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Broken Social Scene "Lover's Spit"

MrFisk (Member Profile)

schmawy (Member Profile)

11714 (Member Profile)


MycroftHomlz (Member Profile)

Penn & Teller - Bullshit - Gun Control

Guardian-X says...

MarineGunrock is right, and the UK (and arguably some U.S. states) has shown what happens when firearms are outlawed. Gangs and other criminals become the only ones using firearms. It's the same argument against the War on Drugs, IMHO. Prohibition in the U.S. taught us volumes worth of democratic knowledge, yet we make the same mistakes ad nauseam. You can't rationalize "crazy" and you certainly can't control it without mandated asylums. The recent church shootings that were ended by a brave female security guard in Denver ( are an example of the sad times we live in: we may have to defend ourselves with professionally trained counter-terrorist security forces in public places. Banning these weapons won't do anything to stop insane people from causing harm, just as my aunt won't stop doing meth if her dealer is arrested for cooking it. There is something to gain for these sick people, and laws won't stop that. We can only defend ourselves by proper education and applied force where it is needed. I do not own a gun, but I will acquire one to fight to protect the rights of my fellow citizens to own one, if it ever comes to that. In the end I am still in the middle for a modicum of gun control, as long as it doesn't infringe upon the basic right of self-defense. I try to follow the doctrine of my hero, Brock Samson (shameless plug and avoid using guns, opting for the more Zen-like approach of being resourceful with my surroundings.

The 500 Pound superplex that destroyed the ring..

Spiderman 3: How it should have ended

Best Concert you Ever Saw? (Livemusic Talk Post)

Crazy-drummer says...

that would have to be "Zappa plays Zappa" where Frank Zappas son Dweezil played his fathers classics, mind-blowing for me beind too young to have seen Frank play. Guests included, Napoleon Murphy Brock, Terry Bozio and Steve Vai.

There was a great emotional moment where they actually had the band playing a whole track on which they added a video recording of Frank himself playing the lead guitar part ( with audio from back in the days), on the huge screen behind the band. Amazing!

Zappa-"Whipping Post" Live NYC@the Pier 1984

choggie says...

When Frank Zappa Produced an Album....he did it the only way possible, the Frank way...

* Frank Zappa – guitar, keyboards, vocals, arranger, producer, main performer, assistant
* Tommy Mars – keyboards, vocals, soloist
* Patrick O'Hearn – wind, bass guitar
* Scott Thunes – vocals, Minimoog, synthesizer, bass guitar
* Johnny "Guitar" Watson – vocals, guitar
* Ray White – guitar, vocals, backing vocals, choir, chorus, harmony vocals, harmony
* Moon Unit Zappa – vocals
* Ed Mann – percussion
* Chad Wackerman – drums, vocals
* Ike Willis – vocals, backing vocals, choir, chorus, harmony vocals, harmony
* Arthur Barrow – bass guitar
* Napoleon Murphy Brock – saxophone, vocals, harmony vocals, harmony
* Brad Cole – piano
* Roy Estrada – vocals, backing vocals, choir, chorus, harmony, bass guitar
* Bob Harris – keyboards, vocals, harmony vocals
* Thana Harris – vocals, harmony
* Steve Vai – guitar, soloist, fills
* Dweezil Zappa – soloist, guitar
* George Duke – keyboards, vocals, piano
* Bobby Martin – keyboards, saxophone, vocals, falssetist, harmony vocals, harmonica

You know things are bad when Joe Scarborough is asking if Bush is an idiot...

Fletch says...

I didn't think Joe would ever be the source of a Bush blooper reel, but check his blog out too.
Either the GOP is beginning to distant themselves from this moron, and Joe is just the pundit they chose to spearhead the whole movement, or the guy is just tired of looking like an ass defending the party and this oaf. (Or somewhere in between. Or something completely different.)

Here's hoping he goes "David Brock" on us.

Power of Nightmares: The Arkansas Project

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