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Beastie Boys - The Rat Cage

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

The cool thing about the beastie boys is they've made it pretty impossible to be typecast. They started out as a punk band, moved to be one of the most important white influences in the then infancy of hip hop. Though criticized for infiltrating a music scene they didn't belong in, they held their ground stating the similarities in the "home made" aspect of both genres during that time (this of course was before the recording industry raped the purity out of music). From there they had not so gradual leaps from one album to the next. So it could be said that this album is not like any album they've done in the past, but we can come to expect that.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Wow, that was good! I'm going to need buy this album. I have only a couple of Beastie CDs, so I can't say I'm intimately familiar with their work. Have they ever done an entirely instrumental album before?

The music feels a little moody, and the visual style is definitely noir-ish, so I hope you don't mind me *darkening it.

Ass Carrot Chefs

my15minutes says...

^ yeah, i think it's safe to say there's more than just a hint, of some of the old License To Ill tracks, particularly.

but hey. if you're going to be influenced by any white guys, in the rap genre?
please let it be the Beastie Boys...

Ass Carrot Chefs

Tilt: The Battle to Save Pinball (Trailer)

10083 says...

I'm glad to see there is interest in this subject including wazant's kicking the dead body of pinball generally. I've seen this documentary- I agree with its hype that its about our American economy in general. We have too much stuff. Should I buy a new Stern pinball game that doesn't seem as cool to me as Funhouse, for example- especially comparing the prices ( $4699 vs. $1300 on ebay). People didn't used to have as many choices for stuff to blow money on. Now, we also have too much information via this internet. It sections us all off in these pretend worlds where we're too obsessed about any one subject. People don't go out anymore because we have home entertainment. Also, people sound like little brats when they talk hatefully of each other on these forums because they don't risk getting their faces punched in if they talked smack in person.
Ask yourself, is music better because of mp3s? Is your enjoyment of it better? I miss hearing about new music from my friends instead of Pandora. I really am impressed by Pandora but its old music that I'm hearing. Don't we have to take seriously the gravity that forces us to consume retro fodder because this is a new option brought to us by DVR's and the internet. If I can rummage through the best music of the latter half of the past century, doesn't that make it harder for new music to move a whole nation like the Beatles did? Obviously, we have to accept that there are up and downs in cycles. Music is definitely in a down one. Hannah Montana is the biggest selling live show. Now, I'm 31 so its easy for younger people to discard my perspective as outdated. O.K. but have you condidered that if acts like Beck, The Beastie Boys and whomever from the 90's are already done compared to the Rolling Stones who performed well into their 50's, how do you think My Chemical Romance of your new metal act will fare in only 5 years? If we follow this trend music and everything else will be marketed to children in the womb and we'll all have to tolerate Barney type music "I like you, you like me...." In a similar observation, can we all celebrate Britney Spears going the way of the do do bird? Now, I'm genuinely worried about her life because she has been manufactured used and thrown away by the corporate machine that made her right after two sorority ditz's narrate her suicide on live paparazzi video. This is what I'm talking about. Half the country loves American Idol, the other want to shove a karaoke mic up the fat slob pitifully trying to seduce a girl by singing the Righteous Brother's "You lost that loving feeling". In the 80's my Dad turned me on to Boston. Everybody listened to the same music- even if you grew, evolved and quested for deeper "alternative" acts- you started out at the Beatles or something. Although, I did despise my folks popularizing Santana and that Matchbox 20 dude... Gawd! No.

Anyway, a little more back to topic. The nintendo wii grows affection for the physical play of pinball but pinball will gain no traction unless the tykes taste it and like it. We should appreciate good design because the ancient past is full of it and we are often too ignorant or jaded to pay respect where it is due. Also, don't get too excited about throwing broken stuff away so much that what makes America good is thrown out with its formerly dominant auto industry.

Beastie Boys - Gratitude

kronosposeidon says...

I've said it before, but I'm forced to say it again: QUIT STEALING MY VIDEOS!

No shit, I was just thinking about posting this one because I had recently watched "Pink Floyd: Live At Pompeii" again, and then it reminded me of this song. The Beastie Boys did a really good job of copying the movie in this video too.


LuketheDrifter (Member Profile)

Scapegoat Wax - Aisle 10

Pring4 says...

I bought this album only because it was on Mike D's (Beastie Boys) Grand Royal record label. It was really poppy, but pretty good. Upvote for nostalgia.

Bob Sagat sings a dirty little song

Elvis Costello - Radio Radio (SNL)

Rollin' with saget

UmberGryphon says...

Early Beastie Boys, "Weird Al" Yankovic's "All About The Pentiums"... what is it about ridiculously white (often, but not always, Jewish) guys rapping about rolling hard that's so damn funny?

Futurama - Robot Hell

Plastilina Mosh - Mr. Pmosh

Beastie Boys - ' Sabotage '

deputydog says...

I am absolutely stunned that this wasn't already on the sift. What the fuck's going on?!
Reasons why I assumed it would've been...

1. Spike Jonze
2. Beastie Boys
3. Monumental song
4. Fucking brilliant video.
5. Fake Moustaches

This deserves Top 15 status. Without a doubt.

(I am also stunned, but not really, that this got a downvote. Ant - How many of the above points do you disagree with?)

Vogon Rapping

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