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Fantastic Great Gig In The Sky Cover

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

It’s a slow day, have another 25

376 ID GOP state Sen. John McGee - sexual harassment

377 Conservative media star Josh Duggar - molesting sisters + others

378 Utah Rep House Majority Leader Kevin Garn - inappropriate sexual conduct with minor

379 CNN Conservative Paris Dennard whom Trump called wonderful - sexual harassment

380 Republican VT State Sen Norman Mcallister convicted of illegal acts, acquitted of sexual assault (sex with employee was held to be conseunsual)

381 Orange County GOP Assemblyman Mickey Conroy - sexual harassment


382 Steve Bannon - sexual harassment / domestic violence

383 Ambassador Scott Brown, former GOP senator from MA, accused by FOX News reporter of sexual harassment

384 NY GOP Congressional candidate Tom Ganley - sexual harassment

385 CA Rep Assemblyman Trice Harvey - sexual harassment

386 SC GOP Rep. Josiah Magnuson attacked and harassed fellow Republican who spoke of being raped to argue for Rape & Incest Exemption for abortion. called rape a misdeed.

387 NV Sheriff Gerald Antinoro - sexual harassment/assault

388 CA Assemblyman/gubernatorial candidate Travis Allen - sexual harassment

389 Knox County Judge Steve Sword, appointed by GOP Gov Haslet, sentenced man convicted of 9 counts for raping his 14yo daughter over 2 years to just 12 years rather than the recommended 72 because of his Christianity

390 Mississippi Republican State Rep. Doug McLeod snapped "as he often does" and punched his wife in the face for undressing too slowly

391 Jonathan Parker - former Idaho GOP Chair - arrested for stalking, masturbating outside apartments

392 David Narramore, KY GOP State Executive Committee and Letcher Cty Chair, arrested for exposing himself

393 Eric Bodenweiser, GOP State Senate candidate, arrested for over 100 counts of child sex abuse, pleaded no contest to lesser charges

394 AZ GOP Rules Committee Chair Rep. Anthony Kern - for protecting sexual predators, preventing testimony from child sex abuse survivors

395 Anti-gay bigot Bishop Thomas Tobin knew about children being raped but didn’t tell anyone because his job was accounting - ignoring his duty of care.

396 Shawn Brooks, Trump social media super fan behind doctored Pelosi video - domestic violence

397 George Nader, liaison to the Trump transition - child pornography

398 Douglas Perlitz, with the support of the rightwing Order of Malta, founded a Haitian orphanage where he molested as many as 170 boys.

399 Stephen Bratton, TX Baptist minister who advocated charging women who get abortions with murder, arrested for child sex abuse.

400 Valentino DiGiorgio III, chairman of the Pennsylvania Republican Party, resigned due to sending an explicit photo to city council candidate

Zelensky Celebrates Signing Security Agreement With The US

newtboy says...

So moron, Russia just conceded defeat in the Black Sea and their entire naval fleet has left Crimea and has retreated to their farthest Eastern port in the Black Sea.
Ukraine doesn’t even have a navy.

Sorry comrade, Putin’s fascist war is losing….bigly.

bobknight33 said:

Christ your are stupid.

If Russia is Losing as you say, Why are they gaining territory and holding it?

You do know what a map is?

If Russia is losing as you say, Why hasn't Ukraine pushed back the Russians?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 Jr is telling you idiots that his Daddy (he thinks it’s his daddy anyway) isn’t on the “Epstein list”. 😂

I bet you take his word for it.
Truth is no one else is featured as often or as prominently as Doe 174, (DJT). A minimum of 7 trips on the Lolita express to kiddie rape island (and recall he had multiple planes himself, and absolutely took them to kiddie rape island repeatedly as well, and flew with Epstein on the Trump plane often as well, proven with flight logs), he’s accused by multiple Epstein victims of rape, and they were all under legal age, some under puberty age…all told “you look like my daughter”.
Epstein rode on Donald’s plane too, with Donald and girls as young as 15.
Trump was on the SS Lolita too, the party barge full of 14 year old girls and 60+ year old millionaires.
Multiple Epstein victims were referred to him by Donald, told Epstein would give them a better job than they had at Mar a Lago.
Recall, he still wishes Maxwell well, after her conviction for facilitating the sexual abuse of young girls. She must have serious dirt on him.
Donald is on audio recording talking about forcing his way into the dressing room of 15 (and younger) girls to leer at them nude.
Donald is on video lusting after his daughter a few hundred times, talking about wanting to have sex with her, etc.

Thanks for the reminder Jr. “Not on the Epstein list”….MOTHER FUCKER HE IS THE EPSTEIN LIST! 😂

The fake “black church” event was hilarious….not a single black parishioner in the crowd because he RENTED a black church and (criminal) pastor, he wasn't welcomed by the church goers, he had a crowd of 300+- elderly white people wearing “blacks for Trump” shirts….they’re already claiming there were 8000 people in that max occupancy of 350 church (it wasn’t even full). There was literally only one single local black person there, and 5-6 they paid to come from elsewhere. The service was a worship of the felon, not God, not Jesus, but the one you put above them both, Don. Convicted felon Trump’s outreach to the black community doesn’t include the black community…he left that photo op to go to a rally by Charlie Kirk, a massive blatant racist, where on stage they flew flags saying “WHITE BOY SUMMER” and other racist, slogans.
The black community is insulted by the idea that such a sad little show will make them forget how he treated them for 4 years.

Meanwhile President Biden went to the black church that was attacked by a white supremacist in 2015 and prayed with its actual congregation.

BTW- Records prove that in 1927 Fred Trump Sr (The convict’s grandfather) was arrested for being a KKK member who was part of a racist KKK riot of 1000 racists that attacked police in Queens in an attempted race riot.
His son and grandson paid millions for racist redlining.
He refused to denounce the KKK or David Duke…he actually pretended he didn’t know who David Duke or the KKK was (hint- remember the meetings you went to with grandpa where everyone dressed as ghosts and talked about the inhuman animals and what must be done about them? Duke is their leader.)….Mr. ”I see nothing…I KNOW NOTHING!”

Literally everything you morons do is a fraud.


BTW- Crime stats are out. Dark Brandon is better at fighting crime than the entire Justice League put together. 25% drop.
Economic numbers are insanely good, best in the world, constant record high stock markets, low unemployment, high wage gains, dropping inflation…as long as you don’t have antixwoke stocks the market is BOOMING! Sorry DJT stockholders.. 😂

Liz Cheney's "dire" warning against reelecting Trump

newtboy says...

Where was this Liz Cheney in 2015 when she might have made a difference?

She’s 100% correct. If MAGA retains control of the house, the speaker will follow the unconstitutional scheme and reject the democratic electors and simply install Trump as absolute dictator, a position no person has ever walked away from, and it will end the great American experiment in democracy at just under 250 years old.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

lol….”creep”! Love it. 😂

Putin’s “Leftist talking points”! LOL!!! Not according to Russia. They gave their reasons for invasion at the time, NATO expanding was not among them. 😂

Bwaaahahaha!!! Putin was turned down by NATO?!? Citation please!
Russia walked from even negotiations with NATO in 2015. When do you say Putin asked to join…please provide a video of his speech requesting admission. Doesn’t exist because it didn’t happen. You bought and repeated ANOTHER stupid lie.

NATO was created to protect Western European countries from the Soviet Union expanding into their territories, not to fight communism but USSR expansionism. Russian expansionism is still a threat, and you don’t start a “No Homers” club then admit Homer because he changed his hairstyle…meaning you don’t form an alliance to protect against Russia then admit Russia as a lead member.
Btw- Putin has expressed interest in returning to communist socialist Russia and retaking all satellite nations.

PS- your broken English once again betrays your foreign nationality, “Guess America need an enemy for feed the military industrial complex.” is not a fractured English sentence fragment an American would say and denotes an alien sentence structure in your native tongue. 😂

PS- to debunk your Russian propaganda that NATO agreed to not expand….

And what I can find about Putin wanting in NATO is according to him he once floated the idea offhand to Clinton but only if Russia was admitted immediately without waiting in line, meeting basic requirements, paying, or having an acceptance vote, and only if Russia gets the same full power as America without contributing the same amount…not a true, serious, or in any way official application to join. He was not “turned down”, in fact Clinton publicly said he wouldn’t object to Russia entering NATO, but they never applied. It’s propaganda for ignorami, Sucker.

This stuff you spout is simple to debunk in seconds, and is mostly pure Russian propaganda straight from Sputnik. You should really look into your nonsense before spewing it into the ether like a drunk puppet in Team America. If only you cared that you look like an idiotic knownothing anti democracy anti American nutjob cultist, but clearly that doesn’t bother you.

Here’s a nightcap for you…Trump’s “security” rushing righty media away from his event when protesters start chanting “LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!” 😂

bobknight33 said:

Has everything to do with NATO creep.

As usual you are just using leftest talking points.

NATO was created to keep Communist Russia in check. Russia is no longer Communist.

Also Putin asked to be enter into NATO but was turned down. -- Guess America need an enemy for feed the military industrial complex.

The Insane Engineering of the M1 Abrams

robdot says...

The new defense spending bill includes $120 million for tanks that the Army has repeatedly said it doesn't want.

For three years, the Army in numerous Congressional hearings has pushed a plan that essentially would have suspended tank building and upgrades in the U.S. for the first time since World War II. The Army suggested that production lines could be kept open through foreign sales.

Each time, Congress has pushed back. Last week, Congress won again in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2015.

In a statement, Rep. Mike Turner, R-Ohio, said that Congress "recognizes the necessity of the Abrams tank to our national security and authorizes an additional $120 million for Abrams tank upgrades. This provision keeps the production lines open in Lima, Ohio,……

Ukraine war current status

newtboy says...

I know the media YOU watched was fake, 1 sided propaganda for the extreme right and outright insanity like Qanon. I know anything less you call liberal fake news no matter how many times it’s proven correct.
Edit: so we’re clear, you gave up on cable news, where you got all your info 2015-2023 because they’re fake, biased, government propaganda and have LOWERED your standards to random internet YouTube “news” channels that only repeat what they heard on cable news with some exaggeration and misinterpretation? Um….ok.

No sir, I’ve never watched what you call “news” except as an example of the nonsense the right is spouting. I watch real news, usually from multiple sources, then verify. That’s why you never catch me spouting the kind of debunked nonsense you spout, and why I don’t have to slink away in shame 5 times a week and ignore your baseless accusations, but instead can debunk each and every one with factual information.

I would rather watch actual news then look into what they touched on than propaganda channels that get me to believe the stupidest anti American nonsense and lies, like the lies they convinced you to repeat about Covid, Jan 6, Pelosi, CRT, lizard people, space lasers, 9/11 was an inside job, pizza pedophiles are inter dimensional travelers, Ukraine started this war, Russia is winning, the US destroyed the German pipeline, etc.
You have never searched the internet for completeness of any issue, you look for someone spouting the same nonsense you are and think rando internet trolls that watched the same internet news and regurgitate it are corroborating it, not just repeating it.

They took the parts full of Russian illegals and Russian “separatists” that never accepted Ukraine as a separate nation, the parts that didn’t fight back or had already been taken by Russian backed separatist terrorists….Mexico took back more of Texas than Russia has Ukraine….how did that turn out? This war was supposed to take Russia 2 weeks to take over a mostly unarmed nation with no real military. Instead civilians with little weaponry and much less training have descimated them at over a 3-1 rate despite being outmatched 2-1 in population. There hasn’t been any significant addition to Russian territory in years, but NATO has doubled its border with Russia and is rapidly expanding.
Russia is SO inept it couldn’t take an unarmed nation 1/4 full of Russians.

Lol. Sucker. Their “taking bakhmut” footage was fake.

So, even your propaganda says Russia hasn’t taken it? Odd, they claimed to have taken it all 2 weeks ago….which you repeated.

What, you want individual UNVERIFIED videos of Ukrainians taking out Russians? There’s one posted every 5 minutes. Many can be found here -

How about one of Russia bombing Russia?

Or Ukraine getting more troops
Or Russia taking insane losses in Bakhmut

Not that anything but a fat old white guy sitting in front of a camera saying Russia is winning will convince you.

Edit: Wait….you think I have “followers”!?! It would be news to me. How many do I have? Could I start my own cult yet? I hear it’s a great way to get rich.

bobknight33 said:

Well I gave up on watching cable fake news. You know the media is fake/ 1 sided. propaganda for the government .

However there are plenty of sheeple, like you who do watch the fake news.

Rather watch cable news who will provide less than 2 min talk and will "leave it there" without getting a full picture , only a snippet. I rather search the internet for more completeness.

As you say "Russian military is so inept " but they have taken a good part of Ukraine.

"Didn’t you say 2 weeks ago Russia was poised to crush Ukraine and had taken Bahkmut…".... I did say that and I am correct.

Bakhmut is a major objective and Ukraine is loosing. Now nearly 80% taken.

Please post Ukraine is winning videos. IF you can find them. Please enlighten me and your sheeeple followers.

I'm not interested on some general sitting in front on some senate hearing saying Ukraine is winning -- show actual news .

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

You mean because I denounce things like this that you ignore and deny even when the Republican groomers themselves admit them?

"“Stop the Steal” rally organizer Ali Alexander admitted to sending “inappropriate messages” as MANY young men are going on the record to accuse him of asking them for nudes while they were minors, receiving nudes from YOUNG underaged boys, and replying to them with heart eye emojis.

Once he told a 15 year old boy he would introduce him to Republican political figures on a trip if he agreed to secrecy about the trip, agreed to be “arm candy”, and to be “entertaining” for Alexander on the trip….after directly asking for and receiving nudes from the 15 year old so there’s no ambiguity about what he meant.

This behavior was known about in upper echelon Republican circles as early as 2015 but ignored until Yianopoulos made it public out of spite.

What is it about Trump that his closest friends keep turning out to be child mollesters? Ever hear the expression “birds of a feather flock together”? Because Trump’s flock sure likes underaged birds, mate.

Every accusation an admission. Every disgusting defamation a mea culpa. Absolutely nothing enough for you to admit you are in a pedophilic terroristic death cult.

bobknight33 said:

Fools like you are the reason for…the lack of morality in society.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today’s MAGA groomer…. "“Stop the Steal” rally organizer Ali Alexander admitted to sending “inappropriate messages” as MANY young men are going on the record to accuse him of asking them for nudes while they were minors, receiving nudes from YOUNG underaged boys, and replying to them with heart eye emojis.

Once he told a 15 year old boy he would introduce him to Republican political figures on a trip if he agreed to secrecy about the trip, agreed to be “arm candy”, and to be “entertaining” for Alexander on the trip….after directly asking for and receiving nudes from the 15 year old so there’s no ambiguity about what he meant.

This behavior was known about in upper echelon Republican circles as early as 2015 but ignored until Yianopoulos made it public out of spite.

Every accusation an admission. Every disgusting defamation a mea culpa. Absolutely nothing enough for you to admit you are in a pedophilic terroristic death cult.

As a bonus, family values Marjorie Traitor Greene has now, after being caught on camera, admitted to ANOTHER affair (after denying it for months), at least the third she’s admitted, this one with a Newsmax news actor, spawning the latest divorce filing for her cuckolded husband late last year.

Pixar’s Newt

Kitty History

Katie Porter Proves Borders Are More Secure

bobknight33 says...

Under Joe More drugs caught and more overdoses ... This implies that more fentanyl / drugs are coming in .

More deaths occurring since Biden stepped in. Way up under your boy Joe.

OD deaths:
2015 54K
2019 70k
2020 91K
2021 107K
All with fentanyl being the main reason for this upswing.

Yep JOE did that.

A pinhead once said:

"Your suppositions ALWAYS turn out to be wrong, unsurprisingly since they are based on lies and a complete lack of understanding. You might want to stop making guesses, they never work out for you."


newtboy said:

Look at the chart.
Smuggling didn’t double the day Biden’s policies went into place, seizures did. That means way more came in under Trump’s lax enforcement, and more deaths resulted from the tons he (his policies to ignore ports where most came in and focus only on the southern border where a fraction came through) did not seize.

Your suppositions ALWAYS turn out to be wrong, unsurprisingly since they are based on lies and a complete lack of understanding. You might want to stop making guesses, they never work out for you.


siftbot says...

Promoting this video back to the front page; last published Thursday, April 23rd, 2015 4:48am PDT - promote requested by ant.


siftbot says...

Self promoting this video back to the front page; last published Sunday, October 4th, 2015 11:52am PDT - promote requested by original submitter newtboy.

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