Simon Pegg/Nick Frost
Updated: 1 decade 11 months 3 weeks ago
Views: 8,201
Pegg and Frost have been best friends for years and notably came together playing Tim and Mike in one of the best comedies ever Spaced. They've also starred in films together and gone on to do work individually too sometimes not appearing in clips but having co-written them. This playlist covers it all

A hospital administrator (Pegg) tells Florence (Bullmore) her services are no longer required. She takes it rather badly.
posted by 8383

Two of my favourite sketches from Big Train.
posted by deputydog

A surreal sketch show from Father Ted creators Linehan and Mathews and featuring their special brand of lunatic comedy.
posted by LadyBug

Apparently Tom Henderson is a wanker.
posted by TheSofaKing
Tits or Titz it's not the Ritz...
posted by Zifnab
Brilliant bit from ONE of my favourite episodes of Spaced (there are so many). Tim and Daisy flip a coin to decide if they're gonna do what she wants, or what he wants on their night out.
posted by Eden
Tim explains his realisation that he had been obsessing over his ex girlfriend.
posted by Eden
Here's the insanely fun and exciting shootout scene close to the climax of the movie Hot Fuzz. NSFW due to colorful language and violence. Enjoy!
posted by Issykitty
Funny scene from Shaun of the Dead where the uptight roommate Pete gets very angry at being woken up at four in the foookin' mornin! It's not hiphop, it's Electro... but I did add the hiphop tag anyhow...... continue reading
posted by Issykitty
From Big Train season 1.
posted by 8383
A favorite scene from the 2004 zombie horror/action/comedy movie "Shaun of the Dead." Enjoyyyy!
posted by Issykitty
Coool trailer for a movie that I enjoy immensely: Shaun of the Dead (from 2004). Yay!
posted by Issykitty
Good stuff.
posted by Sarzy