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Local Maine TV Reporter Takes It To McCain on Palin and Wins

honkeytonk73 says...

Exactly quantumushroom. I think you nailed it there.

Those darn pesky liberals only want to destroy the US. If they get into power they will without a doubt drag the economy into the cellar, run up massive hostoric record breaking deficits, run up trillions in debt fighting wars against Bin Laden in the wrong country justified by fabricated evidence, start conflicts in democratic nations and as a direct result lead us into Cold War v2.0.

Heck, before we know it, the Constitution will be worth jack, and we'll find ourselves living in a police state.

Those liberals sure are scary. Just like terrorists. They are everywhere. In every corner. Those sneaky bastards are in our trashcans, ashtrays, hiding in the bushes. We should be afraid. VERY afraid!

Vote to fight terrorism! Vote to keep terrorists out of your bushes! Vote to keep terrorists out of KANSAS AND MISSOURI! VOTE MCSAME!

Too much candy

McCain To Obama: Welcome Home, Troop Hater

9058 says...

I'm with you braindonut, everyone needs to stop stating the obvious (that McCain sucks and his ads are lies) and start realizing how effective they are going to be. Dont act like this nonsense helps obama like McCain doesnt have a chance. He actually has a very very good chance of winning and everyone one of these ads that none of the public will actually research helps him. Just saying you might be calling him Mr. President in a handful of months so be afraid, be very afraid.

CNN reporter criticizes TSA, finds self on terror watch list

Largest underground nuclear test in US history

Crazy Christian Musicians in Tennessee

evil_disco_man says...

When will you pagans ever understand? She is simply filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues, inspired by that heavenly music. "Crazy" would be bouncing around and babbling while you're NOT worshiping God, duh.

>> ^GreatBird:
And I am very afraid.

Well then, you've taken your first step toward becoming a good Christian: Fear the Lord. Muwahaha.

Crazy Christian Musicians in Tennessee

Warning (Wtf Talk Post)

"I yell at my cats..."

swampgirl says...

It was funny to see that first cat's look wtf on his face. He didn't seem very afraid.
I've seen this before. If he left it at when he was petting the 1st kitty then I'd vote for it. He scared the crap outta those other two, poor kitties

Alfred Hitchcock's "The Working Class"

TVLinks Shut Down, Owner Arrested! (Sift Talk Post)

karaidl says...

With the millions of torrent users, I'm just a drop in the ocean. I'm not that nervous about anybody coming knocking on my door. The MPAA and RIAA have taken very little action against individual users, and they're very afraid of actually losing a case, so any hint of a losing argument and they'll run away. In fact, some people have won on the basis that an IP address is not a person.

And since when is TPB releasing info to the MPAA?? I need some sources on that, stat! It's almost every other week at this point where TPB comes up on Digg or TorrentFreak for their defiance against those that have tried suing them, and have you ever read their legal issues section on their website? Hilarious!

Leonardo, the new MIT robot

How did you find Videosift? (Sift Talk Post)

raven says...

A friend of mine forwarded a vid to me... I believe it was This One. I joined not long after that, but lurked for long time just voting and occasionally commenting... probably months before I got up the nerve to submit my first post... I was very afraid it wouldn't get published and I'd be rejected... had thought all of the good vids had already been posted... and that was almost a year ago, look at the Sift now!

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