Kickin' TV Theme Songs!
Updated: 1 decade 7 years 1 month 3 weeks ago
Views: 1,744
A good tv theme is so much fun. Here are some our favorites....
Please sift more and send them this way
Oh, ok..."kickin" is a subjective term here...one person's discard is another sifter's treasure. (looking at Choggie)

There was no cooler TV show in the late 80's than Miami Vice. Produced by Michael Mann, the show's characters, style and music made Miami Vice a signature icon of the 80's
posted by swampgirl
Opening credits to the "Lost in Space" TV series. First is from the pilot episode (you may recognize it as the same music from "The Day the Earth Stood Still." Season 2 and 3 are similar, with changes... continue reading
posted by firefly

"The theme from the 1966/67 cartoon of Marvel Comic's "Iron Man" - Remember that Tony Stark is "the cool exec with the heart of steel."
posted by swampgirl
oooh goody what a treat!!! This is the original intro to the Mickey Mouse Club from the 50's.
posted by swampgirl

paperclip, chewing gum, dental floss.
posted by joemawlma