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bobknight33 says...

Funny how things "pop" up before election.

Epstein had camera everywhere. We will see.

Apparently this shit is rampant:

Republican benefactor of conservative Christian groups, Richard A. Dasen Sr., was charged with rape for allegedly paying a 15-year old girl for sex. Dasen, 62, who is married with grown children and several grandchildren, has allegedly told police that over the past decade he paid more than $1 million to have sex with a large number of young women.

Democratic donor and billionaire, Jeffrey Epstein, ran an underage child sex brothel and was convicted of soliciting underage girls for prostitution.

Democratic New York Congressman, Anthony Weiner, plead guilty to transferring obscene material to a minor as part of a plea agreement for sexted and sending Twitter DMs to underage girls as young as 15.

Democratic donor, activist, and Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein is being criminally prosecuted and civilly sued for years of sexual abuse (that was well known “secret” in Hollywood) including underage sexual activities with aspiring female actresses.

Democratic activist and #metoo proponent, Asia Argento, settled a lawsuit for sexual harassment stemming from sexual activities with an underage actor.

Democratic Mayor of Racine, Wisconsin, Gary Becker, was convicted of attempted child seduction, child pornography, and other child sex crimes.

Democratic Seattle Mayor Ed Murray resigned after multiple accusations of child sexual abuse were levied against him including by family members.

Democratic activist and aid to NYC Mayor De Blasio, Jacob Schwartz was arrested on possession of 3,000+ child pornographic images.
Democratic activist and actor, Russell Simmons, was sued based on an allegation of sexual assault where he coerced an underage model for sex.

Democratic Governor of Oregon, Neil Goldschmidt, after being caught by a newspaper, publicly admitted to having a past sexual relationship with a 13-year-old girl after the statute of limitations on the rape charges had expired.

Democratic Illinois Congressman, Mel Reynolds resigned from Congress after he was convicted of statutory rape of a 16-year-old campaign volunteer.
Democratic New York Congressman, Fred Richmond, was arrested in Washington D.C. for soliciting sex from a 16-year-old boy.

Democratic activist, donor, and director, Roman Polanski, fled the country after pleading guilty to statutory rape of a 13-year-old girl. Democrats and Hollywood actors still defend him to this day, including, Whoopi Goldberg, Martin Scorcese, Woody Allen, David Lynch, Wim Wenders, Pedro Almodovar, Tilda Swinton and Monica Bellucci.

Democratic State Senator from Alaska, George Jacko, was found guilty of sexual harassment of an underage legislative page.
Democratic State Representative candidate for Colorado, Andrew Myers, was convicted for possession of child pornography and enticing children.

Democratic Illinois Congressman, Gus Savage was investigated by the Democrat-controlled House Committee on Ethics for attempting to rape an underage female Peace Corps volunteer in Zaire. The Committee concluded that while the events did occur his apology was sufficient and took no further action.
Democratic activist, donor, and spokesperson for Subway, Jared Fogle, was convicted of distribution and receipt of child pornography and traveling to engage in illicit sexual conduct with a minor.

Democratic State Department official, Carl Carey, under Hillary Clinton’s state department, was arrested on ten counts of child porn possession.

Democratic Maine Assistant Attorney General, James Cameron, was sentenced to just over 15 years in federal prison for seven counts of child porn possession, receipt and transmission.
Democratic State Department official, Daniel Rosen, under Hillary Clinton’s state department, was arrested and charged with allegedly soliciting sex from a minor over the internet.

Democratic State Department official, James Cafferty, pleaded guilty to one count of transportation of child pornography.

Democratic radio host, Bernie Ward, plead guilty to one count of sending child pornography over the Internet.Democratic deputy attorney general from California, Raymond Liddy, was arrested for possession of child pornography.

Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. “Republican Marty”), was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with an underage girl and one count of delivering the drug LSD.

Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography.

Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media.
Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him.

Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to an 11 year old girl.Republican anti-gay activist Earl “Butch” Kimmerling was sentenced to 40 years in prison for molesting an 8-year old girl after he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her.

Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison.
Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl.

Republican politician Andrew Buhr was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy.

Republican politician Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16 (i.e. exposing himself to children).
Republican anti-abortion activist John Allen Burt was charged with sexual misconduct involving a 15-year old girl.
Republican County Councilman Keola Childs pleaded guilty to molesting a male child.

Republican activist John Butler was charged with criminal sexual assault on a teenage girl.Republican candidate Richard Gardner admitted to molesting his two daughters.

Republican Councilman and former Marine Jack W. Gardner was convicted of molesting a 13-year old girl.

Republican County Commissioner Merrill Robert Barter pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy.
Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr. pleaded no contest to raping a 15 year-old girl and served 6-months in prison.

Republican activist Parker J. Bena pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and fined $18,000.

Republican parole board officer and former Colorado state representative, Larry Jack Schwarz, was fired after child pornography was found in his possession.

Republican strategist and Citadel Military College graduate Robin Vanderwall was convicted in Virginia on five counts of soliciting sex from boys and girls over the internet.

Republican city councilman Mark Harris, who is described as a “good military man” and “church goer,” was convicted of repeatedly having sex with an 11-year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in prison.

Republican businessman Jon Grunseth withdrew his candidacy for Minnesota governor after allegations surfaced that he went swimming in the nude with four underage girls, including his daughter.

Republican director of the “Young Republican Federation” Nicholas Elizondo molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison.

Cafferty File: Obama on deepening national financial crisis

NetRunner says...

>> ^blankfist:

[W]hat's Obama's position on US Imperialism?

He's against it.

>> ^blankfist:
Is he going to finally end the wars?

He's always said he would. He just put out a budget that counts the savings from him doing so. Over 100,000 troops have been withdrawn from Iraq, with the remainder due out by the end of the year, and troops are now starting to withdraw from Afghanistan.

>> ^blankfist:
What about Guantanamo Bay?

He gave an executive order ordering it closed. But Congress blocked him. If you cared enough about this topic to read up on it, or even one of the many times I've explained the problem, you'd know this one can't be fixed by Presidential wand-waving.

>> ^blankfist:
Or more importantly what about the 700+ bases in over 130 countries overseas? Is he closing those down?

If they're not actively fighting anyone, I'm not too worried about it. I'd like to see us reduce our military presence around the world, but I figure reducing the military's budget overall is all that's really required, and Obama and Democrats generally are on board for that.

>> ^blankfist:
What about the billions the federal government gives in corporate welfare? Is he getting rid of that?

That's congress's bag, but yes. That's literally in the budget proposal Cafferty, the Washington Times, and you yourself are decrying, and counting as eeeeevil "tax increases". Obama's proposal includes a $200 billion dollar cut to farm subsidies, and the elimination of gas & oil subsidies, plus the elimination a large number of smaller-ticket subsidies and tax exemptions.

>> ^blankfist:
Until he does those things, I'm getting tired of hearing your side chanting his praises and raising taxes and whatever other nonsense you like to spout.

But that's the thing, he would do all of those things, but Republicans block him using every trick in the book. Plus, ever since 2010 they've held the House, and won't let any of what you claim to want passed even come to the floor.

>> ^blankfist:
You're the party of war now. Enjoy it, but don't expect me to tag along for the ride into the dirt.

But you are tagging along for the ride into the dirt. You're still living in the US, and you're still parroting right-wing talking points all over the place. You carry water for the Republicans, and then pretend like saying "I'm a libertarian who opposes war" absolves you of all responsibility for generally helping the real "party of War" into power.

And rather than face up to the reality of what you're doing, you cook up these absurd justifications that fly entirely in the face of reality, like "liberals want more wars".

Cafferty File: Obama on deepening national financial crisis

bobknight33 says...

Your link is pointless.
Each person in the world practices Capitalism each and every day. So why do you dog it so much?

Your link is about the various causes of homeless.
The lack of Affordable housing is not the fault of capitalism. Capitalism does not raise costs but reduces costs through competition. Government rules and regulations add costs. Go blame them.

Another on that list is "Government policy - Child support enforcement keeping drivers licenses from citizens and other civil rights violations." Once again Government messing with people from enjoying their freedom which costs them more money. Go fight the government, not Capitalism.

Lastly another item on you list is low wages. Low wage is not meant to live on but a stepping stone as one advances in their career. The only people who live on low wages are those who decided not to pay attention in school and got left behind. That's their fault. If they really want a better wage then they will make the necessary adjustments and turn themselves around towards the part of prosperity.

Granted some are born with low IQ or such and would not ever be much more than a burger flipper. That is sad and the local community should be the helping hand in times of need, not Government.

>> ^Peroxide:

>> ^bobknight33:
Capitalism it the best. It serves all people equally.

Cafferty File: Obama on deepening national financial crisis

dystopianfuturetoday says...

There are times when your parabolic orbit around reality comes dangerously close before you swing wide again. You are SOOO CLOSE to getting it, here. There is no free market. Not in our lifetime. Not in any lifetime. Like all utopic visions, it's a fantasy; a fantasy used to manipulate people like you into subservience. Liberty for the rich. Tyranny for rest.

When free market principles are put into place (like lowering taxes for the rich, privatization and deregulation) they yield no positive results. If you haven't been manipulated, then how do you explain your support for policies that fail time and time again? It's not a belief system, it's religion.

In the name of the Market, Ron Paul and the Invisible Hand, amen.

>> ^blankfist:

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
The free market crowd said that lowering taxes, privatization and deregulation would create jobs and grow the economy. We've done all that and we are now suffering massive income inequality, massive unemployment and recession. How many times do we have to bang our head against the wall before we figure out that free market politics don't work, never have and never will?

What free market is that exactly? I can't see a nurse for my medical needs without paying a doctor. I can't buy the drugs I need without a prescription. I can't cut people's hair without getting a license. I can't shoot a film without the cops shutting me down unless I have the tens of thousands the studios pay for permits. And on and on and on.
And don't blame a free market you and I've never seen in our lifetimes for the ills of the economy. The manipulation of interest rates, wall street bailouts and the housing bubble got us here to begin with, and that was 100% socially engineered. Time to renew your platitudes.

Cafferty File: Obama on deepening national financial crisis

blankfist says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

The free market crowd said that lowering taxes, privatization and deregulation would create jobs and grow the economy. We've done all that and we are now suffering massive income inequality, massive unemployment and recession. How many times do we have to bang our head against the wall before we figure out that free market politics don't work, never have and never will?

What free market is that exactly? I can't see a nurse for my medical needs without paying a doctor. I can't buy the drugs I need without a prescription. I can't cut people's hair without getting a license. I can't shoot a film without the cops shutting me down unless I have the tens of thousands the studios pay for permits. And on and on and on.

And don't blame a free market you and I've never seen in our lifetimes for the ills of the economy. The manipulation of interest rates, wall street bailouts and the housing bubble got us here to begin with, and that was 100% socially engineered. Time to renew your platitudes.

Cafferty File: Obama on deepening national financial crisis

NetRunner says...

So let's deal with some factual claims here. Cafferty's entire premise hangs on this Washington Times article, which makes the claim that there are $3 in tax increases for every $1 in cuts.

Except, the Washington Times is lying when it says that. According to the WT article itself, the proposal outlines $4.4 trillion in deficit reduction, $1.5 trillion of which is tax increases. That's $1.93 in cuts for each $1 in taxes, nowhere near the $0.33 in cuts per $1 in taxes that the Washington times states.

So how do they arrive at their figure? Well, they subtract out a bunch of things that are "supposed to happen anyways". Things that people like @blankfist insist Obama won't do, such as ending the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and a series of budget cuts that he'd agreed to in the debt ceiling deal a few months back.

Never mind that ending the Bush tax cuts is also something that is "supposed to happen anyways", and the new taxes proposed are more than offset by specific new cuts.

Which reminds me, Cafferty says there are no specific cuts of any kind. Before saying that, maybe he should read the plan? Or maybe even just read the entire Washington Times article he's relying on so heavily. The Washington Times' own conservative (in every sense of the word) estimate is that there are $580 billion in specific cuts, mostly coming from Social Security and Medicare, which Cafferty says have been left untouched.

Then, Cafferty says we have a $1 trillion a year deficit. Except now he is adding in all the things he subtracted from Obama's plan because they were "going to happen anyway." He's including the cost of Iraq and Afghanistan, he's including all the spending that will be cut because of the debt ceiling deal, and he's including the deficit from the Bush tax cuts.

If you're going to subtract those things out as legitimate sources of deficit reduction, then you've also got to subtract them out of your estimate of what the deficit is going to be in the future. If you don't, then you're being straight up dishonest, and exaggerating the size of the gap between the plans for deficit reduction, and the deficit itself.

I suspect Cafferty did this accidentally, but still, it's not like there aren't people at CNN who could've fact checked him before he said this on air.

Anyways, here's a much more fair assessment of the Obama plan, if you're looking for some balance on the topic.

Cafferty File: Obama on deepening national financial crisis

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^TheFreak:

>> ^volumptuous:
What's your point GSF?

He's just sad you left him off your blacklist of delusional posters.

I'm sad that I am a human being and deserve some decent human respect for my thoughts. I am not a moron, and @volumptuous position is demeaning and dehumanizing, as is your remark. Thanks for your inhumanity, it marks more reason I wish I had to courage to shuffle off this mortal coil.

Cafferty File: Obama on deepening national financial crisis

quantumushroom says...

Above all, please remember it's nothing personal, just the future of our country on the line.

It's not Kenyan, it's "Kenyawaiian". Because Obama's papa was Kenyan, and he (the son) was born in Hawaii. Allegedly.

No one has the time or energy to read--much less list--all the failures of the corrupt regime presently in power, so settle for a single buzz word or two that summarizes the opposition.

I cannot care about the fine tuning between definitions of socialism, marxism and communism, they're all dung from different animals.

Suspend thinking of me (or Blanky) as your idealogical frenemies for a moment and try to see us instead as peeps concerned about fidelity to the Constitution and positive results. I don't give a sh1t about what the Obama regime or liberals in general say they want to do, or claim will happen, my concern is what are the REAL results of following liberal policies such as raising taxes on the wealthy (which then trickle down to us in the form of higher prices and less employment), non-stop government spending of money we don't have and onerous, business-killing regulations.

If this socialist claptrap worked, Europe would have less than permanent double-digit unemployment and less than 4 countries on the verge of economic collapse.

I really don't think you want to go to the tale of the tape (facts-n-sh1t) because from Roosevelt onward, federal tyranny has increased exponentially with the size of the welfare state.

If you want me to stop 'accusing' Obama of being a screw-up, tell him to stop jumping off the same cliff of tried-n-failed socialist baloney with styrofoam wings, then blaming Republicans instead of gravity when he plummets.

I don't say it enough: I wish the left could prove me wrong with examples of success instead of promises that never arrive.

>> ^volumptuous:

What's your point GSF?
Should we learn from people like Cafferty (a know-nothing millionaire pundit with absolutely zero focus on monetary policy or economics) and Ron Paul (a devout racist and sexist dominionist who hates our democracy and would like nothing more than to transfer our dwindling wealth all the way upward) and Blankfist (who's a film maker who identifies strictly to Ayn Randian/Paulian methods of extreme wealth inequality) and Quantum (who can't even get his soshulism/marxism right?) ?
Should we listen to pretty much every single economist on the planet who tells us exactly the opposite of these people?
That's really up to you. But personally, arguing with the likes of these people is the same as arguing against a witch doctor in Africa who performs ritual genital mutilations for religious purposes. There's absolutely no way that person will ever think "oh, ya know you're right. maybe women should keep their clitorises and all this religious stuff is nonsense".
No, it's never going to happen, ever. But it doesn't matter. These videos get at most 2-5 upvotes, and Blanky has to keep promoting his own videos because the rest of the planet doesn't buy into this type of garbage.
So, open your mouth and eat my vomit

Cafferty File: Obama on deepening national financial crisis

Cafferty File: Obama on deepening national financial crisis

Cafferty File: Obama on deepening national financial crisis

bobknight33 says...

QM is living in the real world. You got your head stuck in the sand and refuse to see the light.
You don't need to raise taxes, You need to stop spending.
Capitalism it the best. It serves all people equally. ( I'm not talking about sweat shops or other forms of in moral work environments. )

>> ^volumptuous:

Announcement: I'm never again going to rebut any of Blanky or QM's crap anymore. It's just not worth it. Same for Winston P.
You can point out how the sky is in fact blue, and not red, until the cows come home and it will never make one bit of difference. You can show charts, historical data, actual wording of actual policy and suddenly an influx of "But Ron Paul COINS!" and "Kenyan" nonsense comes out like word-vomit out of a firehose with a broken shutoff valve.
So, have fun guys. Your twisted weird versions of reality must be a sincerely sucky, dark and lonely place to live. (pssst: you don't have to live there!)

Cafferty File: Obama on deepening national financial crisis

blankfist says...

>> ^volumptuous:

Announcement: I'm never again going to rebut any of Blanky or QM's crap anymore. It's just not worth it. Same for Winston P.
You can point out how the sky is in fact blue, and not red, until the cows come home and it will never make one bit of difference. You can show charts, historical data, actual wording of actual policy and suddenly an influx of "But Ron Paul COINS!" and "Kenyan" nonsense comes out like word-vomit out of a firehose with a broken shutoff valve.
So, have fun guys. Your twisted weird versions of reality must be a sincerely sucky, dark and lonely place to live. (pssst: you don't have to live there!)


Cafferty File: Obama on deepening national financial crisis

volumptuous says...

What's your point GSF?

Should we learn from people like Cafferty (a know-nothing millionaire pundit with absolutely zero focus on monetary policy or economics) and Ron Paul (a devout racist and sexist dominionist who hates our democracy and would like nothing more than to transfer our dwindling wealth all the way upward) and Blankfist (who's a film maker who identifies strictly to Ayn Randian/Paulian methods of extreme wealth inequality) and Quantum (who can't even get his soshulism/marxism right?) ?


Should we listen to pretty much every single economist on the planet who tells us exactly the opposite of these people?

That's really up to you. But personally, arguing with the likes of these people is the same as arguing against a witch doctor in Africa who performs ritual genital mutilations for religious purposes. There's absolutely no way that person will ever think "oh, ya know you're right. maybe women should keep their clitorises and all this religious stuff is nonsense".

No, it's never going to happen, ever. But it doesn't matter. These videos get *at most* 2-5 upvotes, and Blanky has to keep promoting his own videos because the rest of the planet doesn't buy into this type of garbage.

So, open your mouth and eat my vomit

Cafferty File: Obama on deepening national financial crisis

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^volumptuous:

Announcement: I'm never again going to rebut any of Blanky or QM's crap anymore. It's just not worth it. Same for Winston P.
You can point out how the sky is in fact blue, and not red, until the cows come home and it will never make one bit of difference. You can show charts, historical data, actual wording of actual policy and suddenly an influx of "But Ron Paul COINS!" and "Kenyan" nonsense comes out like word-vomit out of a firehose with a broken shutoff valve.
So, have fun guys. Your twisted weird versions of reality must be a sincerely sucky, dark and lonely place to live. (pssst: you don't have to live there!)

speaking of self satisfied vomit...

Cafferty File: Obama on deepening national financial crisis

volumptuous says...

Oh boy, the *lies that Washington Times and Cafferty like to tell comes out in full force once again.

Nice friends you got there Blanky. First it's Rand, then Ayn Coulter, and now Jack Cafferty. Sounds like quite a fun party filled with very smart people.

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