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Smash Mouth: Walking on the Sun (1997)


Maddow on Letterman - Grossly Mischaracterises WikiLeaks

Interview with Cyberstalking Suspect goes Pretty Well

Non-Euclidean Level Design in AA

Simply THE most realistic CGI I've EVER seen!

westy says...

>> ^Engels:

So, assuming its real (why not), why would someone spend the resources to render fruit and rocks. It just seems a rather odd and frankly, boring choice.

because to get these sorts of shots with a camera requires , meticulousness set up and loads of time doing things repeatedly to get the end result. If you are an animator or have moderate industry exsperance with doing comercail 3d work this sort of thing is probably faster to do in CG than with a camera. it depends on your skill set and equipment to hand as to which approach you would take.

stuff like the water effects and fluid physics are easer to do with software (if you have a very specific desired result) and there are many plug ins that will do a good job of this.

People are over hyping the technicality of modaling and texturing and rendering these objects , its really not that hard to model texture and animate this stuff (if you work in 3d day to day) the key things the guy has got spot on are lighting , composition and editing.

If you are intrestead in general CG stuff check out
also check out 3ds max , XSI , blender , cinima 4d and Adobe After Effects CS5.

3D Video Capture with Kinect

grinter says...

>> ^sanderbos:

Well actually it is the guy in this video that multiple Kinects in one room will not work because of IR-mixups:

Hmmm.. I think we are looking at this from slightly different perspectives. I wasn't talking about hacking the current version of Kinect, but rather wondering how close we were to cheap, mass-produced, 4D video from devices like this. Although, now that I think of it.. that 'major hardware hacking' that he refers to might just be changing the light source and the sensor. Even one additional unit operating on a different wavelength would give you a lot better coverage.

pavel_one (Member Profile)

peggedbea says...

actually ... yes... you can smell it too
like theres one part when a t rex roars in your face and you get in the face with water and a blast of air that smells like bad breath. also the chairs vibrate and roll around and you can feel wind and breath and stuff. so yeah, you're occupying space while watching a 3D movie.. but in a 4D movie there are phsycial effects that cause the movie to also occupy your space. it'd be cool if that film thing wasn't just propaganda invading my science museum.
In reply to this comment by pavel_one:
Aren't all 3D movies actually 4D? I just don't see how you can leave that 4th D out.
Are you really saying that it's a 3D movie with smell-o-vision? The awesome of shale gas in a 3D movie with stench is mind-boggling.

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
yeah yeah ok... sure
but the oil and natural gas barons who fund this tea bagging nonsense publicly acknowledge science and the fossil origins of fossil fuels.

example: i live in on top of a previously impossible to tap natural gas shale. they just discovered how to tap the shit out of that gas. the shale is a huge deal here and has brought a lot development and growth to my adorable little cowtown in the last 3 years or so. so much so in fact, that the natural gas companies funded massive renovations to our science museum. so a room in the museum is now dedicated to the science of natural gas. one of the attractions is a 10 minute long 4D movie about how natural gas got underneath fort worth, and how these genius's are getting it out. the movie takes you back in time all the way to the big bang and fast forwards to different periods, clearly acknowledging that the earth is far far far far older than 6,000 years and that god didn't necessarily have anything to do with it.

soooo, i understand that shaping and funding a movement that denies climate change is good for them, but a wonderful justification for denying the science is the godly origins of the earth... but at the same time they're spending thousands to educate an entire city on the ancientness and godlessness of fossil fuels.....

so nothing about this fits. i've never met a teabagger (and i'm probably more inclined to meet more teabaggers than most of the sift because of my geography) that 1. didn't deny the scientific origins of the universe 2. didn't deny climate change and when hard pressed with facts, didn't resort to "jesus is coming back" and 3. didn't looooooove the shit out of some fossil fuels ...... are they really really just too stupid to notice that the circle doesn't close? this makes me sad.

or is it just a cultural thing?? like, texas has been an oil rich state for over a century now. oil is just kind of embedded in our culture and is just accepted as something positive and a point of pride. and the discussion doesn't go much further than that. i grew up in a city who's football mascot was a fucking oil rig. when i think of symbols that mean texas to me, i see an oil rig. oil=texas. texas=home. home=good. done. thought circle complete. i hope that's it. and it's not just outrageous stupidity and a short few years of brain washing alone. i'm sad.

>> ^RFlagg:

Because Jesus is coming again soon to rapture them away so they don't care what they do to the earth, besides god gave them dominion over the Earth to rape and pillage it as they please. They don't believe in anthropological global warming anyhow since they don't believe in science, though some of them believe in peak oil which is why they think we need to drill "our own oil" by international companies selling it on the international market... Also he put the oil in the earth already made along with fossils, and accelerated light so that a galaxy 12 billion light years away can be seen now even though the universe is only 6,500 years old, and all that other prof that he had nothing to do with the creation of the universe. It is that whole god chose the foolish things to confound the wise... and he hid things from the wise and learned and revealed them to children... and all the other excuses they have for explaining such things.
>> ^peggedbea:
i'm super fascinated with how evolution denying teabaggers justify their raging boner for fossil fuels.

peggedbea (Member Profile)

pavel_one says...

Aren't all 3D movies actually 4D? I just don't see how you can leave that 4th D out.
Are you really saying that it's a 3D movie with smell-o-vision? The awesome of shale gas in a 3D movie with stench is mind-boggling.

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
yeah yeah ok... sure
but the oil and natural gas barons who fund this tea bagging nonsense publicly acknowledge science and the fossil origins of fossil fuels.

example: i live in on top of a previously impossible to tap natural gas shale. they just discovered how to tap the shit out of that gas. the shale is a huge deal here and has brought a lot development and growth to my adorable little cowtown in the last 3 years or so. so much so in fact, that the natural gas companies funded massive renovations to our science museum. so a room in the museum is now dedicated to the science of natural gas. one of the attractions is a 10 minute long 4D movie about how natural gas got underneath fort worth, and how these genius's are getting it out. the movie takes you back in time all the way to the big bang and fast forwards to different periods, clearly acknowledging that the earth is far far far far older than 6,000 years and that god didn't necessarily have anything to do with it.

soooo, i understand that shaping and funding a movement that denies climate change is good for them, but a wonderful justification for denying the science is the godly origins of the earth... but at the same time they're spending thousands to educate an entire city on the ancientness and godlessness of fossil fuels.....

so nothing about this fits. i've never met a teabagger (and i'm probably more inclined to meet more teabaggers than most of the sift because of my geography) that 1. didn't deny the scientific origins of the universe 2. didn't deny climate change and when hard pressed with facts, didn't resort to "jesus is coming back" and 3. didn't looooooove the shit out of some fossil fuels ...... are they really really just too stupid to notice that the circle doesn't close? this makes me sad.

or is it just a cultural thing?? like, texas has been an oil rich state for over a century now. oil is just kind of embedded in our culture and is just accepted as something positive and a point of pride. and the discussion doesn't go much further than that. i grew up in a city who's football mascot was a fucking oil rig. when i think of symbols that mean texas to me, i see an oil rig. oil=texas. texas=home. home=good. done. thought circle complete. i hope that's it. and it's not just outrageous stupidity and a short few years of brain washing alone. i'm sad.

>> ^RFlagg:

Because Jesus is coming again soon to rapture them away so they don't care what they do to the earth, besides god gave them dominion over the Earth to rape and pillage it as they please. They don't believe in anthropological global warming anyhow since they don't believe in science, though some of them believe in peak oil which is why they think we need to drill "our own oil" by international companies selling it on the international market... Also he put the oil in the earth already made along with fossils, and accelerated light so that a galaxy 12 billion light years away can be seen now even though the universe is only 6,500 years old, and all that other prof that he had nothing to do with the creation of the universe. It is that whole god chose the foolish things to confound the wise... and he hid things from the wise and learned and revealed them to children... and all the other excuses they have for explaining such things.
>> ^peggedbea:
i'm super fascinated with how evolution denying teabaggers justify their raging boner for fossil fuels.

Christine O'Donnell: Evolution is a Myth

RFlagg says...

It might be just the local tea baggers here.
To be fair they haven't used the Jesus is coming soon as an excuse to do as they will, but it is something the locals seem to believe. After the election of Obama they actually thought that perhaps that will make Jesus come back sooner...I didn't realize god was so weak that his planned time for sending his son back could be altered by the actions of man, then again they seem to think god is to weak to do his job of convicting people of sins and punishing them for them, so they have to do that work for him... Anyhow, Jesus coming back soon seems to be a common thought, so I extended that to them as an excuse for using fossil fuels.
Very few of the tea baggers I know will acknowledge that global warming has anything to do with human activity. Those that do seem to think it is a very small nearly unmeasurable part of it, with cow farts having far more effect.
None of the tea baggers I know acknowledge the scientific origins of the universe, they may not be young Earth creationist, but they all are of the "design speaks of a designer" mentality. Of the old Earth creationist locally, some go with the gap theory, but most go with a day to god is as a thousand years or more to us. I personally don't know anyone who is a geocentrist.
None of the tea baggers here, home to people have a "MASTERS DEGREE IN COMMUNICATION" run for Stark County Treasurer would seem to believe that the movement is funded by any big companies, and that it is purely a grass roots movement.
Nothing I've seen of the tea baggers on the sift or news makes sense though. I just can't work out their thought process without resorting to religious dogma, and the firm belief that the far right Republican's are the only true Christians and the only ones who should be elected.
I was never a tea bagger, but I used to drink deep of the same sort of kool-aid and glad I am out of that movement now. So it may be indeed a cultural issue... We may just have more idiots incapable of independent thought here. I have been a sad panda for them for some time.

>> ^peggedbea:

yeah yeah ok... sure
but the oil and natural gas barons who fund this tea bagging nonsense publicly acknowledge science and the fossil origins of fossil fuels.
example: i live in on top of a previously impossible to tap natural gas shale. they just discovered how to tap the shit out of that gas. the shale is a huge deal here and has brought a lot development and growth to my adorable little cowtown in the last 3 years or so. so much so in fact, that the natural gas companies funded massive renovations to our science museum. so a room in the museum is now dedicated to the science of natural gas. one of the attractions is a 10 minute long 4D movie about how natural gas got underneath fort worth, and how these genius's are getting it out. the movie takes you back in time all the way to the big bang and fast forwards to different periods, clearly acknowledging that the earth is far far far far older than 6,000 years and that god didn't necessarily have anything to do with it.
soooo, i understand that shaping and funding a movement that denies climate change is good for them, but a wonderful justification for denying the science is the godly origins of the earth... but at the same time they're spending thousands to educate an entire city on the ancientness and godlessness of fossil fuels.....
so nothing about this fits. i've never met a teabagger (and i'm probably more inclined to meet more teabaggers than most of the sift because of my geography) that 1. didn't deny the scientific origins of the universe 2. didn't deny climate change and when hard pressed with facts, didn't resort to "jesus is coming back" and 3. didn't looooooove the shit out of some fossil fuels ...... are they really really just too stupid to notice that the circle doesn't close? this makes me sad.
or is it just a cultural thing?? like, texas has been an oil rich state for over a century now. oil is just kind of embedded in our culture and is just accepted as something positive and a point of pride. and the discussion doesn't go much further than that. i grew up in a city who's football mascot was a fucking oil rig. when i think of symbols that mean texas to me, i see an oil rig. oil=texas. texas=home. home=good. done. thought circle complete. i hope that's it. and it's not just outrageous stupidity and a short few years of brain washing alone. i'm sad.
>> ^RFlagg:
Because Jesus is coming again soon to rapture them away so they don't care what they do to the earth, besides god gave them dominion over the Earth to rape and pillage it as they please. They don't believe in anthropological global warming anyhow since they don't believe in science, though some of them believe in peak oil which is why they think we need to drill "our own oil" by international companies selling it on the international market... Also he put the oil in the earth already made along with fossils, and accelerated light so that a galaxy 12 billion light years away can be seen now even though the universe is only 6,500 years old, and all that other prof that he had nothing to do with the creation of the universe. It is that whole god chose the foolish things to confound the wise... and he hid things from the wise and learned and revealed them to children... and all the other excuses they have for explaining such things.
>> ^peggedbea:
i'm super fascinated with how evolution denying teabaggers justify their raging boner for fossil fuels.

Christine O'Donnell: Evolution is a Myth

peggedbea says...

yeah yeah ok... sure
but the oil and natural gas barons who fund this tea bagging nonsense publicly acknowledge science and the fossil origins of fossil fuels.

example: i live in on top of a previously impossible to tap natural gas shale. they just discovered how to tap the shit out of that gas. the shale is a huge deal here and has brought a lot development and growth to my adorable little cowtown in the last 3 years or so. so much so in fact, that the natural gas companies funded massive renovations to our science museum. so a room in the museum is now dedicated to the science of natural gas. one of the attractions is a 10 minute long 4D movie about how natural gas got underneath fort worth, and how these genius's are getting it out. the movie takes you back in time all the way to the big bang and fast forwards to different periods, clearly acknowledging that the earth is far far far far older than 6,000 years and that god didn't necessarily have anything to do with it.

soooo, i understand that shaping and funding a movement that denies climate change is good for them, but a wonderful justification for denying the science is the godly origins of the earth... but at the same time they're spending thousands to educate an entire city on the ancientness and godlessness of fossil fuels.....

so nothing about this fits. i've never met a teabagger (and i'm probably more inclined to meet more teabaggers than most of the sift because of my geography) that 1. didn't deny the scientific origins of the universe 2. didn't deny climate change and when hard pressed with facts, didn't resort to "jesus is coming back" and 3. didn't looooooove the shit out of some fossil fuels ...... are they really really just too stupid to notice that the circle doesn't close? this makes me sad.

or is it just a cultural thing?? like, texas has been an oil rich state for over a century now. oil is just kind of embedded in our culture and is just accepted as something positive and a point of pride. and the discussion doesn't go much further than that. i grew up in a city who's football mascot was a fucking oil rig. when i think of symbols that mean texas to me, i see an oil rig. oil=texas. texas=home. home=good. done. thought circle complete. i hope that's it. and it's not just outrageous stupidity and a short few years of brain washing alone. i'm sad.

>> ^RFlagg:

Because Jesus is coming again soon to rapture them away so they don't care what they do to the earth, besides god gave them dominion over the Earth to rape and pillage it as they please. They don't believe in anthropological global warming anyhow since they don't believe in science, though some of them believe in peak oil which is why they think we need to drill "our own oil" by international companies selling it on the international market... Also he put the oil in the earth already made along with fossils, and accelerated light so that a galaxy 12 billion light years away can be seen now even though the universe is only 6,500 years old, and all that other prof that he had nothing to do with the creation of the universe. It is that whole god chose the foolish things to confound the wise... and he hid things from the wise and learned and revealed them to children... and all the other excuses they have for explaining such things.
>> ^peggedbea:
i'm super fascinated with how evolution denying teabaggers justify their raging boner for fossil fuels.

geo321 (Member Profile)

PlayStation 3 - High-Resolution Image Enlargement Technology

Mashiki says...

>> ^Hex:
You can not use zoom with the camera because the camera has to live in a 3d space and that 3d space has limits.
Think of this a glorified Level Of Detail system.

Looks much closer to a 4D to me with LoD rendering planes, on a surface. The real question is since this is only a tech demo is whether or not it will include rotational planes on the 4th axis or simply maintain them on a 3d one with static planes.

Astronomy Is Amazing. Did you know...?

dannym3141 says...

>> ^brain:
When it says that the "known universe" is 93 billion light years across, they're referring to the "observable universe". This is the part of the universe from which light has had time to reach us. Interestingly, it's possible the universe is much much larger than that. It's also possible that the universe is smaller!
I have a hard time understanding how the universe has no center. Everything I can find says it has no center and explains how the expansion has no center. I understand how the expansion has no center, but I don't understand how we can say for sure that the universe itself has no center. Can anyone explain that?

I am not a qualified physicist, just a very interested amateur and i stand to be rediculed.

This is a piece of information i recall from "a brief history of time" and it was a while since i read it. And also, i must express that the maths involved is incredibly complex for any laymen including myself to fully 'understand' quite exactly what it means, and why it is realistic to use these analogies to give anyone who doesn't understand the maths (which is the only real way of PROVING this idea).

It's to do with how you consider the universe and therefore the expansion of it. The most famous example is drawing dots on a balloon and blowing air into the balloon - the dots get further away from each other and there is no centre. The difficulty is imagining that the baloon's surface is 2d and we're talking about 3d
You can then take 4d if you incorporate time, which would be the balloon inflating, so then you're talking about the 3d dimensions of the balloon as 4d. With the time dimension being shown by the radius of the balloon.

It's a trait of humans that we're limited in our view of things. Obviously, we imagine everything exactly how our eyes percieve it. We can see 3 dimensions, so that is our universe. Maths has given us understanding of a lot more dimensions and we can experiment and 'view' them in a mathematical way, but never beyond that. Like, we can't draw a tesseract (which is a 4d object), but we can draw the shadow of a tesseract.

That's because like out in the sun, our 3d objects throw a shadow and that shadow is 2d, so the 4d object's shadow becomes 3d.

I'm getting dragged further away from my point. I'll wrap it up with Hawking's explanation of time being like the surface of a planet. With the start of time being at the north pole and the end of time being at the south. If we imagine it in this way, we can see that there doesn't necessarily have to be something BEFORE time began (the big bang). Nor even something after time ends (big crunch?). Like Hawking has said before - there's no point asking what came before the big bang, it's a nonsensical question, "It's like asking what is north of the north pole?"

Also, these concepts have been shown to be true. All galaxies in space are moving away from each other.

Megan Fox Apologizes To Rose Boy

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