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Kid reacting to VR rollercoaster thrill ride

00Scud00 says...

I wonder how these cell phone based VR setups compare to more traditional ones like Oculus Rift or the HTC Vive. Are they as immersive, or are they more like a poor mans VR solution.

Is It Dangerous To Talk To A Camera While Driving?

MilkmanDan says...

Was just watching the old Mythbusters where they took an actual driving road test while intoxicated or talking on a cell phone. But, being actual driving, they legally had to stay under the .08 BAC limit even though it was on a closed course.

Really cool to see this place, where they can test things at mild/moderate/high levels of impairment, other types of intoxication, etc.

However, I did have one minor complaint, sort of the same as in the Mythbusters episode: it would be nice to see additional tests where the driver isn't ever expected to look at a video camera and/or respond correctly to questions. Ie., what if you're talking to somebody on the phone hands free, or talking to a passenger in the car, but you're not expected to devote a lot of attention to that ALL the time. In a real scenario, you can keep your eyes on the road and pay attention to driving while also listening to someone or even talking to them a little bit. If you see something in the road that requires your full attention, it seems like your brain should be able to do a reasonable job of prioritizing the driving (more important) over paying attention to the conversation (less important).

I'd wager that on average, people in that sort of scenario are slightly impaired compared to drivers putting 100% of their attention on driving, but not by a big margin. Probably lower than a lot of other distractions, some of which we deem acceptable (hard to legislate things like "driving while preoccupied" angry/sad/whatever).

A modern dating horror story

newtboy says...

I was going to say send those boobs pics to me, but I'm not on social media either besides here (if videosift counts) and I go one huge step farther...I don't have a cell phone.

Liberal Redneck - Virginia is for Lovers, not Nazis

enoch says...


i am trying to unpack your comment.

so you AGREE that attacking people you disagree with ideologically is wrong,but only if they are not self-identified nazis?

because 90 years ago these guys kinda cornered the market in nazism? and well..we don't wanna see a repeat of THAT now do we? so let's punch them in the face....

and that somehow punching them in the face will somehow magically halt any further encroachment of those dirty nazis!!!!

because it was so effective in the 1930's? about this...

how about we daydream about cockpunching these knuckleheads,because it brings a smile to our faces but NOT actually punch them?

instead...we allow these cunts..who came to this gig LOOKING for a bluster and foam at the spew their vile and vulgar message of racism dressed up as nationalistic pride,so EVERYONE can see.

and i bet you dollars to donuts one of them knuckledragging retards,who came all gussied up for a gonna make a mistake...that inbreeder is gonna just HAVE to use his home made mace,or his shiny new gopher poker on someone...

probably one of dem darn "libtards".

and in this age of cell phone vigilantism,this is gonna get caught on video,posted to youtube and KABOOM!

white nationalist racist nazi party is forced back underground.

because you CANNOT fight fascism with a different flavor of fascism.

fascism is fascism yo,just because one flavor may taste better to your buds don't change that very simple truth.

the problem in this setting is you have TWO groups who are addicted to identity politics,and BOTH are convinced of their own righteousness,and BOTH groups suffer from a horrid case of groupthink.

and this ideological stand has them both certain of their righteousness,and this gives them a moral certitude that violence is an acceptable answer.

because they are the righteous.

sound familiar?

you mentioned 100 years ago,
i will match your 100 years and counter with the previous 5,000.

ideology homie..
the cancer of the deluded.
just ask any fundamentalist christian,or muslim,or jew.....

they will be perfectly happy to tell you how RIGHT they are,and how WRONG you are.

and this shit?
^ this psycho shit?
this is just a puss pocket,erupting from the internal corruption feeding on my countries soul.

economic collapse ain't gonna bring my country down.
it is gonna be the polarized politics that finally takes this country out.

i hate this..i seriously hate this...

Lions are fast

Whoa, We Did Not Realize Helicopters Could Do This

ForgedReality says...

You can't be serious. Is this the new "I've seen a few Photoshops in my day" meme?

It's a shitty cell phone video. Look how blown out the signs on the ground are.

And if you're being sarcastic, try harder.

bitterbug said:

Looks like a render. The specular highlights are way too bright.

Math hiphop (clipping - story 2)

eric3579 says...

Godsmack is how the wind feels
On the face of Mike Winfield
On his way home from the bar where he works
Nights - the worst nights, don't nobody tip right
And between the marriage offers and the fist fights
And if another mother fucker touch his wrist trying to pull him in to whisper
He ain't making it to midnight
Don't they know he got a lighter in his pocket
A matchbook in his sock and a block full of charred skeletons closeted begging to get out
He paused cause he's scared of airing out the thoughts
He can taste it in his mouth the sulfur and bitter carbon
Hearing all the burning bodies shout but no
That was a full lifetime ago and nobody ever has to know
He has never told well except Ronald
But that don't count he was sweet and exactly what he needed him to be at the time
Wine and candlelight and nice texts at lunchtime
Why had he not called Ron back
Guess there just wasn't a spark, ha!
No, no, musn't joke about these things
Wouldn't want to disappoint Doc Clark
So many hours on the couch
So many buried memories that take so many tears to get them out
Water hadn't never been a friend
Hold up - where had he seen that car before
Blue Acura dent on the left rear fender
Back again the sense of
Deja Vu
Strange things you
Never shake when you wake up in recovery
But suddenly noticing ash is covering his head cause it's raining from the sky
Dials home on his cell phone and gets no reply
What the fuck?
Where is the babysitter that he overpays
Body takes over and brain becomes disengaged
Michael is running his house is three blocks away
Adrenaline compensating for change in age
Since the last time that he ran it god dammit
Mike knows he gotta get home fast as he can
Looks up in the sky, glow's familiar
Knows those families died with similar
Awnings and on and on he keeps going
Hits the corner just as he hears the explosion
Screams come from the house, "Did you get them out?"
Mike asking the crowd that has gathered 'round
Tears running down his face
There's that familiar taste
He wishes it would take him to another place
Son and his baby girl in his home and he can't believe that it's gone in a cloud of smoke
And he's choking and running forward and hoping against hope that he might find them alive and well
When he knows the results too well and he knows that fooled himself
And he keeps walking towards the house rather what house is still left
No intention of stopping letting the smoke take his breath
Some strong arm rocks him aside Mike falls to the ground and cries
Why won't you just let me die
Why won't you just let me die

That's pretty sick *promote


newtboy jokingly says...

So, you're one of those....people who think that if they're looking at their cell phone, everyone else better just look out for them, not the other way around, and walking down the middle of the road while tweeting is just everyone else's problem? Hmmmm.

notarobot said:

They guys in the car are the real assholes here.

Sedan Dragged By Truck For Miles Down Freeway

"One word says it all. Asian"

newtboy says...

Where did you get this information that diametrically opposes her claims?
She said they confirmed the extra people were OK before they left home, and was told there's an extra charge, then was denied when they were 5 (3) minutes away calling for directions (if you don't know, many Airbnb listings don't include the address or directions beyond 'go to this town/intersection and call', so calling for directions 5 minutes away is not so abnormal.)
The pets, if not preapproved, are a perfectly good reason to deny her, but that's not what the landlord said in her texts.
Really? Her behavior is that of an Asian stereotype? You're going to have to explain that, as it sounds pretty racist itself.
As for the camera crew, it's a cell phone video. When you're lost in a whiteout, you ask the first people you can for help, the reporters were stopped there reporting on the blizzard in the pull out spot where her party was putting on chains, not flying past her, so she probably asked them for help or directions.
How is it "set up so perfectly"?
You certainly seem eager to support the landlord and dismiss all of this woman's claims as false, even with the texts from the landlord that were clearly racially dismissive and antagonistic in tone and no evidence yet that it wasn't purely racial discrimination. That's not a good look.

As for United, do you think they would have forced a younger articulate white doctor with patients to see off the plane like that? I don't.

coolhund said:

Oh btw, I informed myself better about this case now, and I dont agree with what the source of eric3579 says anymore.

What his source hides is, she was about 5 minutes away from the cabin when she asked about the dogs and her friends. Sure, "Tami" is an ass for agreeing to it at first, but you have to be a very audacious person to drive "hours" with your friends and pets and then ask minutes before you arrive if its ok to bring them. That alone is reason enough to cancel that reservation. Thats why she called her a con artist.
Calling her "Asian" and stuff was just much later, and actually her behavior is that of an Asian stereotype, so... race? No. But of course she interpreted it like that, if you look at her career. Shes an anti-capitalist and other things that fit so very well into her acting.

Nothing would have changed, if Tami would have said no from the beginning. Because they were almost there anyway. They would have wasted that time on their own account in any case. But she tried to spin a race case out of this, because she didnt get her will. And many many people got fooled by it.
And that alone, driving hours with your friends and pets, and only announcing minutes before arrival that those pets and people are coming with them, and even finding a film crew that quickly, them setting this up so perfectly, makes this story look absolutely planned and the race thing just played into her hands a little bit (not really if you examine it closely). There is no denying it. We all have been fooled.

People like her are even trying to make a race thing out of the United case.

"One word says it all. Asian"

newtboy says...

On my tablet, each individual we rented an airbnb from in Iceland automatically had their chosen profile picture attached to each email, and many were landscape or building photos, so this part at least is not so odd. I'm just guessing it works the same on cell phones, I don't have one.

It is ironic that a civil liberties counselor had this happen, but that's probably why it gained attention. This kind of thing happens daily, but usually not so blatantly or with such a clear 'paper trail' of emails. It still could be fake, but anyone with 1/2 a brain would know that faking something like this will be exposed quickly and ruin their future, so I hope it's not.

coolhund said:

A comment from Youtube:
"So, this horrible and blatant act of racism happened to occur to a former ACLU civil liberties counselor who majored in Critical Race Studies -- described as a major aimed at "naming one's own reality" by "using narrative to illuminate and explore experiences of racial oppression." Isn't it ironic and unfortunate that this would happen to her of all people?

What's also a little ironic is that Ms. Suh not only received these texts from a "Tami," but also happens to have a Facebook friend named "Tami" who posts on Facebook about "Tiny House Listings" -- a house rental service.

Speaking of which, it's kind of interesting that Tami showed up as "Tami" on Ms. Suh's phone, rather than as a phone number, isn't it? And there's a photo for Tami too. That means Tami is saved as a contact. It's a little odd for some random Airbnb host that Ms. Suh never met in-person to be a contact with a photo on her phone, isn't it?

Interestingly, if you look at Facebook-friend "Tami's" photos, they're all sort of artistic, colorful photos of inanimate objects -- just like Tami's photo in the texts.

If I didn't know better, I would almost, almost think that this stilted, formal, perfect little racist exchange between house-renter Tami and critical race studies major Ms. Suh, and the passionately tearful speech in the rain that followed -- why was she making speeches in the rain anyway? -- was, in fact, a carefully constructed "narrative" that Ms. Suh conspired to create with her Facebook-friend Tami.

But hey, that couldn't be right, could it?"



First 5 minutes of Ghost in the Shell Movie.

Drachen_Jager says...

Why must American films explain everything?

What real person would sit across from someone over dinner and explain how their cell phone works, or how their child learned math on an iPad? Why would that change in the future? I hate this American need to assume the audience is stupid and needs to be spoon fed every bit of information.

Liberal Redneck - Trumpcare

newtboy says...

Ok republicans. I didn't, and won't buy a cell phone, you cover 100% of my medical care and we'll call it even. I've done my part (I've never had a cell phone, and I'm fine with that), it's officially time to put up or fuck off.

Edit CBO report shows 14 million lose coverage instantly, and another 10 million in 10 years, with an instant jump of 15-20% in insurance rates. Not what they promised, is it?

Hiphop meets 'Children of Men'

eric3579 says...

In a world where the world ends at the end of your block
And them uh, little whirlwinds spin friction round the clock
I'll be savage, hunt and gather the average rather cadaver
Cock back hammer, splatter matter all over cell phone and calendar
No peace, yeah, in the middle of a war zone, riddle when the norm thinks slow
No sleep, yeah, with the shades down low, on the down low fighting with a dream
I creep, yeah, all secrets please, I don't need to speak
I'm paranoid like a man in the land of the free
To set up and let us burn and turn cheek, damn
Stop with the octagon, top your block, I'm gone
Off my rock, no songs, no more locked, yeah
Just a little bit a prison for everyone of us
We won't listen till there isn't any more of us
These days we quick to part ways with rights like "okay"
Here, let's be clear, for the record I did not sign up for lockdown
Or any kind of shock and I'm so bored

You must have forgot just who you were dealing with
Nothing less than aggression so naked, so crystal clear with a
Trust in absolutely fucking nothing but Doomtree
Step up your thought game lame, we're all thirsty!

It's like they leave us no option
Walking these streets, heat is watching
These preachers speak from their pockets
These teachers...bring it back c'mon
These teachers reach but can't stop it
Seedlings so poisoned, so lost and
Follow these prophets to nonsense
Tossing what's right to the dust
And I ain't no casualty
Got no surface with spotless morality
My dirt might have to cover up my grave
But I keep my fear of faith
And filth clutter up my cave
Got me looking for disinfectant
(I don't know how to behave)
God, I'm bored!

You must have forgot just who you were dealing with
Nothing less than aggression so naked, so crystal clear with a
Trust in absolutely fucking nothing but Doomtree
Step up your thought game lames, we're all thirsty!

So thirsty for mooooooooore!...

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