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Ann Coulter Insults at the Rob Lowe Roast

sanderbos says...

I now got curious and watched the Roast waiting on my PVR (it's not a good one).
But. Oh. My. Word. Did Ann Coulter (who by the way was quite open about her book promotions, audience didn't appreciate that openness) bomb or what. The answer: she bombed.
Like bad. Like worse than 'The Situation' (yes, I watch all these CC roasts, I am not proud of it)! Like a lot worse, at least the situation tried without success to get out of the hole on stage.

Here is her performance in a low-talking video that will probably be taken down before I submit my comment:
Here she is saying she did great and it's all the fault of bad editing:
Here is the writer saying it was not his fault, but I don't really believe that is true, the delivery is terrible but the jokes were also sh*t, and I don't believe for a second she wrote that material herself as he claims, because the material is exactly in line with what those CC roast speeches are:

All the Ann Coulter vids got me thinking: The Real Ann

All the Ann Coulter vids got me thinking: The Real Ann

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Ann Coulter Insults at the Rob Lowe Roast

TheFreak says...

Usually I just want to slap Ann Coulter.

This made me cringe, and then want to slap Ann Coulter.
Then cringe again, then want to slap Ann Coulter.
Then the cringing...

This went on for 1:56.
Now I just want to slap Ann Coulter.

Ann Coulter Insults at the Rob Lowe Roast

eric3579 says...

Seems she had no idea what she was in for. Must have been a bit of a shock.

Tony Hinchcliffe, who wrote jokes for Coulter to recite at the show. In Hinchcliffe’s telling, Coulter had no idea of what went down at the somewhat iconic roasts, and refused to learn. “We asked her if she’d seen a Comedy Central Roast, and she said no,” he said. “She had no idea what was going to happen going into it.”

Samantha Bee - Born Again in the U.S.A.

You're Wrong And Will Probably Never Know

You're Wrong And Will Probably Never Know

eric3579 says...

You're wrong about virtues of Christianity
And you're wrong if you agree with Sean Hannity
If you think that pride is about nationality, you're wrong

You're wrong when you imprison people turning tricks
And you're wrong about trickle down economics
If you think that punk rock doesn't mix with politics, you're wrong

You're wrong for hating queers and eating steers
If you kill for the thrill of the hunt
You're wrong 'bout wearing fur and not hating Ann Coulter
Cause she's a cunted cunt

You're wrong if you celebrate Columbus Day
And You're wrong if you think there will be a Judgement Day
If you're a charter member of the NRA, you're wrong

You're wrong if you support capital punishment
And you're wrong if you don't question your government
If you think her reproductive rights are inconsequent, you're wrong

You're wrong fighting Jihad, your blind faith in God
Your religions are all flawed,
You're wrong about drug use, when its not abuse
I hope you never reproduce

You're getting high on the downlow
A victim of Cointelpro
You're wrong and will probably never know

Love this song *promote

woman destroys third wave feminism in 3 minutes

Babymech says...

Feel free to be specific, and not just coy and vague. Which parts were intended as 'tongue in cheek' - was it linking to right wing activist blogs? I am truthfully and honestly unsure, because we don't know each other - for some people, quoting CHS would be a joke, similar to quoting Anne Coulter, and for others it's a valid source. I still don't know which, if either, opinion you hold.

Trust me, I will happily and heartily chuckle at your wry, irascible tongue in cheek wit, if you can tell me which parts you thought you were being tongue in cheek about, and what your serious arguments are.

As to whether Christina Hoff Sommers is a feminist or not, I would guess that it's not as easy as just calling yourself a feminist. I can call myself a conservative, but the evidence is against me: I never vote conservative, I typically espouse progressive views, and I usually criticize flaws in conservative thought and policy, comparing it unfavorably to progressive thought. I think a reasonable person would have to say that I'm either being disingenuous if I call myself a conservative, or that I'm very very bad at it.

I don't get to decide what CHS calls herself, but as a rational person I have to look at her argument and see if it's based in feminism or in something entirely different, and make up my own mind about it regardless of labels.

As for the rest, I'm not sure, again, which parts you say are just straw manning it up and which parts we agree on. I thought we had some disagreements but you might have been tongue in cheek about all of it, for all I know.

For example, I thought we were in agreement on this: "so the situation is not some cut and dried situation,and there are extreme elements of any social movement,but those elements should not invalidate the message" - so I didn't comment on that part. It makes sense to me, and unless you were being tongue in cheek, we're in agreement.

I thought we came to an agreement (?) on the prevalence of rape and the need to look at the whole picture, but also agreed (?) that there are several other disheartening factors at work in the so-called justice system.

I thought, however, that we disagreed about your entire first point (both about how making discrimination illegal should eliminate the wage gaps, and about how no serious economists cite it). This is where I thought CHS was a poor rebuttal - regardless of her right wing activism, she's certainly not an economist; she's a philosopher by education, and not a particularly credible source on the economy. Again, if you were being tongue in cheek when quoting her I'll just erase that part and assume that we agree.

As for contradictory evidence, I can't swear that I'll be influenced by it, and I certainly won't accept it uncritically - we all have a hard time breaking down our own biases. But I'll happily and gratefully read it, as I assume you will too.

enoch said:

jesus holy christ...

were you truly unable to discern my tongue firmly planted in cheek?

and then take issue with pay gap discrimination?

/cue rainbow

which you may take issue that i used wiki as a reference,which is pretty much your counter-position to my links.

which is just utter weak sauce.

oh that study was by a conservative think tank and therefore they have an "agenda".nevermind that christina hoff sommers is a feminist,nevermind that you didnt refute the numbers..lets just stick with "agenda" to refute any and all statistics that do not coincide with your narrative.

should i gather by implication that christian hoff sommers is not a feminsist?even though she identifies as one? or is she just the "wrong" kind of feminist?

come on man,are you really that blinded by your own bullshit?

and then you proudly attempted to dissect the rest of my comment taking positions i never took,but was rather using to express that in much of our dialogue..i was fucking agreeing with you.

you literally wrote one big,massive and utterly useless straw man.while i was actually trying to have a conversation.i may have indulged in some smart assery but that is mainly due to my perception of you.that i respected you enough not to treat you like a precious little flower or some fragile snowflake.

maybe you see this is as a right/wrong dynamic.

but here is the cold,hard truth:context matters.
and if you insist on viewing this situation in such a narrow and myopic way,the larger context will ALWAYS be unavailable to you.

so until you are ready to evaluate,without bias,new information.that may possibly contradict your current narrative,then you will always be stuck in your own self-delusion.

you were challenged.
your response was lack luster and a straw man.
and i can only assume by your words that any contrary evidence or contradictory opinions that may conflict with your own will be met with similar straw men,presumptions,deflecting and goal post moving.

because if ya cant beat em,
berate and belittle them.

Real Time - New Rule – Learn How to Take a Joke

GenjiKilpatrick says...

I don't hate you. Just the stupid opinions you express all the time.

"You're better than that". I know because you've made pretty thoughtful neutral comments on occasion.

[like on the Ann Coulter segment. You at least acknowledge BOTH sides. how liberal of you]

But yeah, you're just stupid.

You claim you aren't a racist.. and then tell me i'm inferior..
Which is THE definition of White Supremacy.. so..

But please, explain to me why is it that..

Blacks are "playing the victim".. but Conservatives aren't?

You got FoxNews, 300,000 Christian Churches, Christmas & Easter, Memorial Day & July 4th, Every President besides Clinton, Carter, Kennedy, & FDR..

Explain how you & @lantern53 aren't just making up problems to complain about?

bobknight33 said:

The difference between you and I is that you HATE me but I don't hate you.
You will always be inferior to me all because you your hatred towards me. Self imposed inferiority. You are better than this. That is one of the problems with liberalism. Everyone is a victim.

Stop being a victim.

Real Time with Bill Maher: Ann Coulter on Immigration

Bruti79 says...

I was just talking to my wife about this, it seems that whenever Anne Coulter is pushing a new book she just says anything to troll everyone else, hoping it turns into dollars and sales.

thje best of ann coulter 2011

Godzilla vs. Heisenberg

Questions for Statists

Kevin O'Leary on global inequality: "It's fantastic!"

MichaelL says...

A few years ago this guy was a nobody insofar as the media was concerned. Then he started playing the 'baddie' on Shark Tank and the Canadian version of Dragons' Den.
I think this guy is borrowing a page from the likes of Ann Coulter and other right-wing talking heads. Essentially, they are media whores who know that controversy helps to sell their books, programs, lecture circuit, investments... their 'celebrity-ness'. So they say outrageous stuff because they know it gets them face time in our dumbed down media. How do you think it ended up here on Videosift?
Whether they actually believe their own shit... who knows?

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