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State of the Sift 2010 (Sift Talk Post)

garmachi says...

I hope that you do eventually get through to a real person, and that this can be rectified. I think that "objectionable violence" might be as hard to define as "porn". For example, while some may see beauty and grace in a Muhammad Ali highlights reel, others may see only brutality.

The Felony Fights video clearly meets Adsense's criteria, but to give 72 hours notice to "clean up" thousands and thousands of pages of user generated content... that's highly unreasonable and should not be left to the discretion of an automaton. Best of luck!

A tribute to Muhammad Ali

csnel3 says...

Ali was my first and only true hero, Since then heros dont stand up to the test of time, like Ali has, and only Ali.
Most athletes are steroid users and thugs, abusers of everything, drug taking , no drivers licencse having,dope smoking gamblers,whoremongering unfaithfull dog killing wife beaters, no tax paying chaufer shotgunning liars.
I know I'm jaded now and I don't call anybody a hero, even if they may deserve it. There have been a very few that could possibly make the list. Muhammed Ali will always be on top of the short list of true sports Heros.

Lets name a few.

Clyde Drexler..., I'm running outa names, You name some.

UFC 116: Brock Lesnar vs Shane Carwin

highdileeho says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:
>> ^highdileeho:
As a boxing fan, I can't enjoy heavyweight mma fights. It lacks the presicion and discipline that I'm used to. I'll watch a good boxing match over a the best mma fights any day. That's not to say i'm an mma hater, I just think that boxing has it's own place, and it's a shame that the younger generation has seemed to have forgoten how awesome a sport boxing is:

Great, this argument again.
Explain how being FORCED to stand directly in front of someone as you wing haymakers at each other takes anymore precision or discipline than what you see in mma.
Boxing is to MMA as Firing pin is to Gun.
It's less dynamic, the action is less aesthetically appealing, and it's just as brutal as mma.
No one forgot how awesome boxing was. We all just remember how boring it is.
Brock Lesnar is an awful fighter. That's why you can't stand to watch this fight.
Watch Anderson Silva. Urijah Faber.
If you still think boxing has something on mma you're no doubt a die hard fanboy.
Which is fine.
Just remember to tell your friends at the geriatric ward to refrain from using such a poor argument.

Look I still enjoy boxing as well as mma, but the argument that it's boring is pretty weak. How quickly you forgot about the last ufc in the spring, and this fight only looks marginaly more appealing. I remember hearing all the ufc fans bitching about wasting their money on those matches in the spring because it was a bunch of boring fights. The standup talent isn't anywhere near the level of boxing. Is all i'm going to say and if you can't see that then your not as smart as you would like people to believe, with your pompus arrogant attitude. And the reason they were throwing haymakers was because they had to fight A 10 round match, (something mma athletes are not physiclly capable of)they were completly exhausted but the match was too close for either fighter to sit back and wait for a desicion...if you weren't able to understand that about fighting/boxing then i really don't know why i'm wasting my time, because you don't even know what your talking about. mma is a good sport. I can appreciate all of the disciplines, my favorite fighter is emilionenko-- i'm not spell checking that name--, and my favorite style is sambo, it's far and away the best fighting discipline. My point is mma needs to step up it's standup game it's sloppy. the announcers were getting all excited about grazing uppercuts and slow sloppy jabs, and if kids start thinking that those punches are something to get excited about then were are going to see much more crappy, boring, amateur hour, fights. and lose all of our muhhamad ali's, tysons, aruro gattis, roberto durans, and all the rest of the truly great stand up artists. they will be replaced by 500 lb slabs of meat who can barely lift their arms to throw a punch, ask them to throw 200 punches and theyre fat, meaty heads will explode at the notion that it is possible.

theali (Member Profile)

kulpims (Member Profile)

Before Bruno there was Borat, before Borat there was Ali G..

Before Bruno there was Borat, before Borat there was Ali G..

The heart-wrenching agony of VideoSift (Wtf Talk Post)

Before Bruno there was Borat, before Borat there was Ali G..

Creators Of South Park Receive Death Threats

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Creators, South Park, Receive, Death, Threats, Muhammad' to 'Creators, South Park, Death, Threats, Muhammad, Stone, Parker, Hirsi Ali, van Gogh' - edited by my15minutes

Ali G with Shaq

Baera (Member Profile)

Fight Night 4 - Muhammad Ali vs Mike Tyson


thinker247 says...

Is this the roast? It's more like a vegetarian barbecue, complete with soy hot dogs. Or as blankfist calls them, "edible sex toys." That's not mayo, folks.

Sigh. This is lamer than Michael J. Fox shaking hands with Muhammad Ali while Stephen Hawking does the fox trot.

Hello, is this thing on?

These roasts are becoming so tired, I feel like I'm watching a Ben Stein documentary during a gas leak. Someone light a match and end this suffering.

I guess I should say something about Kulpims, since it's his party, right? Sure.

Kulpims is a foreigner, and I distrust all foreigners. I also distrust Foreigner, because they sing "I Want to Know What Love Is." Which is a song about Ike Turner, I believe. I can't remember. I'm baked off my ass right now. What was I talking about? Oh yeah, fuck Foreigner. and Fuck foreigners. But not Kulpims, because he probably has AIDS or gonorrhea or scurvy, like a pirate. Speaking of pirates, have you seen that one movie where the guy is all like, AAARGH! That shit was hella awesome. But anyway, Kulpims is...uh...Eritrean, right? Or is he Scandinavian? I forget. He's one of those white dudes who rides his bicycle in circles and shoots documentaries about evolution. Or was that Bob Crane? Yeah, that's it. Kulpims is the guy who shoots bondage film and whacks off while hitting himself with a flagellation stick. What was I talking about? Oh yeah:

Fuck Foreigner.

Anybody got any French Onion Dip?

Muhammed Ali Wins a Fixed Match

bamdrew says...

I don't want to get into it, because I honestly couldn't care less, but this is the worst possible angle to see Ali's punch. He comes over Liston's are in a very surprising way, and Liston looks into it probably because he was expecting a shot from underneath from how Ali was standing and holding himself.


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