point.
And just as he said on stage, Of course I'm a bigot, I'm human. No phobias here other than spiders -grin-

Of course...those of us who object to your unreasonable hatred are only trying to stamp out individuality. And you object to -our- redefining words?

At least ours kept the word in somewhat similar realms. Not that I expect rationality from a homophobe or a bigot.

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