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Newscaster loses it at the name of this pig

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'pig, news, anchor, laughing, bacon, chris, tv' to 'pig, news, anchor, laughing, bacon, chris, tv, LMFAHS' - edited by lucky760

We Know What a Healthy Diet Is. Now Can We Stop Arguing?

Newscaster loses it at the name of this pig

Cycling awesomeness

Volkswagen stroller

Sekrin says...

Which might work...right up until it smells the butcher shop / bacon butty shop / female in heat and hares off after the delicious smell...

Jinx said:

But then you can't turn corners.

Also, I'd be more worried about it rolling into a road than into a wall, something the sensor won't be able to stop.

Personally I think baby strollers should incorporate dogs. That way you've got a pram that can stay, heel, or walk ahead of you without running off into traffic. You'd even get a built in kidnapper deterrent and alarm.

Kevin Bacon Complains About the Lack Of Male Onscreen Nudity

Arby's to Jon Stewart: Thank You for Being a Friend

00Scud00 says...

I still eat there semi regularly and I would still call it average to slightly above average. I mostly stick to the regular roast beef sandwiches and the chicken bacon and swiss. For the life of me though I don't understand why people love the curly fries.

ChaosEngine said:

The Arby's CEO actually sent a video message on the last show.

Not living in the US, I've never eaten there. Is the food really that awful?

Barseps (Member Profile)

Kevin Bacon Complains About the Lack Of Male Onscreen Nudity

Piggy Sue

Star Wars Teaser - David Hasselhoff Edition

Deep Thoughts with Cookie Monster

Jim Jeffries - Muslims, Beer and Burn Victims

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'JIm, jeffries, islam, muslim, bacon, beer, booze, alcohol, burn, victims' to 'Jim Jefferies, islam, muslim, bacon, beer, booze, alcohol, burn, victims' - edited by eric3579

Pedestrian bridge is built for safety

ForgedReality says...

It's the thin metal wires up high that you need to worry about. The thick ones, even at head level on the opposite end are still just phone lines. But, climb up and grab one of those thin upper wires, and you're bacon.

Uh oh! Llyod's figured out modern art

Sagemind says...

If they have to write an essay about the art to define what I'm looking at, then they are a creative writer, not a visual artist.

I should be able to look at a piece, and get something out of it. Good feelings or bad, it should evoke something that makes me want to be part of it. Edward Munch and Francis Bacon, hell even HR Giger didn't make art that was feel good, but their works are amazing and evoke emotions that stay with you.

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