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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Not everything….my portfolio is growing quite a bit, not shrinking by 63% this year. It grew almost 3% today alone….how about yours?
You mean that “covid dip” when it rose to 400 per share during covid and you were screaming “buy! Go all in now!”? ROTFLMFAHS! WTF are you talking about?
Tesla sells the vast majority of its cars to liberals. Tesla has massively turned off liberals (35% positive to under 10% positive) right as other options came on the market, and gotten slightly more popular (20% positive up to 25%) among conservatives who unfortunately for Tesla don’t buy electric cars. Tesla is unlikely to ever get most back. You should understand, Tesla’s days of near monopoly are over, Musk has to sell tens of billions of Tesla stock to pay his debts, which will drive it MUCH lower. You’ll be lucky if it ever gets this good again….and it’s guaranteed to go lower soon. It’s a good time to short, not buy.
FYI- Tesla cut prices by 9%+- in China, and $4k in the US because it seems so many preordered cars have had their orders cancelled and there’s a glut of unsold cars. Not exactly the booming business predicted. That 50% growth is sounding wildly optimistic right now….because today they’re shrinking. 🤦‍♂️

Jan 6 hearings were bi partisan. MAGgot Republicans didn’t want an independent investigation, and all but boycotted this one. No whining now, you asked to be left out.
To paraphrase Roger Stone…You lost. Democracy won. Fuck you. No. You lost. Fuck you!
The insurrection was a one sided seditious act, and a circle jerk by morons. It would be impossible to not find any crimes to refer. What they found is way more than enough to put him in prison for life.
Funny how you LOVE one sided investigations of liberals, like all 12 Clinton investigations, and the planned Hunter Biden investigation (that is a pure partisan one sided planned congressional investigation of a private citizen…a real nothing burger) and all the moronic “investigations “ that are the totality of the Republican platform, but denounce bipartisan investigations of Cons as “one sided”. Pick one. Are one sided investigations just theater? Then call out all the MAGA theater. Are they serious and legitimate? Then find a new baseless fantasy accusation against the Jan 6 committee.

Naaa, friendo. Me and the official ANTIFA organization go to battle fully naked covered in vaseline and glitter. Makes it impossible to keep hold of us, and forces uncomfortable explanations when our enemies get home to their wives sweaty, covered in Vaseline and glitter claiming they were at work!

bobknight33 said:

150 and falling just like everything else. Fud not helping but a great time to buy... I still expect it to go lower. Im sitting in cash.. If I were to buy today I would pick up an extra 1500 shares. FYI TESLA firing on all cylinders 50% growth YoY expected. These opportunities only come around every decade or so. The 2020 Covid dip was also a great time to take advantage of . Did you? I did.

The globe is in a recession not just Tesla -- Compare to Amazon and see.
Average recession lasts 18 months. Q1/Q2 2023 will be worse.

Jan 6 hearings was 1 sided -- a circle jerk committee . I would be surprised id the "didn't" find anything to refusal......... Just BS

No biker gear-- that's newt and his Antifa buddies.

Teen Boy Saves His Dad’s Life By Lifting Fallen Truck

luxintenebris jokingly says...

oh! you know it's real.

did you see the gap between dad & son? both looked uncomfortable as either one of them would have even fist-bumped.

check @ :20
mom is smiling, clutching Hercules's hand. looking at the other siblings to see if they're enjoying this at much as she is.

ain't that good of actors out there.

'tho make for some good banter between father & son...

"do i have to mow the lawn? i did save your life."
"you can lift a truck but pushing a mower is too much to ask?"

Khufu said:

Did anyone see the truck move when 'picked up' or 'dropped'?

ant (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

You just received a gift of 20 Power Points from an anonymous meatbag. Spend them well, and make your generous benefactor proud.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump Corp and Trump Payroll Corp guilty on all fraud counts for multiple, massive, at least 15 year long criminal tax fraud schemes including falsifying business records and outright lying to the IRS to avoid millions in taxes. Felonies.
D’oh. Not a great start to Chump’s presidential bid….more proven business fraud.

Also his $20 million loan from N Korean tied Dae Woo for his campaign came to light after being illegally hidden as a loan to Trump Corp. but used for Trump personally.

His Mom Definitely Won This Battle

noims (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, The Riemann hypothesis explained, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 20 Badge!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

A GOP political operative Jessie Benton (Rand Paul’s niece’s husband) was just convicted in federal court in Washington DC for unlawfully funneling foreign campaign donations from a Russian “businessmen” to political groups that supported Trump in 2016. Benton now faces up to 20 years in prison.

Trump pardoned him for helping funnel $100000 through Paul’s campaign into state legislature campaigns.
Also caught in a sting where the Telegraph asked him for help hiding and funneling Chinese money ($1-2 million) into American campaigns and he did.
Also laundered money from Russians through personal accounts directly to Trump, Russians who met and hung out with Trump because of their contributions, so Trump knew.

One more MAGA criminal convicted of collusion with Russia for Trump in 2016. There’s one hell of a lot of convictions for something you people think never happened. There’s one hell of a lot of people in prison over what you call the “rusher hoax”.

BSR (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Holy shit….I just saw a story that a new verified for $8 fake Eli Lilly account claimed that insulin would now be free and the stock of all insulin producers plummeted, costing Eli Lilly $20 billion in stock value over the last few days!
Elon might get sued for his remaining cash because of his idiotic changes to the platform!
Just fucking wow! Never knew this song would be so apropos!

The maggots are falling like rain!

Edit: OMG….I just used apropos to describe a GWAR song! WTF!?!

BSR said:

If I were Elon Musk I'd fire myself

Everything About Irrigation Pivots (Farmers are Geniuses)

newtboy says...

I just bought the home version, one of those small (20” long) tractor sprinklers that uses the hose to guide the front wheels of the tractor.
I’m a little disappointed these full size sprinklers don’t use the water flow to drive the wheels like I always thought they did, but I’m sure that makes them much more tuneable and simple to “program”.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So, this morning, by projection, Trump admitted he’s lost multiple classified and nuclear secrets “All over the place”.
He admitted this by making the false claim that the national archives has lost massive amounts of nuclear secrets from former presidents (all of whom turned over ALL documents and records to the national archives, not one STOLE classified documents, so of course none hid the stolen nuclear secrets and lied about having them. Never. No one but Trump…and the archives NEVER lost nuclear secrets, he’s exaggerating and misrepresenting a 20 year old report that said they could be better organized, not that any classified documents were missing.).

They haven’t….but EVERY time Trump makes an unsubstantiated accusation it turns out he is guilty of what he’s projecting. EVERY SINGLE TIME. This time it means he’s lost classified secrets.

Edit: also, Walker admits he paid (at least one of) his baby mama the $700 check she says was to pay for her abortion he insisted she have. His excuse? “She’s the mother of my (abandoned) child, of course I sent her money.” (The payment was from 2 years before she got pregnant again, this time refusing his insistence that she abort it, so she was NOT the mother of his child then).

Ready to discuss Ashley Babbitt yet?

Bodycam Moment Deputy Suffers Panic Attack While Armed

newtboy says...

There was no gun. The man says “I’m recording” and the twice fired for cause officer just opens fire in a blind rage.
On the stand the cop admitted hiding his previous police jobs to hide that he had been forced out of both for misconduct including “ fanning his gun over an officer’s head and lying to his chief.”. Seems he learned nothing.

Police charged the victims with felony assault by panic attack, he was acquitted after spending 42 days in jail over a cop’s mistakes, she was convicted of misdemeanor attempted resisting. They were first held for weeks without even a preliminary hearing required within 10 days of arrest by law.

It turned out the cop had no reason at all to stop the woman either, none whatsoever, and no reason to stop her at gunpoint either. He claimed a general warrant alert for a “blond woman” had been issued (WHAT!?!) but produced no such alert in court.
Also his official report on this incident bore no resemblance to the recorded video at all, from the direction he faced to what he saw and heard, and absolutely no mention of his panic attack and hospitalization.
Turns out this trigger happy, lying, wife abusing, adulterous, false report filing, testifying, twice fired cop is a “preacher”. Why am I not surprised?

Also turns out his department did not investigate this shooting incident.

Ok @bobknight33….what did the guy 20+ yards away just recording do to warrant getting shot at 7 times, felony arrested (so beaten up) and put in jail for 42 days?
How was he not complying?
How was he “fucking around with cops” because he definitely got shot at, so did the woman and emt he very nearly shot, (that cop has absolutely no shot control at all, fired for poor gun safety before) the two were falsely charged with felony assault against a police officer (her too), a false charge that carries a 15 year sentence.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump personally directed employees to move and hide the classified documents after getting a subpoena for them, and directed them to lie about it, but now that the FBI has security footage of them doing it, they have admitted hiding the stolen documents at Trump’s direction and insistence and admitted to lying about it.

They also have these employees cooperation. They have agreed to testify that Trump himself directed them to move/hide boxes he knew contained classified documents that had been subpoenaed AFTER he received the subpoena. Game over.

His lawyers knew this when they lied that all documents had been returned….unfortunately for them so did the FBI.

This is evidence of his knowledge of guilt….proof he knew he was committing crimes, and a crime itself. Obstruction carries up to a 20 year sentence per document he hid….and there are hundreds if not thousands of stolen pages he hid.

Can’t wait until some of these documents show up on Chinese and Russian government computer systems.


Republican Socialists

newtboy says...

Trump took the healthy economy off a cliff to the worst economy, employment, and gdp in history. It took him <4 years….and was responsible for over 1 million unnecessary deaths of Americans because of his lack of response to Covid. Downward spiral?! Trump put us in rocket assisted free fall. Biden accelerated the crawling failing economy into an upward spiral.
Obama and Biden spent a lot, but in 4 years Trump spent far more than their 10 years combined while lowering the amount the government brings in on multiple fronts (so increased the debt and deficit in two ways, spending more while making less), and Obama inherited a recession and left a boom, Trump inherited a boom and left a recession….Biden inherited economic collapse, active terroristic sedition, horrific unemployment, and pandemic…all 4 issues are better today than they were on Jan 20, 21.

The inflation reduction act, Bobby. That’s what’s being done.
Also student debt forgiveness.
Edit-Also raising interest rates, finally. Can’t blame Biden for the federal reserve’s hesitation, however….he doesn’t control them and can only make suggestions.
That’s the answer.
Almost every Republican opposed it (them) and voted against it (them), nearly every Republican then went home and took credit for it (them) and said it (they) was a great thing for their constituents (but pretended they hadn’t been against it (them) with every fiber of their being because it’s (they’re) really popular)….just like they did with the infrastructure bill.

Higher interest rates ARE helping, just not enough yet. It definitely should have started earlier than March…. .25% interest rates were just insanely low. Inflation has lowered, but as you well know, Trump’s administration just printed over 1/5 of every dollar in 2020….just made 20% more dollars while gdp went to -32.9% and unemployment skyrocketed to unheard of levels. This causes 20% inflation or more all by itself…Joe’s administration kept that below 10% miraculously.

If bankruptcy boy was still running the economy, we would have 20% inflation, more oil infrastructure sold to the Saudis (they bought the biggest refinery in America in secret under Trump and cut production), higher gas and oil prices, no infrastructure funding, no inflation plan, Ukraine would no longer exist, NATO would still be impotent, ….bankrupting a country is much worse than bankrupting 6 businesses. Trump did both.

Thanks Biden….

P.S.- Nice deflection from the undeniable hypocrisy the video is about. Way to completely ignore the right now taking credit for the popular and helpful Biden legislation they all opposed….praising it, explaining what a great thing it is for their states, economy, and constituents while pretending they didn’t ALL vote against it out of pure spite which outweighs any wish for America to succeed. Their sudden love for the law they diametrically and insultingly opposed is absolute proof they oppose beneficial legislation simply to avoid letting Biden succeed.

Edit: Will you ever get tired of begging for attention for being 100% wrong 99.6% of the time?

bobknight33 said:

Joe and his party [haven’t fixed the multifaceted disaster they inherited yet].

Biden To Pardon All Federal Simple Marijuana Possession

BSR says...

It's legal to buy weed here in NJ now. On average when I pass by there is usually about 15 - 20 people in line to buy not counting how many there are inside the building

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today MAGA decided to block a veterans suicide hotline by flooding it with calls demanding Jan 6 convicts be released and any that are vets should have their benefits reinstated (insurrectionists that tried to overthrow the government lost their government benefits).
Over 20 vets commit suicide daily. Dozens or more are saved by the VA suicide hotline daily. MAGA was more than happy to see those veterans die for this ill conceived defense of treason.
Not just anti American and anti military, also inhumanely and cowardly targeting suicidal veterans who have nothing to do with imprisoning insurrectionist terrorists.

More death, destruction, and debauchery daily….only from MAGA, the party of human trafficking, treason, and snowflake babies that can’t accept a loss. ROEVEMBER is going to be hard for you.

Thanks to the few honest Republicans who said clearly if they get power abortion will be banned nationwide without exceptions, and contraception, and gay marriage, and interracial marriage, and whatever else they decide they don’t like other people having the right to do….so marijuana will be a felony and blue laws returning. Also thanks to Greene for admitting her ilk want to become a theocracy.

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