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The 912 Teabagger Assault on Washington

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Imagine how hard it was for Fox News to make this mass of dips look like people.

I expect they learned how to do it from CNN, MSNBC, CBS, & ABC by witnessing how they whitewashed out all the kooks from the Iraq War protests. I remember all too well how the news media was all fired up to make Cindy Sheehan look like a normal person. But it was awfully hard when every time she opened her big mouth she proved conclusively that she was absolutely, 100%, fling-her-own-poo, batcrap insane.

As to people voting for him now leaving. They need to wake up and realize the mans not a god. He wasn't gonna change the country into butterflies and rainbows with a snap of his fingers and an Alakazam.

Uh - Obama is plummeting in the polls with independants, moderates, and other 'normal' voters NOT because he isn't acting fast enough. The reason Obama has lost main street is because he was elected by people who THOUGH he was going to be a restrained, moderate, non-partisan president. But his first 9 months have shown Obama to be pretty dang close to exactly what the 'kook right' said he was... A tax & spend, big government, socialist leaning radical. That's not what America wants.

They don't want his stupid carbon tax scheme. They don't want his stupid nationalization of car companies, financial companies, and everything else he wants to take over to 'keep us safe'. They don't want his stupid attempt to re-make the AFL-CIO. They don't want his stupid plan to socialize the health care industry. Every time Obama opens his mouth he proposes yet another big government, radically leftist federal boondoggle. Obama has increased our deficit by over a trillion dollars, and he still wants to implement even MORE massive government spending. The people have had it, and that's what this protest was about.

If Obama wants to go down in history as the most popular president of all time, then he needs to scrap Cap & Trade, scrap Obamacare, scrap his union garbage, and stop trying to push big government. If he would just do that and balance the budget & pay down the deficit then he'd be popular. But he doesn't want to DO that because he's a prisoner of his leftist radical philosophy.

Lower taxes. Smaller government. Balanced budget. That's what the people want. Obama is focusing on all the wrong crap and he's paying for it in the polls.

'Fire Dave Letterman' Rally Draws Tens of People

Discussions from: "Police Brutality, Denmark" sift (Law Talk Post)

rougy says...

Fuck you, legacy.

When you have to treat everyone that you're supposed to protect as if they were your enemy then you can suck my fat dick.


I'm sorry about that.

I kind of know what you mean, when you were talking about the meatheads and such. I used to walk Colfax at night and I know you have to have a certain swagger in your step.

But if you can't tell good from bad, you're in the wrong biz. I'm one of the good ones, and if you're going to fuck around with me...then you really don't fucking get it.

There is a sensitivity and awareness that most cops sacrifice for...knuckle-dragging, flat-out mean stupidity.

I often wish I were a cop because it's funny how many times I have to deal with a real asshole - not a perceived asshole - and how there isn't a cop for miles around at the time.

America's pretty much fucked, anyway. We do everything about as stupidly as possible here, because that's the way it's always been done, and that's the only argument, too.

I don't give a shit any more. I, like thousands of others, won't even bother calling you bastards when we're in trouble. There's trouble with baggy pants and big mouths, and then there's trouble with shiny badges and batons. Take your pick. Thanks for nothing.

You want my support, but then you fucking treat me everyone else that you treat, because apparently you're too fucking stupid to tell one from the other.

Sen. Kasey Calls Out The Scapegoating of the Members of UAW

Dragging Some Fun Back To The Sift, Kickin' and Bitchin'! (History Talk Post)

NeuralNoise says...

Allright, here´s a long story for your entertainment and pleasure:

Two years ago I'm walking back from a friend´s place in Brooklyn.
When I'm under the Williamsburgh bridge I see two guys maybe 20 mts behind me. I didn't think it would be anything, like, just people on the street.
Still, a sixth sense makes me walk as fast as I can, which is not much due to a motorcycle disaster that happened exactly six months before that night, and there is a bunch of titanium here and there.

As I approach the door on the place where I'm staying, a B&B called The Guest House, I'm faced with a dillema of which lock to try first, the multi-lock or the knob lock. As sometimes the multi is not locked, I go for the knob first. Doesnt work and the two guys corner me by the door.

They were both black, light skinned and nearly stereotypically dressed in oversized basketball clothes, one has a doorag and the other a unibrow.

The first one shows me a gun and say in a manner that is not encouraging:
To which i reply
"YOU dont turn this into a homicide!"
He shouts "OPEN the door!"

As if I wasn't scared enough I get this feeling that once inside the situation would escalate. They would be in there, with a gun, no hurry, and could rape, kill, rob and who knows what. Plus if someone sees them getting in and call the police I'd be in a hostage situation.

So the guy shouts again OPEN THE DOOR
and stalling for time I reply "please don't hurt me", exaggerating a fear that was there anyway.
He takes the keys from my hands and tries to open the door himself. He doesn't manage.

He point the gun at me and now he is angry.
To which my big mouth replies "you have the keys, man, just open the door!"
He tries a bit more, the other guy takes my wallet and phone from my pockets.
As I´m turned to the guy opening the door the other one hits me in the face so hard that I had a hard time eating for months.
I didn't see it coming so i couldn't even flinch, full hit.
As I get a hold of myself they are gone.

I stay five minutes without moving and then I get in.
I tried to see if there is anyone at home but no one answers. I call the house cat but the cat doesn't come. Some cat therapy would have been nice at that point. I go to my room and (luckily) only then I start suffering from delayed courage, and decide to go out. I changed my red shirt into a black one, put my wolverine coat, hand making in my pocket making a "menacing" volume and go out to search for discarded items. The logic is, if they see me out again with a volume in my pocket they would think I'm crazy and might have a gun. I soon realize the fragility of my logic, as well as my own and go back inside. I cant sleep. I sit in the bed until sunrise and sleep dressed for two hours.

Then I called the police. Police officers like to chitchat. "Oh, many stamps in your passport. you travel a lot. You travel Varig? I used to refuel varig airplanes before becoming a cop." After they leave I go to work. I repeat the route from the previous night and I find my phone. I cancelled the credit cards so pretty much I got beaten up for ten dollars.

Later that day the police calls and make me go to the precinct. I was surprised that they like to play good cop bad cop with the victim too.

angry cop: why you called this morning instead of last night!?
me: I had no phone and was really shaken by the experience! sorry!
Calm cop: it's ok, no big deal
angry cop: did you drink? Were you drinking?
me: I drank some wine but was fine!!!
calm cop: hey, thats fine.

And after that they hold me for hours while I look at mugshots on a computer screen that displays six pictures at a time, takes a minute to load the next six, and had a lot of repeated pictures. I Do not believe in anthropometry, but boy those people were ugly. I wonder if they were so ugly they couldn't get a job and resorted to crime. Or maybe good-looking criminals get arrested less often?

I ask the detective what were the chances of me actually being shot there.
He says: "well, we have around five fatal shootings a year in that neighborhood."
That´s probably what we have in a single DAY in Sao Paulo and I was never mugged there. On the other hand it means one fatal shooting every two months, so it could very well have been my turn.

The detective then says "I'd say you had a 50-50 chance of being shot. If you reacted and the gun was real (and wouldn't it be real, in THIS country?) they would likely shoot me. So I´m glad about the delayed courage and the delayed strategy of wrestling for the gun and kick the living shit out of them.

I have to say it was a bit humiliating being robbed in NY, like being a statistical oddity.

Dropping in on a skateboard ramp is against the law

Abel_Prisc says...

You know, whenever I watch these 'cop busts skateboarder for something stupid' videos, I tend to agree with the skateboarder that the cops are being ridiculous. Skateboarders have been branded as spoiled little shit-heads (and yes, some of them are), and the cop usually approaches the situation expecting the response of a spoiled little shit-head.
And again, I generally agree with the skateboarders, because usually it's the cop having a power-trip. But in most videos, the kids make it hard to defend because there's always that one guy opening his big mouth, saying whatever insult and curse word he can think of, making the group look bad. And honestly? That's what I was expecting from this video.

But that wasn't the case, and thus made this clip baffling. These were intelligent, respectable people who rightfully fought their side of the story (like any good citizen should). Not to mention they had valid arguments and recorded evidence. The response from the officer and security guard were completely ridiculous, and it didn't help their case that they were dealing with people who knew what they were talking about.

And no, people should never EVER just take a police officer's orders as legit without at least questioning their reason for it, just because they're an authoritative figure. Especially if something ultimately seems wrong about the situation. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's generally best to abide by their demands in the end (little things like this are never worth getting arrested for just to make a point, in my opinion), but I absolutely recommend using your right to explaining your perspective as to how they're completely wrong before doing so.
It's just unfortunate that a lot of police officers feel that in doing this, you're giving them 'attitude'.

Limbaugh pwned by Studio Audience

Policeman Pepper Spray Teen For Short Change

"I am running with scissors"

videosiftbannedme says...

Carla: You know what? You've got a big mouth, Clavin. (Storms off...)
Cliff: She's right, you know. Yeaah, you see, every male descendant in the Clavin family has an extra set of molars in their lower jaw. It's the only way to identify ourselves as the true heirs to the Russian throne.

Frasier: Hello in there, Cliff. Tell me, what color is the sky in your world?

Grandma Dildo Surprise

spoco2 says...

Ahh, there's a bunch of grand daughters who love their grandma... What generation gap?

Great stuff.

"Heartwarming" : The New York Post
"Touching" : SF Chronicle
"That's a big, black dildo" : Julie, the office big mouth

The Two Obamas (Election Talk Post)

Crosswords says...

First of all Wright threw his own damn self under the bus. Obama's first reaction was to, in sorts, defend reverend Wright. That was what his whole 'race' speech was about; suggesting the things Wright said were wrong, but to have an understanding of where the anger was coming from, and that the nation still experienced a lot of racial strife. Then Wright opened his big mouth again as though he'd learned nothing from the event of the preceding month. How many times do you stick your neck out for someone only to have them make a mockery out of your attempts?

As for the financing, its disappointing to see him go back on a promise. Although I understand why, and I think some of his points are valid, its still disappointing. At the very least he acknowledged that he had made the promise, and gave an explanation. The defacto way most politicians run is to completely ignore the fact they made a promise in the first place and offer no explanation. Hillary supporting the DNC's decision to not to count michigan and Florida's vote then pretending that never happened and accusing the rest of the DNC of stealing the vote from her in those two states? That ring a bell? That's what politicians that don't give a crap about their promises do, they don't go on TV admit what they said, then offer an explanation as to why they're no longer going to keep that promise.

EDIT: Just how much has he collected in small donations? I've seen article suggesting small donations make up a large percentage of his funding, but nothing with specific numbers. I know Ron Paul seemed to get a lot of monetary support that way as well. It would seem a preferable way to get campaign funding.

McCain: Bringing Troops Home from Iraq "Not Too Important"

Why Wear The Hijab?

Paul Shaffer Asks Julia Roberts a Forbidden Question

Paul Shaffer Asks Julia Roberts a Forbidden Question

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