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Comments to xgabex

moodonia says...

Thanks very much! Sorry for the delay replying, lazy and over worked is a dangerous combination

Portal is one I will definitely be getting next weekend, once I pay a chunk off the credit card! Everyone says its great so I'm looking forward to it, and understanding all those cake references...

In reply to this comment by xgabex:
GLaDOS is the antagonist from Portal. Much like SHODAN, she's an evil computer, although it's more of a black humor thing than SHODAN's overt evil. If you haven't played Portal, I heartily recommend it. It shouldn't cost more than about $20 alone at this point, but I could be wrong.

In reply to this comment by moodonia:
I had this game for years before starting it a few months ago with all the graphic upgrades. Awesomely great game that STILL beats the crap out of pretty much everything thats come out fps-wise. I skipped most of the comments in case of spoilers

Playing in darkness with head phones is some of the best fun I've had with my pc. Including pron. Seriously.

Can someone please explain GlaDos? Gladys?

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