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Critical Mass to Melt Down (Mystery Talk Post)

thinker247 says...

Finish writing my book that I started before I became addicted to the Sift. Maybe visit my kids that I haven't seen in a few months. Probably rape a West Nile virus victim while sheep-herding my grandfather into a black latex recreation of Britney Spears' vagina.

Scott McClellan's opening statement to Congress

honkeytonk73 says...

Will this do anything to improve the situation? Will anyone be investigated or prosecuted? Likely not.

Other forms of criminality have been exposed in the past, yet they are often buried under the carpet. Life goes on. Criminality continues.

Politics as usual.

Mass media ignoring, failing to follow up on, and neglecting to call public servants to account.

They are more about the likes of Britney Spears than the state of the nation, and the death of our Democracy.

Iraq story buried by US networks

Girl Cannot Handle Getting A Tiny Tattoo! (Fail!)

Zonbie says...

*promote because this still cracks me up I want to get a tattoo but I am being very careful about what I get

I don't like people with "kenji" of similar tattoos - Britney Spears got one that was supposed to say "Mysterious" but when shopping in Japan the sales assistant laughed in a shop because Britneys tattoo instead of "Mysterious" actually translated to "Strange"

How Ironic LMAO

Darwin Gets PWNED by God Tube.

Aemaeth says...

>> ^Payback:
Creationists do have a strong argument. If evolution were possible, why are they not smarter than medieval man?

Because intelligence does not increase your likelihood of reproduction. Case in point: Britney Spears and Kevin Federline.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Rock Band Baby!!! (Warning Not For Sensitive Ears)

Samurai pulls off fastest submission in history -whole story

deedub81 says...

How is that the fastest submission in history? It was in the middle of the round.

That's like saying that Britney Spears is the craziest celebrity around, when we all know that Tom Cruise is exponentially more psycho. was still frickin' awesome, though.

Weezer - Pork and Beans (Count the Memes)

jmd says... nunchuck guy britney spears girl Ms South Carolina guy dancing on stage daft hands, and daft bodies tshirt guy red shoes candy mountain will it blend ryan vs dorkman 8:10 Gi joe


The girl with the rainbow colored leggings. I know of one or two high resolution pictures (one of them has been turned into a inspirational poster) of a model wearing them, but recall no such video or animated gif of this girl.

In the massive collage at the end, theres a pair of 3 animated CG models. They don't look like anything I recognize, but the distorted form and copied animation dance reminds me of the dancing baby, or the Japanese music player that allowed user loadable models that then made them dance to music (if any of you have seen the dancing spider man, that was from this program).

There is also what appears to be a floating metal star with a circular grill that rings no bells in the same collage.

And the 3 dancing idiots. I spent most of the time trying to find these guys with no luck. They use the same stage as the numa guy though, so maybe its not a meme?

Bonus: Check out the will it blend link.

Leave Britney Alone

You cheese people! (Wtf Talk Post)

schmawy says...

...Someday someone is going to find you people and play Britney Spears and Celine Dion at you until you crack!...

Wow. You really know how to drive a point home. Ouch. Still your pop drivel was of a much higher *quality than ours, you must admit.

Baghdad under lockdown, combat in 6 major Iraqi cities

Crosswords says...

Hey this is exactly what we wanted the Iraqi government to do right?!... Oh wait, what you mean its not going so well... *Points* Hey look over there aren't those Britney Spear's exposed nipples? Man what is wrong with that woman she needs to get help and admit to her problems.

8217 (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

1. Kindergarten teacher's hair: Dark and light grey (bonus: Pulled back and tied into bun)
2. Clockwise: 11 rotations until dizziness, Counterclockwise: 12 rotations until dizzness
3. "Reflections" assisted living home in Flagstaff Arizona. (it's not where you plan on going but it's where you'll end up)

In reply to this comment by Kuga:
You're telling me you were specifically wondering what a random Sifter like me thought about Paris Hilton and Britney Spears and the heroine of a cheesy nineties show? o.O

Got any other inexplicably random questions about me bouncing around that head of yours... like what my kindergarten teacher's hair color was, or how many times I can spin around in a circle before getting dizzy, or which retirement home I plan on going to when I'm old?

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
>> ^Kuga:
What, that I was a teenager during the mid 90's?


And that your thoughts on paris hilton and britney spears

and your thoughts on Xena, Warrior Princess...

oddly these are all questions I had about you. Dunno why, just did.

rottenseed (Member Profile)

8217 says...

You're telling me you were specifically wondering what a random Sifter like me thought about Paris Hilton and Britney Spears and the heroine of a cheesy nineties show? o.O

Got any other inexplicably random questions about me bouncing around that head of yours... like what my kindergarten teacher's hair color was, or how many times I can spin around in a circle before getting dizzy, or which retirement home I plan on going to when I'm old?

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
>> ^Kuga:
What, that I was a teenager during the mid 90's?


And that your thoughts on paris hilton and britney spears

and your thoughts on Xena, Warrior Princess...

oddly these are all questions I had about you. Dunno why, just did.

Battlestar Galactica Top 10 on Letterman (3/19/2008)

rottenseed says...

>> ^Kuga:
What, that I was a teenager during the mid 90's?


And that your thoughts on paris hilton and britney spears

and your thoughts on Xena, Warrior Princess...

oddly these are all questions I had about you. Dunno why, just did.

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