Why I'm an atheist
Updated: 2 years 8 months 3 weeks ago
Views: 9,556
Religion was once important for civilization, as we tried to figure out how the world worked when we didn't have the knowledge to understand anything. That time is long over, delayed by at least a millennium because of religion. Now we see that it's divisive, illogical, ignorant, and demonstrably false. Here's why.

From Big Think's YT: In the last 30 years religion has radicalized American politics and seriously harmed the perception of science, says journalist and author Kurt Andersen. This can be directly tied... continue reading
posted by Sketch
"How the price of eggs sparked an uprising in Iran. Read more about the protests on Vox.com here: http://bit.ly/2m2r4k0. Since December 28th, Iran has undergone multiple days of populist protests.... continue reading
posted by ant

Ted Crockett learns that you don't need to take the oath of office on a bible.
posted by lv_hunter
This interview is one of the better "atheist" vids I've seen. Ricky is actually NOT screwing around and making jokes. Buck Youtube - Matti Holden Published on Mar 15, 2015 A video I put together,... continue reading
posted by Buck
YouTube description: This is how we go from single cells to people. EVO-DEVO Huxley B. Mac. Oh Carroll, Carroll Gould, Stephen Jay yeah D-D-D-D-Davidson and Peter See One cell divide and... continue reading
posted by Aard Vark
17The Flat Earth International Conference in Raleigh, North Carolina, attracted hundreds of attendees who believe the shape of the Earth is a disc instead of a sphere.
posted by newtboy
Full frontal reporter talks to people of Tangier Island about climate change and sea level rise.
posted by nanrod
Remember, it's not just Islam and Judaism that oppress and shame women. Speak out with your "normal" religious friends and talk about womens issues in Religion. - Buck - Youtube ABC News Published on Mar 26, 2014 ... continue reading
posted by Buck

Australia will soon be spending $122 million dollars on a non-binding non-compulsory postal plebiscite on whether the public supports Gay Marriage. Here are a few reasons why they shouldn't.
posted by Fantomas
Bryan Fischer says that if places are going to ban the Confederate flag, the rainbow flag should be banned as well.
posted by Joe Motion

Paula White says that President Trump is under spiritual attack because demons are afraid of his Supreme Court appointments
posted by Joe Motion

From YT: How to brainstorm religious doctrines.
posted by RFlagg
A woman faces abuse from her husband. She finally walks out on him to the church... odd how the words sound exactly the same... From YT: Abrahamic faiths resemble domestic abuse so well because they’re... continue reading
posted by RFlagg