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Comments to yaroslavvb

winkler1 says...

offtopic? This is on a pinecone vid

In reply to this comment by yaroslavvb:
I've watched half of the second video, and they propose to abolish private lending at interest, just letting the government print money to finance its spending. There is a couple of problems with this:

1. If the government is elected like in US, it would be motivated to print large amounts of money to coincide with elections, to increase it's electability. This was seen with Carter administration putting pressure on the Fed to lower interest rates (thereby increasing money supply), that were raised to battle stagflation. Fed didn't bulge, Carter got voted out, and Fed managed to conquer the stagflation crisis. US government being forced to borrow from the Fed puts a check on irresponsible spending, likely to prevent hyperinflation episodes like in Russia or Yugoslavia

2. If there's no private lending with interest, how would promising ventures get funded? Surely we couldn't have some government bureaucrat review funding for every start-up

jonny says...

here's some potential fixes for your dead Louis Theroux vid:

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4413388146858417528 (full doc)
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1mrt6_louis-theroux-most-hated-family-13_travel (1 of 3)

The last one is the only one that is, I think, an exact replacement, but since it's not on one of the "blessed" hosts, only a gold star would be able to use that to fix it. If you would rather the exact replacement, let me know and I'll do it. Personally, I'd recommend the first, since documentaries in particular seem to be the unwritten exception to the "no full episodes/movies" rule.

jonny says...

My apologies for hijacking your particular post yaro - like I said it wasn't anything personal.

Click that search link I included in my initial comment. It's not anything obscure - a search for "charlie brooker career". I know you wouldn't have been able to promote it yourself, but I'm sure lots of folks (myself included) would have been happy to do so.

In reply to this comment by yaroslavvb:
I didn't raid anyone's discard pile, found this on delicious

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