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New Entrant in World's Worst Driver Contest

Ricky Gervais "interviewed" by a pantless Matt Zaller

asynchronice says...

I would imagine, as a student of philosophy, he has an existential understanding of how utterly retarded these press junkets are, and he makes the best of it. And I seem to recall Gervais is somewhat a philosophy buff as well ? Brilliant, I say.

SMASH! Crash test: 1959 Chevy Bel Air

Daniel Radcliffe on Extras (complete clip, 8 minutes)

EndAll says...


>> ^turboj0e:
I read this article today about how he's breaking out of his Harry role and trying the stage in a revival of "Equus". He's even prepared to be in the buff. Isn't he still a minor?

yeah, a two year old article

from a two year old sift, doofus

Daniel Radcliffe on Extras (complete clip, 8 minutes)

turboj0e says...

I read this article today about how he's breaking out of his Harry role and trying the stage in a revival of "Equus". He's even prepared to be in the buff. Isn't he still a minor?

yeah, a two year old article

Mitchel and Webb: The Giant Death Ray

dannym3141 says...

It's nothing like little britain - it's funny.

Fast show, however, is my all time favourite sketch show. When monty python was funny it was very funny, and when it was shit it was VERY shit. I get a lot of people calling me a heretic, but they're usually snobby self-professed "comedy-buffs".. Fast show is easily the best sketch show i've ever seen.

Guy Movies (Cinema Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

Your ideas are fascinating to me and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

>> ^Drax:
Take a certain movie and slap a label on it "This is a guy movie.", "This is a chick flick." and you get these arguments. Now I have noticed that movies recently do get made with the idea of what audience they'll appeal to, and I think now a lot of work goes into figuring out the magical androgynous formula to pull both audiences together so everyone can go out after and talk about it over coffee or get laid (which ever just happens to be the most applicable scenario), but call me naive or whatever but I think there was a time where people just made movies and let them fall where they landed.
Here's some of my favorites, I guess most are guy flicks.. I dunno.. I just enjoy them. If a girl likes any of these too that's great, Id hope anyone can just approach a movie as "it's a movie", and keep an open mind.
Die Hard - Only the original. It's a freaking classic, not just a good action movie. So many little details worked out that there's a scene where you can see a whole sub-plot silently occurring based on one of the character's facial expressions. When Gruber puts the coke fiend on the radio to talk to McClane watch all of McClane's facial expressions.
Way of the Gun - This is another movie where entire conversations occur between characters without a word being spoken. The shoot out at the end is incredible and well thought out.
SE7EN - David Fincher at his best.
Aliens - Video games will never stop quoting from this movie (or stealing ideas from it). Can't wait for Avatar (no, not the cartoon).
The Hudsucker Proxy - One of the best comedies no one's seen.
Face / Off - Cheesy over the top in the best possible way. John Woo's best American movie IMO (Hard Boiled being his best period).
Event Horizon - Many don't like this flick, I loved it. The whole scientific concept of hell being this other place of pure chaos that this ship slipped into really drew me in.
I've got a ton more, but I'll stop here. Why do I like these movies? Because they're fun in some form or fashion.
And soon as Hollywood can get back to making movies that aren't based off something from 10-20 years ago I'll get back into being a movie buff.
Oh and PS, I SOOO Want to see Antichrist too. Looks like some really F'ed up horror.

High-pressure car wash, provided by Liebherr excavator

Calling all Art Buffs (Art Talk Post)

Guy Movies (Cinema Talk Post)

Drax says...

Take a certain movie and slap a label on it "This is a guy movie.", "This is a chick flick." and you get these arguments. Now I have noticed that movies recently do get made with the idea of what audience they'll appeal to, and I think now a lot of work goes into figuring out the magical androgynous formula to pull both audiences together so everyone can go out after and talk about it over coffee or get laid (which ever just happens to be the most applicable scenario), but call me naive or whatever but I think there was a time where people just made movies and let them fall where they landed.

Here's some of my favorites, I guess most are guy flicks.. I dunno.. I just enjoy them. If a girl likes any of these too that's great, Id hope anyone can just approach a movie as "it's a movie", and keep an open mind.

Die Hard - Only the original. It's a freaking classic, not just a good action movie. So many little details worked out that there's a scene where you can see a whole sub-plot silently occurring based on one of the character's facial expressions. When Gruber puts the coke fiend on the radio to talk to McClane watch all of McClane's facial expressions.

Way of the Gun - This is another movie where entire conversations occur between characters without a word being spoken. The shoot out at the end is incredible and well thought out.

SE7EN - David Fincher at his best.

Aliens - Video games will never stop quoting from this movie (or stealing ideas from it). Can't wait for Avatar (no, not the cartoon).

The Hudsucker Proxy - One of the best comedies no one's seen.

Face / Off - Cheesy over the top in the best possible way. John Woo's best American movie IMO (Hard Boiled being his best period).

Event Horizon - Many don't like this flick, I loved it. The whole scientific concept of hell being this other place of pure chaos that this ship slipped into really drew me in.

I've got a ton more, but I'll stop here. Why do I like these movies? Because they're fun in some form or fashion.

And soon as Hollywood can get back to making movies that aren't based off something from 10-20 years ago I'll get back into being a movie buff.

Oh and PS, I SOOO Want to see Antichrist too. Looks like some really F'ed up horror.

Spectacular Rollover On Chilean Highway

Americans are cowards. (Horrorshow Talk Post)

vairetube says...

The Dali Llama's (current dude.. regardless of his possible past misdeeds in tibet) response when asked how he can deal with all the horrible things in the world.

In effect he says:

In my world, those things don't happen.

Meaning, when it comes down to YOU, when it IS in your power.. you do the right thing.

Not taking arms to my government, which consists mainly of my fellow citizens TRYING to live their own lives, does not make me a coward.

I am a coward for completely different reasons. They have nothing to do with apathy, or aquiesing, or ignorance, or fear of the world. It's because I know myself.

I have faith, though I am not religious, and my faith is that life goes on, and trends to justice, and that I can be a part of that. My faith overcomes the fear and makes me strong... not so strong I can avoid engaging in petty arguments like whether or not an entire nation's population is cowardly... but it keeps me going, and I have faith one day I wont be afraid of myself.

Should we kill more in response to killing? Stellar, I dont think violence works; logically it only begets more violence. So... You have no logic here, no ethical ground to attack from, and your emotional argument is just that: reactionary and spastic. No one is a coward here except for the sniper. Not even you.

And here is Buff Stewie to lighten the mood (or worsen if yer a hater)

Travis Barker Remixes Eminem's 3AM

Wheel Falls Off Plane During Landing In Buffalo, New York

Rally driver survives 550-foot fall after crash in Portugal

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