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Jack Ma Launches $10M African Entrepreneur Prize

Drachen_Jager says...

I know it's investing lingo, but there's nothing angelic about Chinese investment in Africa. They're just exploiting the power differential.

Not that we in the west can claim to be morally better, it's just that China does exploitation, as with all things, with 100% commitment.

C-note (Member Profile)

30 tons of trash clog shoreline in Dominican Republic

nanrod says...

This is Playa Montesinos in downtown Santo Domingo. On Google Earth there is a cruise ship docked less than a kilometer from this beach. Apparently this happens after heavy rains which ties in with studies that show that 90-95% of all the plastic in the oceans comes from 10 rivers, 2 in Africa and 8 in Asia with China being the worst offender. It seems that as third world economies improve, their taste for western throwaway culture increases without a corresponding increase in disposal and recycling infrastructure. I've read somewhere that even where they have landfills they're often located near rivers where rains and floods flush the landfill and allow it to accept more trash.

newtboy said:

Any information on this? Is this the result of illegal ocean dumping, a trash barge sinking, or just normal garbage filled runoff at this spot?
It's hardly the only island paradise overrun with plastic. This is what people do, nearly everywhere we go. We need a plague, yesterday.

Trevor Responds to Criticism from the French Ambassador

Trevor Responds to Criticism from the French Ambassador

Turkish T129 ATAK helicopters conducting a drill

bcglorf says...

On the chance your 'jokingly' isn't obvious, MLK, Ghandi and Mandela's causes ALL had support from those willing to use violence, aka better weapons would help.

Malcolm X would be the next most prominent figure beside MLK. Indian independence wasn't won with peaceful hunger strikes alone, and again lots of violence in South Africa.

Ghandi even bridged the gap to working alongside the effective army fighting for India's independence:
" I would rather have India resort to arms in order to defend her honor than that she should in a cowardly manner become or remain a helpless witness to her own dishonor.
But I believe that nonviolence is infinitely superior to violence, forgiveness is more manly than punishment, forgiveness adorns a soldier."

Speaking more to the point of America today, pretty much no civil war has been fought exclusively with civilians on one side, and the government, police, army and all other branches of the state united on the other. The reason being that if that kind of unity within the government against the civilian population exists, you ALREADY have tyranny.

In America, the example would be if a president or a particular political party decided to try for tyrannical over reach, would the American public be better equipped to resist that with or without guns? In civil war, guns give power to the majority of public opinion that would need to be there otherwise. In a nation with an unarmed public, whatever the majority of soldiers side with is likely gonna win. With an armed populace, the civilian opinion matters more.

I think it's an overall modest observation, and one that really doesn't in anyway make it obvious that the modest benefit is worth the costs. That is another matter, but you can't factually claim that there isn't a meaningful difference between an armed and unarmed population when facing civil war.

newtboy said:

You mean like MLK, Ghandi, or Mandela did?

Perhaps an extremely well armed fanatical populace with little to lose paired with impossible terrain and nearly zero resources to steal has that chance against some less advanced enemies....but again, I'm talking about Americans.
Americans have zero chance to win or draw against the U.S. military. None. Nada. Zilch. A temporary standoff with disastrous consequences is the best I've ever heard of, that's a loss.

Mongoose Playing Dead ...

StukaFox says...

I love the guy at the end!

"Are you addicted to Africa? Have you been naughty? Have you been VERY naughty? Oh, I'll bet you have! You've been a NAUGHTY mongoose, haven't you? Naughty, naughty mongoose! If you'd like to learn more about naughty mongooses, subscribe to our channel and you'll get a little ding when there's new naughty mongoose content. Do it. Do it now. Subscribe. DO IT!"

South African Parliament Votes Take White Stolen Farm Land

Stormsinger says...

You can find whackjobs racists anywhere, and Bob's -always- up for fanning the race wars.

If you want to be "fair", remember how recent Apartheid was ended in South Africa. It was only officially ended a bit over twenty years ago. IOW, almost all voters in South Africa lived under it, and personally remember the oppression (which was as bad or worse than -anything- we experienced in the US). I think a certain degree of bitterness and retaliation is easy enough to understand.

South African Parliament Votes Take White Stolen Farm Land

Mordhaus says...

To be fair, this guy speaking seems to be pretty racist himself. He mentioned things about wishing we had sent former slaves back to Africa because we are still using them as sort of slaves. Also talking about 400 years plots, getting a passport so you can flee to Africa, and such. Guy is a nutjob if you ask me.

This has been done quite a few times. It never works. Worst case scenario is a repeat of what happened in Cambodia. Best case is that they will eke out a subsistence living poorly managing the land they have seized.

Stormsinger said:

What's the matter Bob, couldn't find any Klan propaganda videos to post?

The Man Clearing Tons of Trash From Mumbai’s Beaches

nanrod says...

Most of the trash in the oceans comes from rivers. I read once that 90% of the plastic in the oceans comes from just 13 countries. This shocked me enough to look into it. The consensus seems to be that 80 to 95%(depending on your source) of all the trash in the oceans flows into the oceans from just 10 rivers, being all the major rivers of China, southeast Asia, plus the Nile and the Niger in Africa. However, that's trash in the oceans. This volume of garbage on the beach probably comes from locals using the beach as a dumping ground.

Fairbs said:

where does all this crap come from? the local community or does it was ashore?

my other question is how many dead bodies have they found?

What really happened to Dave Chapelle in Hollywood

Lukio says...

I barely understood what his point is or why Dave Chapelle was "decapitated". He supposedly made 500 Million for Comedy Central and they offered him only 10% instead of 50% and then they made a character attack on him . While Chapelle went to Africa and became a "devout Muslim" and now is back they spread a rumor about cocaine abuse. Haven't heard or read anything about that but ok. Pretty wild story.

Officer disciplined after getting angry over White Privilege

ChaosEngine says...

Sorry, re-reading that, it is badly worded. I meant I don't understand what upset him so much that he was disciplined for it.

But that leads back to my whole point about lack of context.

We don't know (from this video) WHY she talked about white male privilege and whether it was warranted, and equally, I don't understand why he reacted the way he did.

So, doing some research on this, it turns out that, when presented with the statistic that transgender people are 3.32 times more likely to experience police violence, he said "My wife has never been part of police violence, Most of the people that I know have never accused the police of violence. So I guess I don't get where that statistic comes from."

Ok, let's put the white privilege thing aside for a second. Can we all agree that that is a fucking dumb arse response? "People in Africa are starving." "Nonsense, I just had a cheeseburger". FFS.

It's at that point that Weber says "it's because of your white male privilege".

Now whether that response was merited is debatable. Personally, I feel like it's probably uncalled for, but I can also see where she's coming from.

Either way, it certainly doesn't merit Weber being put on administrative leave. As for the response, it was definitely unnecessary, but it was also not THAT bad.

I fail to see why the whole thing needed to go to disciplinary proceedings at all, when it could have been sorted out by making them both sit down and talk like grown-ups.

newtboy said:

Saying white privilege exists may be stating a sociological fact, but saying someone is incapable of comprehension because of their male white privilege is a racist (and sexist) insulting dismissive statement, particularly when in response to a basic statistical question.

I'm confused on what you mean in your last you mean it's hard to see why he got so upset because they disciplined him, or hard to see why he got so upset that he had to be disciplined?

RedSky (Member Profile)

Donna Brazile: HRC controlled DNC and rigged the primary

scheherazade says...

Ah, I see you didn't read the links.

Else you would know :

* The post 1990 borders of Ukraine include historically Russian lands populated by Russian people.

* Ukraine's nukes could not be to guard against Russia because Russia had the crypto keys and guidance control over Ukrainian nukes.

* U.S. support for the 2014 coup against Ukraine's government was arguably also a treaty violation. (I don't actually care about this one)

* Government corruption, rising nationalism, and anti-Russian sentiment, are what led to the coup, which kicked off the fighting, which led to Russian intervention, which led to the "land grabs".

(Anti-Russian sentiment was brewing for years before the 2014 coup. You can see it play out in the 2012 language law issue, which was one of the historical turning points leading up to conflict:

Sidenote, this statement is pure insanity : "We should be at war with Russia today over it's murderous expansions"
War with Russia would last less than an hour, and the only winner would be South America and Africa.
Nuclear powers can never go to war. I mean _never_ never.

Regarding collusion, here :

President Trump declared on Twitter: “There is NO COLLUSION!”
There ya go. A Trump declaration that the campaign was not illegally secretly coordinated (i.e. no collusion). Not backwards at all.

The link also explains the irrelevance of the term regarding legal issues.


newtboy said:

Expansionist Russia is back, and their neighbors need help guarding against Russian overthrow. That time is back.
Ukraine is not Russian, and it had a nuclear weapons program to safeguard against Russian incursions...which we convinced them to give up under our, and Russia's guarantee of their sovereignty and borders, and our guarantee to defend them militarily against Russia should it ever try to take any back, Crimea had the same guarantees. We should be at war with Russia today over it's murderous expansions. Russia entering either area at all was an act of war against us by treaty, one we barely responded to with defensive missiles in countries that wanted them desperately before they became Russian themselves.
The anti Russian sentiment is because of the land grabs, not an excuse for them. Holy shit!

Collusion against your own government and country to subvert the law with a foreign country is a crime. The collusion compounds the subversion.

People use the word collude to assert that Russia and the campaign illegally coordinated, you wrote it backwards.

nanrod (Member Profile)

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