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George Carlin vs. Fred Phelps

BicycleRepairMan says...

>> ^bobknight33:
Many people don't believe that there is a GOD.
But everyone knows of or had an experience of something that is not of this word. Some creepy feeling or hearing something or something that should not be has occurred. You can't deny that there is something beyond our sight and reach.
So if this is true, then how can you rule out the existence of GOD?

So, let me see if I get the argument: If something undefined something may or may not be something or maybe something else entirely , then how can you rule THIS out?

You are getting it all backwards. Atheists do not start with an endless pile of nonsensical claims that we have to "rule out" one by one. We see that some "ways of knowing" seem to be extremely effective and reliable, and has given us extremely good results (ie: Science and philosophy) while other "ways of knowing" such as revelation, scripture, personal anecdotes , a tingly feeling, etc tend to give us no results at all, or dangerously uninformed and wrong results.

The first method can literally bring us to the moon, and the second is nothing but unverifiable noise.

George Carlin vs. Fred Phelps

nanrod says...

>> ^bobknight33:
So if this is true, then how can you rule out the existence of GOD?

People like you just never quite get it, do you? I don't rule out the existence of a god. I also don't rule out the possibility of my winning the lottery but I can guarantee you that I'll be buying lottery tickets long before I'll ever get on my knees and pray to any god!

blankfist (Member Profile)

George Carlin vs. Fred Phelps

rougy says...

The Christian Fred Phelps is one of the most hateful people in America.

His "Church" consists of his extended family and a few hangers-on.

He lives up to the conservative tradition of picking on the weak and bowing to the strong.

When I think of George Carlin, that Felps fuck will be far from my mind.

George Carlin vs. Fred Phelps

MilkmanDan says...

I have a feeling that if George Carlin hadn't ceased to exist as a conscious being when he died, he would be really pleased with the idea that Fred Phelps and his squad of mindless devotees would be wasting time, money, and effort in the useless gesture of picketing his funeral.

MrFisk gets to 500, surrounded by controversy (Controversy Talk Post)

poolcleaner says...

Fuck you and your controversy category... I'll rape your Cherokee grandfather in front of your wife with my daughter's baby rattle while I force you to listen to Ludwig Von, then combine your tears with my girlfriend's tears, who I just punched in the cunt (because she didn't wear her Islam face thingy); then, I'll mix it with poo and agent orange, and sell it as anti-AIDS medicine in Africa. All proceeds, that aren't converted to carbon credits and WoW gold, will go to the Catholic church and Fred Phelps' God Hates Fags site. I'll write about it prison and dedicate it to the memory of Hitler, weapons of mass destruction, and all the fans of the Twilight series. P.S. Before I have sex with your grandfather, I will tear out the foetus of a pregnant Hindu priestess, fuck that foetus, then use its stim cells to increase the length of my cock -- which will be ramming into a cow after this all happens. Then I'll eat the cow. Then I'll accept JESUS CHRIST as my personal savious, kill myself and have my remains fed to Pepperridge Farm chickens.

See ya in Heaven, bitch nigga.

'Fire Dave Letterman' Rally Draws Tens of People

BicycleRepairMan says...

They sure are creeping out of the woodwork. I thought republicans were insane in 2000 when they elected Bush, and even more so in 04, but this is basically the modern face of conservative America these days. These fucking loonies..., and billo and limbaugh, just outright crazy fucking douchebags and your occasional streamlined hypocrite. Looking forward to Fred Phelps winning the GOP nomination in 2012.

Santa Claus' hidden agenda

13553 (Member Profile)

CaptWillard says...

You have no sympathy from me. Here is a site better suited to you. Make some new friends.

In reply to this comment by vjdj247365:
i resemble that remark, unfortunately, and "screw you's" in order, accepted and processed-
Baby out with the bathwater, eh?....great Nuclear solution there brother-Believe me, sock-puppets, I have none, this one is not me, you'll notice I seldom chime in here any more, those who have no desire for the real, the meaningful, THEY ignore-Like DAG, a lot of users detest conflict of any kind, even if it be with a view to consciousness, and understanding-Some of you folks seem to think that the misuse of words, and bad grammar, and for mispellings, have something to do with the overall character of an individ......OR that the use of a word more than twice, regardless of context, constitutes "hate" "bigotry" etc. I am a hater...hate stupidity...I am a bigot, prejudice agin' dumbasses-geez, pulling teeth with associates, feels like being at a in wage-slavework-

Dag crossed a line which did not exist, in the land of rules there pard-waited until he could kill me-fuck him, he will not enter into the arena of conversation, perhaps he needs a heart, a brain, and some courage.
In reply to this comment by CaptWillard:
Jesus, I left this place when CaptainAsswipe420 was a bronze star and was hating on gays.

I remember it well. And by the way BillO, nice necro-quality you gave CP420 for that fucking farce of an apology he offered. I used to occasionally find you amusing. Now you are just another worthless troll. Please downvote this comment. It's what you are best at.

Unfortunately enough of you guys gave CP420 enough votes to get him a gold star. I am sure you voted for his videos in good faith, putting aside the fact that he is a dickhead. Now look where we are at with him. I am not blaming you because I probably would have voted for some of his videos too, including the one in question. I have been lurking here the past couple of days just trying to make heads or tails of this shit and I still do not get it. I guess I will start by saying this:

1. Screw you MINK. You're calling this McCarthyism? What a hypocrite. I remember when you chastised us for wallowing in free speech and egalitarianism because poor little gluonium stormed off. Now you want to spook us with the specter of McCarthyism - the supression of free speech and thought, which doesn't at all apply here - even though you wanted to muzzle us back then for no better reason than you liking little glu-glu.

Is that too ad hominem for you, MINK? I also remember when you took us to task for ad homs, even though you have used the word "retarded" to describe people and points of view you don't like more than anyone I've ever met. Just look here people, and tell I'm wrong about that. For a condescending elitist your vocabulary isn't worth a shit, minky.

This is not about McCarthyism. It is about nothing more than dealing with a fucking troll because he is doing typical trollish shit. He is not making any thoughtful or valid arguments, and his negative contributions to this place far exceed anything positive he has brought. He is just creating a shitstorm of controversy. That is all he wants, and that is all he has ever wanted here. In other words he is just a fucking troll.

2. Screw you choggie. I used to like you at one time. Now you are just a spiteful and petty troll with sock puppets who like to use taboo words like nigger and camel jockey. Dag had to redact that second comment for many reasons. I am sure the use of "camel jockey" was one of the them. Now I know why CP420 likes you so well. Birds of a feather flock together.

3. Dag and lucky: Why wasn't CP420 banned after this comment? Seriously. According to former admin James Roe you haved purged users for racism. How is this different? I am a heterosexual male with a black father and a white mother, but I would have been offended no worse if CP420 had described black people as "losers" instead of gays. Both insults are just as bad. If you think I am wrong then tell me how.

You have banned members for troop bashing:

And for general douchebaggery:

So what makes CP420 so special? The gold star next to his name? I think you owe the members of this community - the community you founded - an explanation that involves more than "tolerance." Tolerance is great. That doesn't mean we have to allow Fred Phelps to start posting comments, does it? As far as this particular case goes, are you going to allow CP420 to smear Muslims by portraying them as scheming cabalists who are trying to destroy a neo-con hero? For the sake of argument, let's say there was a "Judaism" channel. What if every time someone posted a video about the banking industry - and there are lot of those lately - someone used the Judaism tag? Would that not be offensive to Jews? The great Zionist conpiracy LIE of the past has been transformed into the great Muslim conspiracy LIE of the present. Please explain if you disagree.

This is just a web site with a relatively small number of members who want a respectful community. If I remember you didn't want this place to become like YouTube. Yet here we are.

If my questions sound too demanding I really do not care. I have not been here for a long time anyway so you can ban me for all I care. The only reason I am here now is because I am currently staying with a friend right now who is still a member, and curiosity got the best of me so I logged in. I almost wish I hadn't now. Maybe you are wishing the same thing too.

4. To everyone else: If dag and lucky don't get rid of CP420 all I can suggest is to never vote for his videos again EVER, and any time he ever writes something even remotely stupid - all the time - downvote it. He does it all the time to you. Return the favor. He seems to delight in his role as a troll, so treat him as such. He deserves no better.

5. To CaptainPlanet420: Fuck you youngling. You are a fucking coward who feels tough by taking on an entire VIRTUAL community. Would you talk the same shit to REAL people at a gay pride parade, or at a gathering of Muslims? Don't answer that, youngling. You will only embarrass yourself. It is what you do best.

*promote for further discussion

Siftquisition : CaptainPlanet420 (Sift Talk Post)

CaptWillard says...

Jesus, I left this place when CaptainAsswipe420 was a bronze star and was hating on gays.

I remember it well. And by the way BillO, nice necro-quality you gave CP420 for that fucking farce of an apology he offered. I used to occasionally find you amusing. Now you are just another worthless troll. Please downvote this comment. It's what you are best at.

Unfortunately enough of you guys gave CP420 enough votes to get him a gold star. I am sure you voted for his videos in good faith, putting aside the fact that he is a dickhead. Now look where we are at with him. I am not blaming you because I probably would have voted for some of his videos too, including the one in question. I have been lurking here the past couple of days just trying to make heads or tails of this shit and I still do not get it. I guess I will start by saying this:

1. Screw you MINK. You're calling this McCarthyism? What a hypocrite. I remember when you chastised us for wallowing in free speech and egalitarianism because poor little gluonium stormed off. Now you want to spook us with the specter of McCarthyism - the supression of free speech and thought, which doesn't at all apply here - even though you wanted to muzzle us back then for no better reason than you liking little glu-glu.

Is that too ad hominem for you, MINK? I also remember when you took us to task for ad homs, even though you have used the word "retarded" to describe people and points of view you don't like more than anyone I've ever met. Just look here people, and tell I'm wrong about that. For a condescending elitist your vocabulary isn't worth a shit, minky.

This is not about McCarthyism. It is about nothing more than dealing with a fucking troll because he is doing typical trollish shit. He is not making any thoughtful or valid arguments, and his negative contributions to this place far exceed anything positive he has brought. He is just creating a shitstorm of controversy. That is all he wants, and that is all he has ever wanted here. In other words he is just a fucking troll.

2. Screw you choggie. I used to like you at one time. Now you are just a spiteful and petty troll with sock puppets who like to use taboo words like nigger and camel jockey. Dag had to redact that second comment for many reasons. I am sure the use of "camel jockey" was one of the them. Now I know why CP420 likes you so well. Birds of a feather flock together.

3. Dag and lucky: Why wasn't CP420 banned after this comment? Seriously. According to former admin James Roe you haved purged users for racism. How is this different? I am a heterosexual male with a black father and a white mother, but I would have been offended no worse if CP420 had described black people as "losers" instead of gays. Both insults are just as bad. If you think I am wrong then tell me how.

You have banned members for troop bashing:

And for general douchebaggery:

So what makes CP420 so special? The gold star next to his name? I think you owe the members of this community - the community you founded - an explanation that involves more than "tolerance." Tolerance is great. That doesn't mean we have to allow Fred Phelps to start posting comments, does it? As far as this particular case goes, are you going to allow CP420 to smear Muslims by portraying them as scheming cabalists who are trying to destroy a neo-con hero? For the sake of argument, let's say there was a "Judaism" channel. What if every time someone posted a video about the banking industry - and there are lot of those lately - someone used the Judaism tag? Would that not be offensive to Jews? The great Zionist conpiracy LIE of the past has been transformed into the great Muslim conspiracy LIE of the present. Please explain if you disagree.

This is just a web site with a relatively small number of members who want a respectful community. If I remember you didn't want this place to become like YouTube. Yet here we are.

If my questions sound too demanding I really do not care. I have not been here for a long time anyway so you can ban me for all I care. The only reason I am here now is because I am currently staying with a friend right now who is still a member, and curiosity got the best of me so I logged in. I almost wish I hadn't now. Maybe you are wishing the same thing too.

4. To everyone else: If dag and lucky don't get rid of CP420 all I can suggest is to never vote for his videos again EVER, and any time he ever writes something even remotely stupid - all the time - downvote it. He does it all the time to you. Return the favor. He seems to delight in his role as a troll, so treat him as such. He deserves no better.

5. To CaptainPlanet420: Fuck you youngling. You are a fucking coward who feels tough by taking on an entire VIRTUAL community. Would you talk the same shit to REAL people at a gay pride parade, or at a gathering of Muslims? Don't answer that, youngling. You will only embarrass yourself. It is what you do best.

*promote for further discussion

Shocking, Israelis celebrating in NYC while documenting 9/11

MycroftHomlz says...

Sure we don't burn books on the sift... Sure Fred Phelps is a crazy asshole...

But all these previous racist, homophobic videos were called out for what they were. Remember the video QM posted which was a combination of the add about homosexuality and the one for allowing special needs people to work. That was skewered. People were outraged, and rightfully so. Hate is not a videosift value.

>> ^gwiz665:
Well, yes and no. It goes for a specific subgroup of a race of people. And I will certainly concede that the conclusions drawn from the alleged three people celebrating are way out of proportion. I'm not certain this is as bad as Mycroft seems to think it is.
I mean this is equally hateful:
I dunno. I'm tired, so I'm not really up for all this writing right now. In short, I think this should be allowed to stay, then people can see the discussion and decide for themselves. This is probably antisemitic propaganda, but as long as we mark it as such, it should be accessible. We don't burn books on videosift.

swampgirl (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

I just fear that if we ban this, we'd be on a slippery slope. But yeah, we'll see what the general populous thinks and what the admins decide in the end.

In reply to this comment by swampgirl:
I'd like to agree with you. Let the votes decide. I'm going from what I interpret from the posting rules. Racist propaganda type sifts doesn't fit with the spirit of the guidelines IMO

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Well, yes and no. It goes for a specific subgroup of a race of people. And I will certainly concede that the conclusions drawn from the alleged three people celebrating are way out of proportion. I'm not certain this is as bad as Mycroft seems to think it is.

I mean this is equally hateful:

I dunno. I'm tired, so I'm not really up for all this writing right now. In short, I think this should be allowed to stay, then people can see the discussion and decide for themselves. This is probably antisemitic propaganda, but as long as we mark it as such, it should be accessible. We don't burn books on videosift.

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

swampgirl says...

I'd like to agree with you. Let the votes decide. I'm going from what I interpret from the posting rules. Racist propaganda type sifts doesn't fit with the spirit of the guidelines IMO

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Well, yes and no. It goes for a specific subgroup of a race of people. And I will certainly concede that the conclusions drawn from the alleged three people celebrating are way out of proportion. I'm not certain this is as bad as Mycroft seems to think it is.

I mean this is equally hateful:

I dunno. I'm tired, so I'm not really up for all this writing right now. In short, I think this should be allowed to stay, then people can see the discussion and decide for themselves. This is probably antisemitic propaganda, but as long as we mark it as such, it should be accessible. We don't burn books on videosift.

Shocking, Israelis celebrating in NYC while documenting 9/11

gwiz665 says...

Well, yes and no. It goes for a specific subgroup of a race of people. And I will certainly concede that the conclusions drawn from the alleged three people celebrating are way out of proportion. I'm not certain this is as bad as Mycroft seems to think it is.

I mean this is equally hateful:

I dunno. I'm tired, so I'm not really up for all this writing right now. In short, I think this should be allowed to stay, then people can see the discussion and decide for themselves. This is probably antisemitic propaganda, but as long as we mark it as such, it should be accessible. We don't burn books on videosift.

RNC Theme Song

NordlichReiter says...

QM: I'm gonna Godwin this: You are like a nazi. "Enablers"? Fred Phelps is that you?

Racists, religious nut swabs can and will argued with until they scream that I am the Lord and Savior Lucifer himself.

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