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Member Since: December 21, 2007
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Comments to srd

radx says...

I just stumbled across across your sift of a Volker Pispers playlist.

You're probably right that it won't get sifted, but i'd say it's definatly worth a beg or two, if you don't mind.

kronosposeidon says...

Thanks for checking. I already told dag about the problem, so he's looking into it. He thinks that Vimeo changed their embed codes recently, so that's probably the problem. I'll keep you posted.

In reply to this comment by srd:
In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Because you posted about your problem embedding videos from MySpace a couple of weeks ago, could you try to embed this video from Vimeo:

I fear it may be the same problem, i.e., the embed code is not recognized as valid for sub-Gold members, even though it should be valid because it's on the list of approved hosts. Please let me know one way or another as soon as you can. Thanks.

Yep, it isn't recognized as a valid format.

kronosposeidon says...

Because you posted about your problem embedding videos from MySpace a couple of weeks ago, could you try to embed this video from Vimeo:

I fear it may be the same problem, i.e., the embed code is not recognized as valid for sub-Gold members, even though it should be valid because it's on the list of approved hosts. Please let me know one way or another as soon as you can. Thanks.

Constitutional_Patriot says...

Thanks, I'll fix them.

In reply to this comment by srd:
The abbrevated links don't work. Looks like the href-content got trucated too.

In reply to this comment by Constitutional_Patriot:
Here are the links to the conspiracies listed in the video. These may not be the best links, but it is not my job to do your research for you. You need to find out all the available information yourself. This is just to get you some idea of the stories related to this video

critttter says...

Hey srd, I'm a big TalkTalk fan, as soon as I saw your title I upvoted, then I go to play it, and nithin' happened, Me sad. I'll check back in case it was just my problem...

therealblankman says...

In reply to this comment by srd:
Has the cause of the crash been determined yet? It looks like the B2 pulls up too hard during take off and the plane consequently stalls. Pilot error or computer malfunction?
Apparently water present on and around the runway caused the flight computers to mis-read the conditions and caused the plane to pitch up at take-off. The Airplane didn't have enough flight speed to maintain that attitude and stalled.

Farhad2000 says...

Its not at all controversial, trust me

Everyone does it! Help your posts that one more bit!

In reply to this comment by srd:
Thanks for the feedback. As long as some people like my posts I'll keep posting, no matter if they get sifted or not . Re upvoting your own - I've seen a discussion about this a while back and it seemed to be a somewhat controversial thing back then. Don't know what the verdict is now, but I'd only use that as a last resort.

In reply to this comment by Farhad2000:
Love your alternative music posts. Keep them coming!

By the way you can vote your own videos up.

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