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newtboy (Member Profile)

Stay In School, Kids...

newtboy says...

Bullshit you liar.
Trump blocked relevant witnesses, not the house. He had no credible witnesses on his behalf because none exist. The witnesses he wasn't allowed were the Bidens, because even if every baseless accusation he made against them was true (spoiler, not one is) it's 100% irrelevant. What HE did is the issue.

Bob, you and Trump's position on anyone not kowtowing sufficiently and loudly exclaiming how amazing his (non existent) clothes are is "fuck them". Always has been. Hardly possible to represent America when you say 2/3 are America haters that should be hanged for treason.

The democrats wanted more evidence from day one, and the Whitehouse used every possible excuse to deny them ANY. I can't wait for 2021 when republican control is lost, barring more massive Republican voter fraud (which has been perpetrated by a republican in every intentional case found this century- including all actual examples Trump's investigation found from 2016; Terri Lynn Rote, Phillip Cook, Audrey Cook, Gladys Coego, and worst ever-Leslie McCrae Dowless who collected hundreds of absentee ballots and filled them out for Republican candidates, forging the signatures of hundreds of voters in her position as paid political operative for the Trump supported Republican candidate Mark Harris). When the house, Senate, and executive are all democratic and republicans are silenced with their sycophantic and cowardly abdication of duty, civility, and sanity to someone who doesn't comprehend one of those concepts a whit, I'm sure you'll finally understand how bad that is.

The Senate didn't listen to shit. Republicans, save one, were prepared to acquit without any evidence or testimony. Liar.

The theatrics are from Republicans....all non cult members see that clearly, that's why 2/3 of Americans supported his removal, and the other 1/3 wouldn't convict him of murder if he shot Romney in cold blood during the state of the union. The president being an unimpeachable king is what the constitution was designed to prevent, and the precedent the Republicans set here will end our country if it's the new norm. Start learning Mandarin....oh sorry, forgot that the "L" word is a swear word to your ilk.

It's the entire US that lost, something you'll understand when the next president breaks the law and Republicans are ignored when they complain. The state of the union is "crumbling into dust". The divider in chief has seen to that. "Winning!". *facepalm

BTW, you're also wrong about the dumbasses (again, one word not two). Trumpsters are the uneducated by and large, and a vast majority of them (59%bad/33%good) believe higher education is a bad thing. It's likely that statistic is due to the fact that most of today's Republicans couldn't get into college because most of you are too dumb to meet the requirements, and those who aren't, like my family, have left the party in disgust.

Republicans are the moronic anti American anti education anti fact anti science anti fiscal responsibility anti choice bigots too stupid and gleefully ignorant to know they're stupid ignorant morons. There's absolutely no question or doubt among those who aren't willfully ignorant, who believe in fact, or who believe in education.

bobknight33 said:

The house screwed Trump during their investigation and did not allow any credible witness on his behalf. Now in the Senate Democrats beg for fairness. Fuck them.

The House in gathered enough evidence to bring forth article of impeachment. Democrats now want more evidence.? The Senate listen to their evidence and found it lacking.

Just a theatrical show by Democrats because they have nothing . And they LOST ..............AGAIN

Why can i not go to the pub!?

noims says...

This is so familiar. Since my son was about 2 it was always a special treat for me to bring him to the pub after creche. When collecting him he'd jump around shouting "Dunphy's! Dunphy's! I'm going to Dunphy's!" to the great amusement of the creche staff.

Log Drive

Buttle says...

Thanks. I'll bet it looks different now. When I was a kid I spent some time on a lake that had been used for yarding logs, back in the day. Some were still sunk there, collecting fishing tackle years later.

Ashenkase said:

The final output of those logs looks like the mill in Masson, Quebec. I knew it was Du Lievre River once they mentioned Buckingham, Quebec. Before the mill was built those logs would have made the Ottawa Rivera and down to Montreal.,-75.4313064,3263m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x4cce36c455e7e247:0x3f44babb947032c9!8m2!3d45.770765

Portrait of Lotte, from birth to 20 years old

Payback says...

The flu, partying night before...

I just think it's bizarre behaviour of all involved. As it's happened since birth, she's normalized it, but being programmed to think being recorded is just another weekly chore -like I had to collect and take out the trash- is an alien concept to me.

She has achieved her Warhol Quota though...

EDIT: Her brother Vince is being documented too:
16 years so far.

newtboy said:

Is it me, or did she look like she was either in or near tears 1/4 of the time.


newtboy says...

Actually not, it was a day with plenty of important news, which makes the massive interest in a fart even more odd.
My guess is everyone needs a break from vitally important but exhausting international and national politics and #fartgate provided a nice distraction.
Also, the collective American psyche is an 8 year old.

Sagemind said:

WTF who cares, it's a slow news day.....
Honestly..... ...... ..... ....

Not your typical gender reveal

Voting Machines: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

Just a side note, Trump was fined $2 million today for his fraudulent and clearly illegal misuse of his charity, specifically for stealing about $2.8 million in donations he solicited and collected for veterans and misusing it for personal and political purposes and repeatedly, intentionally ignoring his legal oversight duties. His "charity", the Trump Foundation, has also been dissolved, with all remaining funds split between multiple actual charities.

Who's guilty of stealing from charities?
Hint, it's the same person who plead guilty to running a fraudulent school and stealing from students.

bobknight33 said:

Who really wants to steal votes?

Hillary Clinton Email Investigation To Enter New Phase |

newtboy says...

Poor @bobknight33....Trump's state department on Friday finally, after uncountable and a seemingly never ending series of purely partisan investigations, exonerated H Clinton of any wrongdoing over her email server...again...and explained that most of the now classified data sent TO her, not by her, through unsecured channels were (was) classified after the fact as an attempt to create a crime where none existed.
Thanks to the also uncountable and horrific crimes against the nation, our allies, and the constitution by Comrade Trump hogging all political news coverage, that report, published last week and released publicly on Friday got almost zero news coverage, and not a word from those who accused her and insisted on continued investigations.

Trump just in the week called the constitution "phony", seeded control of Northern Syria to Russia (causing an immediate resurgence of Daesh) and was forced by Republicans to cancel his latest ploy to profit from the office.
He often uses unsecured channels to communicate actually classified information with his family who couldn't pass a background check to get security clearance, and hides unclassified criminal activity on secret servers himself. He constantly used his private lawyer to do illegal back room secret foreign policy contrary to the national interests and for purely personal political gains. Meanwhile, as he accuses Biden's family of profiting from his position with zero evidence, his own children are collecting tens to hundreds of millions from our foreign enemies by their own accounting (which means the truth is far worse).
On top of that, his business filings that are now public show incontrovertible proof of either tax fraud or bank fraud, likely both, since to banks he reported extremely high profits while to the IRS he claimed low profits and losses.
Lock them up
Lock them up
Lock them up
Lock them up.....

Trump Pressured Ukraine to Meddle in the 2020 Election

Area 51 Raid:What happens, legally speaking? Real Law Review

newtboy jokingly says...

Millennials, don't listen to him. Just go, be aggressive, don't take "freeze or we'll shoot" for an answer. We need something to thin out your numbers and raise the collective IQ of America.

Doctors Diagnose Liberal

Where Are All the Bob Ross Paintings? We Found Them.

Sagemind says...

I think the Smithsonian will eventually sell prints and books, but I doubt they will ever sell off any of the paintings - Museums collect - they don't sell their exhibits.

moonsammy said:

Good for them! I love that the people in charge of his legacy seem to care so much about keeping it "pure" to the degree they're able. I'm certain a ton of these will be on sale eventually, but for now I'm happy they exist entirely outside the world of art collecting.

Where Are All the Bob Ross Paintings? We Found Them.

moonsammy says...

Good for them! I love that the people in charge of his legacy seem to care so much about keeping it "pure" to the degree they're able. I'm certain a ton of these will be on sale eventually, but for now I'm happy they exist entirely outside the world of art collecting.

WWI Bombs Are Still Being Found Over 100 Years Later

StukaFox says...

When I was in Belgium a couple of years ago, I visited a farm where they're still pulling WW1 iron out of the ground on a daily basis. "The Iron Harvest" it's called. Finding WW1 shells is so common that farmers in the area just collect them and put them at the end of their roads for the disposal guys to pick up.

The truly scary part is that somewhere in Belgium, there's about 87,000 kilos of high explosives, which was supposed to be used to blow an enormous hole in the German trenches became lost when the Brits had to fall back. To this day, no one knows where the explosives are. In 1955, lightning hit a similar "lost mine" and pretty much leveled an otherwise dull field of vegetables.

Article about these lost mines here:

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Beggar's Canyon