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Running Baby Goats

Truckchase (Member Profile)

new born goat trys to jump over a dog

JustSaying says...

I wish somebody would get a hold of the pre-cgi footage of World War Z and add baby goats instead of zombies.
Just a thought I just had. Maybe it's because baby goats are even cuter than kittens.

River of helpful Sheep are happy to trim your hedges

lurgee (Member Profile)

Molten Aluminum Meets Watermelon

ant jokingly says...

I was never a baby goat!

deathcow said:

Actually, it's for a reason, scientists now believe those seeds you have been joyfully spitting since you were a kid are actually the hardened remains of ant colonies.

These exotic ants immediately solidify the moment the shell of the watermelon is pierced and oxygen touches the interior of the fruit.

nock (Member Profile)

Anchorwoman Not Sure If Sphincter Is Word She Is Looking For

Baby Goat Trying To Be A Tough Guy

robbersdog49 says...

It seems different species of mammal are able to recognise that another animal is a baby/very young one, and react accordingly. We've seen exactly this from our cats when we had our first baby just over a year ago. We bred cats before hand so we're very accustomed to how cats react to their kittens, and they reacted in exactly the same way to our newborn's cries.

It's probably fair to say that the horse understands that the goat is young and playing and responds to that, rather than thinking it's being attacked. There's such a huge size difference that the horse wouldn't be feeling threatened or anything anyway. Animals like this do play. Horses like company and are social animals, as are goats. It's no surprise they'll play together when they can :0)

speechless said:

Besides how cute it is, and it is super cute, I just want to understand what is going on here.

So animals have emotions or am I anthropomorphizing? It's amazing to me when I see inter-species animals connect this way. This mare being so patient and nurturing. Dogs adopting kittens etc. I don't know, the more I think about it, the more I think I should go vegetarian, but I do love a juicy steak. If dogs and cats and horses have emotions, don't cows?

edit .. I probably shouldn't include cats. Jury is still out on if they have their own agenda in all this or not.

edit 2 .. not saying we should eat cats.

Baby Goat Trying To Be A Tough Guy

Baby Goat Trying To Be A Tough Guy

These goats know how to have a good time

Is Reality A Mathematical Structure?

ant (Member Profile)

Goat on a Ladder - infectious laughter

ant says...

*dead -- "'Goat on a ...' The YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement..."

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