I return bottles/cans for $ refund

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A total of 23 votes have been cast on this poll.

Goin to bring bottles in for that MONEY baby !
luxury_pie says...

Please let me have some insight in the glorious recycling system of the US.
Don't you have mandatory refunds for plastics and small glass bottles?
Or is it that you can get the refund for i.e. the scrap metal ?
Recycling... HOW DOES IT WORK!?!?!

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^luxury_pie:

Please let me have some insight in the glorious recycling system of the US.
Don't you have mandatory refunds for plastics and small glass bottles?
Or is it that you can get the refund for i.e. the scrap metal ?
Recycling... HOW DOES IT WORK!?!?!

There's about 8-10 states that have a deposit on things like beer/soda bottles/cans. In most of them it's 5 cents but I think it's 10 cents in 1 or 2.

I also just realized I selected the wrong poll option. I live in MO now which has no refunds, so those bottles and cans just go in with the regular recycling.

Oh, here you go: http://www.bottlebill.org/legislation/usa.htm

TheGenk says...

Clearly "I save/store/collect bottles or cans for a $ refund", otherwise I'd lose up to 36 cent per bottle.

@luxury_pie: as if the usa would give a damn about the environment...

krazyety says...

Hmm no option for donating them to all the cool young kids that come to your door for fundraising.

Lets just say I like beer, and the kids faces when they take a truck load is priceless.

Stingray says...

When was this poll posted? I just saw it now. Let me be the tie breaker... I save the bottles and cans so I can get my sweet five cent redemption per can/bottle.

The upside to this is that people know I do this and give me their bottles and cans so I can redeem it for the money too.

BoneRemake says...


" Voting for this poll ended in a tie between I save/store/collect bottles or cans for a $ refund and I just recycle them for no $."

Siftbot is a Sticky bitch for slippery slopes. It has spoken.

** and I just now only seen the poll after discarding my post about youtube. That's why I said above I had lost the poll in the ether, I have no clue why it was not in sift talk for most to see, It was however on the side panel on the front page, that's how I found it.

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