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Beto interrupts dog and pony show

newtboy says...

Why must every word you write be an intentional bold faced lie?

Bob…can you list the three branches of government ?

Democrats control 1 branch, Republicans (including Senema and Manchin) control the other 2 (one outright, one by overused veto power and filibuster) and they block any Democratic legislation out of spite whether or not it’s good for the country, just to deny Democrats any “wins”. It takes a >60/40 majority for Democrats to get anything passed because Republicans do not want anything to be bipartisan…voting WITH democrats is a career ender, no matter what the bill is.

Democrats have tried dozens of times to make improvements, like background checks for EVERY gun sale, clip size limits, red flag laws, trying to raise the purchase age to 21, temporary seizure if someone gets a restraining order against you, and much more….Republicans blocked every single effort because they need NRA money and support.

Republicans made it legal for any criminal or nut job to not only buy as many guns and ammunition as they wish, but also to concealed carry them anywhere except where Republicans gather (like the NRA convention, once again held days after a mass shooting, or the capitol building).

They voted against giving babies formula, they voted against working to release political prisoners, they voted against supporting Ukraine, they voted against removing gun registration loopholes, mental health gun laws, clip size limits, etc., they voted against investigating Jan 6, Republicans are so anti Democrat they went full anti democracy.

Here’s your negative attention, since I know that’s what you really want. I’ll keep it light in honor of your father, unless you don’t, and just say you are a total liar. I would say consummate liar, but you’re really just awful at it and just make yourself look so incredibly stupid and dishonest at every opportunity.

You’ve never changed a single mind with your nonsensical lies.

bobknight33 said:

Democrats control all 3 branches. What improvement have they made to curb this issue?

The Stakes Are Unbelievably High

newtboy says...

You mean the party of debauchery? Treason? Sex trafficking? Vote fraud? Pedophilia? Hebephilia? Secret foreign agents? Infidelity? Insurrection? You mean Republicans?

Right, anything to stop you ethics free, morality free, education free Trumptards led by the least moral person ever to hold office. How does removing all reproductive rights from women accomplish that?

Do you even know what “morals” are? I don’t think so.

Hilariously, Republicans tried to block a bill to help supply babies with formula, because they care so much about babies that they want them to starve to death if it costs $.03 to feed them…but no problem to waste $10 billion in a PR stunt “inspecting” Mexican trucks at the border with zero results.
Edit: They also spent two years screaming about not wearing a mask because they have full body autonomy…the right to spread deadly diseases, and no one has the right to give them a shot to prevent those preventable deaths.
They also leave no exceptions if the woman’s life is endangered by the pregnancy…which would kill both the woman and the zygote.
So much for “pro life”.
Such outrageous hypocrites and liars. The party of irrational hate and fear, immorality and prejudice, thy name is Republican.

bobknight33 said:

Absolutely. Anything to stop the party of no moral fiber.

newtboy (Member Profile)

The Good ,The Bad & The Ugly - Danish Symphony Orchestra

newtboy says...

I think you’re correct. Odd neither showed up as possible dupes.
I think this isn’t a dupe though….

noims said:

I absolutely love this, but I think it's a double-dupe.

That didn't stop me from listening to it a couple of times though, and I'm even considering inviting myself to a friend's house around 18-20 August.

Abortion Ruling: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

Sweet fucking zombie Jeebus!!!
As part of the reason given by the court for making women right-less sub-human incubators, Alito cites a recent decline in the ‘domestic supply of infants’ for adoption as reason to overturn Roe.
Not enough American babies to adopt, better force women to make more, because “furinur babys is gross.”
You have got to be fucking kidding me!

GOP Handmaid’s Tale

newtboy says...

No one understands Republicans. Their ideas are completely divorced from reality, science, reason, sanity, and morality.

If you don’t like the law, you can just move (remember, that’s your answer to why it’s ok for Republicans to CHANGE the laws). There are plenty of places where abortion is illegal….mostly shithole countries as you call them. Don’t make America one of those.

More lies and nonsense.
No one kills children like that besides Republicans getting secret back alley abortions…I only know you people do that because you accused others, and that’s a guarantee you guys do it no matter how outrageous and unreal the claim.
That is what WILL happen to embryos (not children you tool) in back alley abortion clinics without the proper tools, doctors, and zero oversight. Abortions won’t stop because you drove them into back alleys, they’ll just get more horrific, and that will be 100% on your heads.

Have Republicans set up agencies to take these unwanted children, over 600000 per year, and raise them all at now $275000 each and rising 3% per year? Have Republican doctors figured out how to force live births (without endangering the woman) at 6 weeks or later, and incubators to bring it to term? That’s probably another million on average. Of course not, let those babies starve or be abandoned to the elements, as long as they get born. You aren’t going to spend money to raise them, that’s the rape victim’s responsibility to raise their rapist’s baby. If they didn’t want that responsibility, they shouldn’t have gotten raped.

Are Republicans prepared to be forced to live in hospitals as living dialysis machines, living blood pumps, and living donors of any organ they have two of? If saving lives is important, you would have done all that before trying to remove women’s rights to their own bodies….but you haven’t done any of that because you don’t see women as people who deserve rights to control their own bodies, what’s put in them, and what they have to let grow inside them. Of course not. That’s inconvenient, so fuck those people who need your organs to live. Saving lives isn’t worth losing YOUR bodily autonomy….it’s only worth stripping others of theirs. Hypocrites.

Republicans LOVE killing, all republicans LOVE the death penalty for lesser and lesser crimes and younger and younger convicts. It’s not about stopping life from starting (which happens at first breath, not conception), it’s about controlling those that are their lessors. That’s why there’s no exceptions for rape, incest, or endangering the mother (except extremely rare cases in a few places). You don’t care a whit about what happens to the baby, even less about the mother, they’re nothing more than an incubator to your incel ilk.

Blobs aren’t children….or is that what you call your children? It would explain a lot. Nerve pulses aren’t a heartbeat without a heart. Humans don’t have tails. Zygotes aren’t people. I know you disagree with these scientific and medical facts, that only proves they’re correct.

Once again, you make up nonsense based on your pure ignorance, Cartman. You just look dumber, more sexist, and more dishonest daily.

bobknight33 said:

I don't understand republicans. Trying to stop the killing of unborn children because the mom finds "it" inconvenient is nonsense .

Woman should be able to kill their child for any reason. Let the DR snip the limbs off, the spinal cord and puree the child in the womb. After all it just a blob isn't it?

Let's talk about Republican reaction to the SCOTUS leak....

newtboy says...

More pure projection.

The right is screaming about the leak and not their theft of women’s rights by hook and crook because they don’t want the credit for this horrifically unpopular power grab by a severe minority, because it will lose you the midterm by a landslide, and for no other reason.

Hilarious you try to argue it’s because you strong gun toting Mericans are terrified of some soy boys standing on their sidewalks and chanting “no”. Cowards.

The left doesn’t try to kidnap representatives to blackmail the government into change, they don’t harass school shooting victims until they have to move a dozen times because a gay frog opponent told them it’s a lie.

The right are purely criminal, uncivil, racist, and completely insane liars that commit ACTUAL violent crimes constantly, like bombings, shootings, kidnappings, government building takeovers (not just surrounding them, but breaking in intending to hurt the occupants), false flag murders (even of police), (fake) terrorist anthrax attacks, mail bombings, ransacking, sometimes kidnapping officials, etc.
point to some current Democrats convicted…even just charged with armed kidnapping of a governor, or seditious insurrection. You can’t unless you make them up.

The left is civil, far too civil with the cheating treasonous violent racist thugs that comprise the right. We should be shooting you in the streets like republicans do to protesters. We should be holding closed door sessions with no republicans to write laws and pass them with no bipartisanship, like Republicans. If we didn’t have a 48-52 minority, maybe they would.

When have Democrats had 60% of both houses and the presidency? Never, you bold faced liar and loud know nothing fool.

Yes, when those 2 seats were STOLEN bu Republicans they saw this day coming, so asked each nominee about it, and they all indicated they had no plan to change the law, it was settled, reaffirmed precedent, the strongest kind of law besides an amendment, with constitutional interpretations supporting them. With no new evidence, no new science, based on religious misinterpretation, they tossed that in the garbage for politics…the respect for and honor of the court went with it.

Democrats do not have a majority because Manchin and Senema aren’t Democrats, they are bought and paid for Republicans. It’s shocking they haven’t been thrown out of the party…a true shameful mark on the Democrats.
I would point out, when Republicans had a majority in both houses and the whitehouse, they didn’t fund Trump’s fence.

They should remove (with extreme prejudice) Manchin and Senema, replace them, remove the filibuster, then add 5 seats to the courts…next month….republicans had control fully in 2016 and failed to make that illegal, major error of the Republican Party, totally fair play. No whining like a bitch when they do.

No, we didn’t lose any argument, nor was it fair and square. Republicans abused their power to steal the court control, installed multiple activist judges who rule based on religion, not law or science, and its going to cost them.

Such lies. You really have severe brain damage and zero honesty. List where you can get an abortion until birth. *crickets*.
Republicans just believe their right to kill you begins at birth.

Again, despite Republican representatives being actual murderers, terroristic anti American seditionists that tried to burn the capitol, and many are actual charged child rapists and sex traffickers, you call Democrats those things with zero charges filed, no instances to point to, no pending investigations, nor any evidence….because you are nothing but an insane liar, Bob. A worthless treasonous liar and likely child abuser based on what you’ve told me about your alleged children (but you’re such a liar I don’t believe you actually have any because you said you do…and if you do, you admitted that they have serious mental issues from living with you)

You’re just a liar spouting nonsense bob. Why are you so dishonest and uncivil?
I’m uncivil with you because I can’t stand liars or insane narcissists.
Eat a bag of baby dicks you constant (but not consummate) liar.

bobknight33 said:

Of course the right is screaming who leaked and not Fuck yea we finally won because the right don't want leftest nut jobs circling this houses , business, etc and harass the shit out of them. The left are un civil.

The democrat party has known this day would come. They had 50 years to codify abortion into law and didn't.

To make it worse Democrats saw this day of reckoning when the last SCOUS was appointed. Democrats won 2020 and had full control and did not push any law at the national level to make abortion legal . Major error of the Democrat party.

You lost the argument fair and square..
But at the state level you can keep on killing . and some even up until birth.

Democrats : The party of Death, Destruction, Debauchery,

Why A 'Big Lie' Is So Powerful And So Hard To Undo

newtboy says...

You’re so full of shit your eyes turned brown. You gotta lay off the jenkem.

No evidence whatsoever has ever been produced by anyone of mass cheating in 2020…there is more than some evidence of mass cheating in 2016, by Republicans. You know this.

Sour grapes and Republican cheating….and not enough of that to change any results (fortunately). That’s all that’s been found in 2020’s election.

Wait, so Fox, OAN, Infowars, and Brightbart ignored it, because main stream media didn’t, but they couldn’t find any evidence of it…just like Republicans couldn’t.
Why must you constantly lie, Bob? Is your life that bad that you need to live in imaginationland?

Goo goo ga ga waah! You big baby.

If there’s all this evidence, why did you guys hide it?

I defy you, I double dog dare you, point to one proven instance of mass cheating in 2020, not some rando moron claiming it with no evidence.

bobknight33 said:

There is evidence to support mass cheating. Only that the fake news has zero interest in looking into it because Trump is on the other team.

MI Senator tells the truth in the face of a hateful lie

newtboy says...

But…who doesn’t want suckling long pig pizza?!…with pineapple of course.

Or for non pizza eaters like @ant, REAL baby back ribs!


BSR said:

Must be terrible pizza. Just sayin'.

MI Senator tells the truth in the face of a hateful lie

newtboy says...

What’s their problem, he says he waited until his wife’s sister turned 16.
Certainly it was fine for him to force himself on a 16 year old and for 10 years afterwards.
That’s not grooming.
ANY baseless charge Republicans lob at Democrats is projection…every time.

That’s what makes me worried that somewhere out there is a pizza place with a basement where Republicans rape, murder, then eat babies to magically retain political power.

luxintenebris said:

just wanted to make sure you caught this tidbit...

Elon Musk talks Twitter, Tesla and the future at TED2022

newtboy says...

No. They do not. What stupidity.

Twitter is a public company owned 10% by one hard core Republican and a hundred thousand more own a lot more of it.

Republican babies have fled from these giving Democrats and independents a strong majority because Republicans simply cannot stand others contradicting their insanity with fact….and yet you whine like a baby.

The company decided that they don’t want to become the next failure like Truth Social, no matter how much money it makes them in the short term, likely because they don’t want to see it end within 6 months which it absolutely would if they allowed it.

Likely they also hate being associated with a man who just had to pay a $15 million (reduced from $137 million) judgment, awarded for Musk allowing constant racist attacks against an employee by others including supervisors despite repeated verified instances and reports, including one supervisor who called him the n-word over 30 times in front of others without reprimand ….for his companies unrepentant blatant out of control culture of racism that he did nothing to curb.

Grow up, learn something, and maybe stop just saying whatever ignorant nonsense comes into your delusional mind….your assumptions are always wrong, usually stupid, consistently ignorant, and come from a partisan cultist that won’t accept reality.

bobknight33 said:

Democrats own Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Hollywood, Teachers. Reddit,

And yet you complain.

This Man Votes

This man is POTUS

newtboy says...

You would think the Republicans would stop blocking the filling of the federal reserve board, the government body that is tasked with fighting inflation. It’s blatantly obvious they would rather lay false blame over inflation than allow any solution that Biden might get credit for (deserved or not). Another case of party over country, this time for no reason than to deny Democrats a win….at the expense of the nation.

Such a whining little baby, grow up and learn something. Stop with the “I don’t know how things work, so I’ll just blame everything on whoever I hate” stupidity please.

When I’m On Cocaine …

luxintenebris jokingly says...

thought crack-babies shook themselves.

sidebar: w/the Tallywackers now boycotting Oreos...w/M&Ms, Keurig, Starbucks, Pepsi...will there be a rise in their cocaine use?

w/o sugar or caffeine, they'll need something. lord help us if they actually hold themselves to their threats. imagine MTG in a more sluggish state?

Concrete equipment lashes out against its captors

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