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Devout Christians beware - Teh GAYZ are coming to your town!

dystopianfuturetoday says...

You're wrong about King, who wanted all kinds of special rights.
And Ghandi hated Black people. I can't believe you admire such racists! For SHAME!

Wow. If you aren't down with King and Ghandi, then you most definitely have issues with race. This isn't a personal attack, but rather an observation.

Instead of flinging hasty retorts, why not take an embarrassing moment in a videosift thread and use it as a catalyst for positive change in your life?

I can tell by the words you use that these ideas are not your own (which is a good thing). These are regurgitated talking points from political talk radio and message boards.

Do you really want other people to do your thinking for you? I hope not.

Why not wrestle with these ideas yourself? Maybe you will come to different conclusions than those Fox News has taught you.

I know these comments are a bit forward, but they are genuine and intended to engage you, not insult you.

PS: I apologize for calling you a fucknut.

My Back's Achin' My Bras Too Tight

persephone says...

It's no fun and I sometimes think I gain a glimpse of the capacity to kill, when I've had a particularly rough premenstrual moment. If I am already stressed, or sleep-deprived when it comes and if something happens which acts as a last-straw kind of catalyst, all calm and rationality disappears and I can become a weepy/hysterical monster.

Vitex (agnus castus) has become my herbal helper over the last 10 years. It's really helped regulate and ease the last part of the cycle. I know I'm not looking after myself well enough, dietary and stress-wise, if I have a bad time, now.

Giant Banana Slug eats flower

Employees Expose FOX NEWS Distortions

thinker246 says...

The arguments I've read here are repugnant, from both poles. Why is it so hard for people to have civil discourse anymore? I think the disintegration of logical debate is the catalyst for creation of networks like Fox News. Why would Fox be number one, unless it has all of the traits demanded by post September 11th consumers--illogical anger, trust issues, fearful consternation and ADD-style banners?

Hendomatic is correct on one assumption--Fox has opinion shows with news programs interspersed within its time frame. However, the misstep of Fox is allowing the opinion shows to devolve into shouting matches between frustrated guests and hosts who shout down anybody who refuses to pander to their particular viewpoint. They berate anybody who would disagree with them, even if that guest has a valid opinion.

People like QM can argue their point about liberal this-and-that until they're blue in the face, and I applaud them for stating their opinion, but ad hominem attacks and slander certainly don't make for pleasant and fruitful discussion.

But whom am I kidding? Nobody wants to engage in polite debate anymore, and that's a shame.

Water car runs for 100 miles on FOUR OUNCES. (not a hybrid)

joedirt says...

He is putting an enormous amount of energy to restructure water to HHO gas. Unless he has invented some magic catalyst that does this, I can't say this is a net gain. Water doesn't just magically turn into energy.

Ron Paul of Texas - The End of Dollar Hegemony

kulpims says...

he might as well be talking to the wall - the change of this system won't come from within US, it will eventually come from the outside, from the people of the world the US's been sucking blood from since WW2. and the main catalyst for change will most likely be ever more powerful Chinese.
i wish Ron Paul would have had a chance in this race, but lets face the facts - never gonna happen!
i hope to see the day when this house of cards falls apart and come crushing down on you stupid motherfuckers - until then: you better start learning chinese


budzos says...

I don't know if this video was the real catalyst for the "snape kills dumbledore" meme. Also there are a lot of idiotic and worthless internet memes... Numa guy for instance... lamest shit ever.

Future of Civilization

choggie says...

Money, is part of the current paradigm's is the use of natural resources for power-
As soon as we harness the energies around us that we can use for power, there will be no need for money, power will be readily available for creating the climate for research which will take us there.....

Some believe we have already developed technologies that will give the world free energy, but that a few and powerful keep the knowledge for them and theirs....

Not so strange when you follow the money trails in the world........Changing an administration or system of control in a linear fashion, (i.e. what the world does now), will do nothing for exponential is what makes one cringe with the realization that domesticated primates are unconscious and developmentally disabled for the most part, and easily led.....

a revolution, however, is a catalyst for both change, and consciousness raising.....bit of pain and suffering to go through, but turn on the TV and ask yourself, "How much pain and suffering can one stand, without having to have a transfusion?"

Can't wait for the next wave of discovery, m'self....Has to be as big an effect as splitting the atom.....Nanotech, perhaps.....

Give me the string on that curtain, but not the keys and the synchronized switches....the bunker is not finished yet....

Bridge Officially Burned

choggie says...

This guy is a muse and a catalyst, it would be great to see if the inspiration-injections he's performed, have empowered the otherwise timid, to kick a bad job....Bleggh! That communal lunchroom shit is so lifeless...Ah well, self-employed and can never go back!! Cept' to moonlight and inspire......and make the occasional truck payment!

Michael Richards (Kramer) goes nuts on hecklers

choggie says... take is simple, semantic mistakes, foot in mouth or hate in heart, this was pathetic...also...hasn't this country's masters, in times of stress, change, or regime swap, used the time worn tactic ito incite to riot, with race as the catalyst...or look at heroin in the ghettos in the 60's, to crack in the streets everywhere today...the blacks in America were scary to the whites in the 60's, they had to do something...Drug War???? the Providers make the it will be everyone against the

Comedy Central removing all vids from YouTube (Sift Talk Post)

Dispatches - The New Fundamentalists" on Channel 4

choggie says...

Hey it's not the Bible's fault. Stupid people can fuck up a wet dream, benjee. This dwerp fits that category.

Proof being in the pudding, ARE the colllective juries still out on life after death, evolution, the pyramids, all the catalysts for the beginning or end of an ice age, the Tunguska event, time travel, the Kennedy assisnation, the death by natural causes of Jimi, Jim, and Janis,..etc etc,..??? -(Oh for sure it is No. When yer dead yer dead., man came from soup, ages are predictable with linear methods, it was a meteor,it can't be done and has never been done,Oswald did it, and those Rock Stars OD'd of their own volition.).....I think so.

It does not take overwhelming evidence this way or that, to form a conviction...or a religion, club, or thinktank. Just zeal, and fervor...and an agenda.

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