Lots of links and sources in the Youtube description.
posted by Duncan 1 decade 2 years 3 months 3 weeks ago • 1,287 views • 11:48Music (wiring) on the Internet (2.0)
Updated: 1 decade 2 years 3 months 3 weeks ago
Views: 1,978
How is music perceived on the internet (2.0)?
This is the kalimba, otherwise known as the “thumb piano.” It's pretty freakin' awesome. (dailypicks) YouTube Description: SaReGaMa - Kalimba solo for Lotus This is a retuned "Hugh Tracey African... continue reading
posted by mintbbb
In a world where everyone assumes everything in movies is CG, here is a video that proves that notion totally wrong. Amazing animatronics! I thought that so much of this stuff was CGI myself. Very surprising.... continue reading
posted by SpeveO
DEVO Documentary Movie: Watch this exclusive early edit preview focusing on DEVO's mysterious origins during the Kent State shootings in 1970. (Note: This alternate trailer is using an old working title.... continue reading
posted by Grimm
Delia Ann Derbyshire (5 May 1937 – 3 July 2001) was an English musician and composer of electronic music and musique concrète. She is best known for her electronic realisation of Ron Grainer's theme... continue reading
posted by Kulpims T'dna
This really is a biography more than a documentary on the moog synth. Still interesting. via youtube: This documentary is a true asset to mankind. Robert Moog was a great man. One of my heros, and... continue reading
posted by Mauru 1 decade 2 years 9 months ago • 1,131 views • 1:09:44
Another amazing music video from OK Go. From YT: The new music video from OK Go, made in partnership with Chevrolet. OK Go set up over 1000 instruments over two miles of desert outside Los Angeles.... continue reading
posted by IronDwarf
Thierry "Titi" Robin and the excellent Pakistani Qawalli singer Faiz Ali Faiz ( فیض علی فیض) and accompanying musicians, with Ya Ali.... continue reading
posted by Aard Vark
"Here is the full version of the dub section with Bunny Lee, Prince Jammy & Scientist doing the "Jailhouse Rock" track.[...]" (youtube) I'm currently looking into the origins of dub/slow raggae and... continue reading
posted by Mauru 1 decade 3 years 5 months 2 weeks ago • 885 views • 4:11How to make those creepy metallic noises that scare you in scifi and horror movies.
posted by Norsuelefantti
14 minutes of weirdness and dance couture.. *cough* don't do drugs kids
posted by Mauru 1 decade 3 years 6 months 2 weeks ago • 626 views • 14:45Tristan Shone's Author & Punisher practice studio. Just a bit of fun on the Dub Machines in preparation for the upcoming album. -vimeo
posted by geo321
"We are not hippies."
posted by Warren E. Hale
From Y/T: I created this instrument to experiment in the combination of the organic sound qualities of a didgeridoo with the advanced signal processing capabilities of modern computer programming and... continue reading
posted by SpaceOddity
and you thought rock band keyboard playing was impossible.
posted by kasinator

She is also very funny!
posted by Paul Richey

They do have rythm.
posted by Ornthoron