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Timelapse of a giant excavator moving to a parking site

Green New Deal: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

ChaosEngine says...

The older I get, the more fatalist I become about climate change.

Honestly, we've missed the boat on this. We're fucked and there's nothing we can do about it.

And anyone who says that you can make a difference is talking out their arse. The actual useful things you can do are:

1: have less (preferably no) children. This dwarfs any other action you can take by a factor of 5.
2: Switch to a plant-based diet
3: Stop flying

Ok, 1 is not going to happen. People are still having kids and there hasn't even been any serious public debate about this (despite it being the single most impactful thing any individual can do).

2 and 3 will help, but nowhere near enough.

The ONLY thing that could have saved us is what Extinction Rebellion are proposing: attack climate change on a total war footing. Convert the entire economy over to fixing this.

And it needed to happen a decade ago.

But our leaders ignored this, and now it's too late.

I feel bad for anyone who has kids, but frankly, I'm just hoping the worst of it doesn't kick in until I've kicked the bucket.

Colorado Blizzard Aftermath - Woodmen Road Dashcam Footage

TheFreak says...

In the case of this storm, 100's of people were still stranded in their cars the next day. People stuck in their vehicles after Colorado storms are often picked up by emergency vehicles, national guard, good samaritans, etc. Most people in Colorado also carry emergency supplies in their car in case they get stuck like this.

I don't even know what's going on here. It was a cyclone with really high winds but only like a foot of snow. Not really a blizzard. It looks like a lot of those cars drove off the road when there was zero visibility and then got stuck. The rest are probably stuck because sudden ice made the roads impassable.

That storm started with reasonably warm weather and rain, then a sudden (SUDDEN!) drop in temperature and high winds. I think below that thin layer of snow was undrivable ice.

diggum317 said:

So what happened to all the people who were in those cars? Seems like it is in the middle of nowhere.

newtboy (Member Profile)

Mouse Cleans Up Garden Shed

Honest Government Ad | Climate Change Policy

newtboy says...

Who told you that?!
You mean the law that allows some border barriers when they are useful and don't violate other local, federal, or international laws? That did not authorize what's now proposed, and didn't pay for it either.

Btw, you do know he hasn't built a single foot of new wall, right? So far he's barely repaired old fences, but he tells you he's built hundreds of miles of new wall. You deserve to not be lied to. You don't have to sit still for that disrespectful abuse. Call him out when he lies to you. If the wall is really important, why allow him to get away with faking it?

bobknight33 said:

The law to build a wall was passed years ago. Way before Trump came along. Our government never had the balls to fund it. Lip service is all our government is. Trump, love him, hate him is actually doing something about it.

Onboard Bruna Tomaselli: Alex Baron crash in St Petersburg

DrMaximan says...

1) I hope you are okay Alex after that! It looked horrible!
2) I hope that was mechanical failure rather than driver error!
3) If it was driver error - please don't do it again!! (You just need to bend your toes, not hit the gas & you do have brakes - use them, or even better take your foot off the gas a bit earlier!) I am kidding by the way, I'm sure you are a way better racing driver than me , I really do hope you're okay though with nothing more than hurt pride!
4) It can happen to the best of us, don't let it put you off motor sports! I've only written off 2 cars My bad! One was a stripped down, tuned Peugeot 205 1.9 GTI - God I loved that car, absolutely fabulous at cornering - damn trees - LOL! Sometimes you just crash - be happy you walk away, just cry for the car....
5) Good luck Alex! It takes real guts to race! God bless you!

High electric tower nearly crushes a man

The Best Of CPAC 2019

newtboy says...

Trump is an admitted, convicted actual criminal fraud after pleading guilty to it, serial philanderer, and totally disloyal narcissist.
Hillary, much as I dislike her, has been loyal to a fault, and was never convicted of anything, investigated 10 times as long as Trump wasting well over 3 times the money without adjusting for proof of any crime, she's just a narcissist.
Oh Bobby Bob. Sometimes you just can't help putting your foot in your mouth.

bobknight33 said:

Zero proof and you are drinking the KoolAid...

Hillary is an known criminal.

Unprecedented Partnership between Fox News and Trump

RFlagg says...

What @newtboy said. Seems all the Conservatives forgot the Golden Rule of do unto others... they treated Obama like shit for 8 years. Fox couldn't go 15 minutes without bashing Obama or the Democrats. The MSM doesn't have a bias, it is the fact that Trump keeps inserting foot into mouth, because he tries his best to keep in the front page of the media headlines, even if it is negative, because he knows he can spin that to his followers like Bob, who'll believe 100% everything coming out of his lying mouth. So to Trump, even the negative is great, because it is great for Fox who can spin it like, look how negative it all is... oh we got one guy who's almost negative about Trump on at a time nobody watches, so we can pretend we are "fair and balanced" but reality is, we are 100% pure propaganda, America's own Provda.
Of course this is all for not, Bob and Trump's other followers (because it is cult) will never change their mind, and nothing they can say will change the mind of free thinking people.

The Ice Strikes Back

BSR says...

If the ice is just thick enough it will keep the gravel in place. Looks like her foot slipped before she even had her full weight on it. It also looked like driver slipped a bit too.

Opener: Someone could do that easily depending on the circumstances. Just make up a logical scenario on your own. (i'm not going to do the work for you.)

Some people have a sense of humor. Maybe they just shared it with someone and they shared it with someone and so on.

Good question about the ADT logo. Wouldn't doubt they (ADT) picked up the video and added it themselves. Doesn't affect me one way or the other.

It can be as suspicious as you can make it. But why?

If it's everything you say, so what?

newtboy said:

How do you slip on loose gravel like it was smooth ice without moving a single rock? (that I can see at least)
I'm suspicious this is a fake.
The story, they took the garage door opener out of the car and left it in the garage, also makes no sense. Why would someone ever do that?
Then, why would they publicly share the video of themselves falling? And why is there an ADT logo on the video?
Highly suspicious.

Trump publicly blows his cover for national emergency

newtboy says...

He was beating his face into Pelosi's foot....and at getting less than he was offered.
Now he's successful in undermining his own political argument, admitting there is no emergency and blatantly planning on stealing funding from anti drug funds and the military, Republican third rails.

Unfortunately, an actual emergency isn't required for the president to declare one. Hopefully the theory that Pentagon money can't be diverted for civil projects will hold up, as will every challenge to how he plans on exercising his expanded powers, but with the okeydoke gang on the supreme court, there's no telling.
*quality questioning....deplorable answering

The First Extinction of 2019 Has Already Happened

transmorpher says...

It's pretty clear the governments can't get their shit together, so it is up to us as individuals to drive the change.

If you want to do your part to combat climate change, then any reduction in products that come from animal farming is going to decrease your carbon (and methane) foot print.

e.g. Go for the bean burrito with guac or tahani dressing, instead of a beef and cheese burrito.

Go for the coconut/soy/almond ice cream instead.

Watch the COWSPIRACY documentary on Netflix, and look up Dr. Richard Oppenlander speaking to the EU parliament.

This Is Your Brain On Stale Air

transmorpher says...

It's pretty clear the governments can't get their shit together, so it is up to us as individuals to drive the change.

If you want to do your part to combat climate change, then any reduction in products that come from animal farming is going to decrease your carbon (and methane) foot print.

e.g. Go for the bean burrito with guac or tahani dressing, instead of a beef and cheese burrito.

Go for the coconut/soy/almond ice cream instead.

Watch the COWSPIRACY documentary on Netflix, and look up Dr. Richard Oppenlander speaking to the EU parliament.

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