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Soccer Drifting

Biker gives cop fist bump with foot while doing stunts

Black Child Abducted and Assaulted by White Supremacists

newtboy says...

Really, he's competent enough to escape from multiple armed kidnappers, several kids and at least one adult who all just left him alone and unrestrained while they all went into another, non adjoining room so he could escape unnoticed, but he can't show police where the property full of racists, guns, and torture devices he escaped on foot from is? And local police don't know the fat ginger racist in a red truck with "I hate black people" tattooed on his forearm by name?
Sounds pretty fishy to me.

Inappropriate channel assignments, so
Maybe *news (likely fake news) *equality and *controversy, but certainly not for kids and not related to the military war on terror. Also not a lynching.

Eddie goes almost too far with Bill

Sagemind says...

Bill Cosby has had nothing but bad things to say about Eddie over the years. Bill has always taken the high road and blamed Murphy and Prior of being unnecessarily crude and vulgar, that he was above them. Cosby felt he was better than them and said it often...
So now Eddie gets to put the shoe on the other foot.

Skateboarder removes large splinter

artician says...

I was walking back from the bathroom in my home at like 3am one night. It was pitch black. I kicked a small container of toothpicks that had been sitting on the floor and stumbled. One of the toothpicks flipped out of the container and landed straight up just as my foot, and full weight, came down right on top of it. I ended up with the wooden pick sticking straight out of the bottom of my bare foot. They were standard ~2 inch picks, and it was probably buried about 3/4ths the way in. It looked exactly like what this guy had, but it went straight into the tissue of my foot, rather than glancing along side.
My partner drove me to the emergency room right away, and to this day I still feel the elation at learning it hadn't splintered or snapped off in the foot, and they were able to extract it pretty much in the same way he did. I got bonus tetanus shots for being such a good patient.

Crocodile bites foot off another crocodile

C-note (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

How thieves steal keyless tech cars

spawnflagger says...

The key is only needed to unlock the door and press the "start" button inside. At least with Honda (not sure of others), the car will only start beeping when the key gets out of range, it won't turn off or anything (probably for safety reasons).
Also with Honda, you have to press your foot on the brake in order for the start button to work. I have seen other makes where this is not required.

I would assume that if these thieves have the tech to create the relay boxes, they also have to the tech to reprogram replacement keys for the stolen vehicle (otherwise how will they sell it on? unless it's just parted out)

ChaosEngine said:

What surprises me here is not that the car starts, but that it doesn't cut out once it gets out of range of the key. Even a strong relay would only have a short range (1-2km at most?).

John Oliver - Mike Pence

bcglorf says...

You expect me to believe that if asked how many fingers and toes a person has, you would NOT answer 5 on each hand and foot, but instead would cautiously add any and all caveats necessary to be inclusive?

newtboy said:

Like saying humans have white skin, or blue eyes, or blond hair isn't dehumanizing to non Arians? If you make a blanket statement about who's human that leaves out a group, you dehumanize them, intentionally or not. Simple. Saying humans have five fingers on their hand dehumanized anyone who doesn't. Saying the sky is blue during sunset just makes you moronic.

No, you don't get to change or erase the meaning of words because you disagree with proven, peer reviewed, long standing science. Sorry. Brain scans show physical differences between genders that don't always correspond to sex, but do correspond to gender.

How To Be More Productive

newtboy says...

Hmmmm.....No diagonal bracing, and barely sunk posts directly in dirt with no footings...this ramp will not last. Pressure treated wood is rot resistant, not rot proof. Putting your head down and getting to work finishes the job faster, but like this ramp, not better. I doubt this would pass an inspection, it's almost certainly not up to code.

The idea is work smart AND hard. If you work stupidly, you'll have to work much harder to fix your mistakes.

Luxury Bentley Smashes into Pensioner's Car

notarobot jokingly says...

I suppose that only works on the kinds of people who believe in using their blinker and following rules in the first place...

"The driver of the Bentley, Richard Plum, 46, fled on foot but was traced by the blood left on the airbag of his car."


oritteropo said:

Traffic calming.

Green screen special effects are amazing to me

GregTSL says...

This is basically how James Cameron shot Avatar. The backgrounds weren't fully rendered, but had enough detail he could get a feel for the final result. Also the actors would be represented in realtime in his field of view as their 12 foot tall counterparts...pretty amazing.

Snow Day Fun...

CrushBug says...

My uncle had a very large frozen pond in winter, out back of his house. He used to shovel a skating area with 2-3 foot high berms of snow around it. Then he would hook up a tractor tire inner tube and tow us around with a snowmobile. It was the greatest day when we figured out how to put the tube on the other side of the berm and use the snowmobile to launch us off of the lip. We were thrown so high in the air we felt like we were flying, and only manages to land back on the tube about half the time. Didn't stop us from doing it for hours, despite the impacts.

Brazilian Police demonstrate how to get out of tight park

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