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Member Since: September 28, 2006
Email: rembar at gmail dot com
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Champion for all things scientific and sworn enemy of stupidity.
Member Since: September 28, 2006
Email: rembar at gmail dot com
Last Power Points used: never
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In reply to this comment by rembar:
I just noticed you got a silver star. I'm guessing it's a little late, but congrats!
Well, most new science seems crazy, so people who have invested their whole lives into one way of thinking will tend to dismiss it.

Tampering with experiment results is a big no no.
But... doing the experiment is not stupid or crazy.
And I do believe "prayer" works... it's just nobody invented the prayerometer yet.
The placebo effect does exist, right?
In reply to this comment by rembar:
Glad I could catch your attention. I generally just have precious little patience for pseudoscience.
In reply to this comment by MINK:
that's better. more like what i was looking for.
Cool, thanks for that, Rembar.
In reply to this comment by rembar:
Sorry for the late response, I've been terribly busy warring on a sift about "remote viewing", of all things. What I wrote to Jonny:
"By the by, I took a bit to go look for my notes I took while watching that video of the cat on LSD, but I can't find the right binder. The info I've found is this: the experiments were performed at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base by Dayton, OH as part of the MKULTRA project. I'll check around a bit more and tell you if I find my notes.
*edit* The video uploader says: I took this clip from 'Thomas Pynchon: A Journey Into the Mind of TP', a movie-documentary by Donatello & Fosco Dubini (2001). Hope that helps."
In reply to this comment by calvados:
Can you provide some exposition on the full version and/or point us to a video link?
In reply to this comment by rembar:
LadyBug, I understand where you're coming from, but I can't say I agree. I don't have time to do an informative writeup, but I had to watch the full version of the USAF LSD experiments and then comment on the process and results. I certainly wasn't sifting this video for giggles, I was hoping to add some info, but I got distracted trolling drforeverclear. *sigh*. I had been hoping to make this more of an informative post, rather than something "for posterity" or "you need to see this" or whatnot.
To this end, I am posting a documentary about the Milgram experiment and others.
Can you tell me the name of the documentary this is from? I can't seem to find it.
In reply to this comment by rembar:
LadyBug, I understand where you're coming from, but I can't say I agree. I don't have time to do an informative writeup, but I had to watch the full version of the USAF LSD experiments and then comment on the process and results. I certainly wasn't sifting this video for giggles, I was hoping to add some info, but I got distracted trolling drforeverclear. *sigh*. I had been hoping to make this more of an informative post, rather than something "for posterity" or "you need to see this" or whatnot.
To this end, I am posting a documentary about the Milgram experiment and others.
yea i got the feeling that this exercise had that 'lose weight in 5 days!' kinda false advertisement promise to it lol

I'm happy with my current routines that I came up by myself, and I know my body's physical limits. So I'm in good hands. Thx for the info
In reply to this comment by rembar:
Hey there, Merry Christmas and happy holidays and ho ho ho and all that. Santa's here, bringing Christmas cheer, and warning you not to do this workout. Not sure what your routine is, but if you're dilligent enough to be doing a proper weight lifting routine, you should be doing weighted exercises, like weighted sit-ups and weighted reverse sit-ups, and the like, the kind of things that will increase your functional strength. This workout is so screwed up that it will likely end up weakening your core.
In reply to this comment by rembar:
I fucking lol'd hard. Bitches don't know 'bout mah conspiracy theories.
In reply to this comment by JAPR:
ITT we shut the fuck up, the government didn't do it.
There is no "fix video embed code" link?
In reply to this comment by rembar:
Go to the Youtube page of the video, and copy the embed code. Go to the link I provided above, then click the link just under the title but above the video that says "fix video embed code". Paste the embed code, click "save changes", and you're good to go.
In reply to this comment by Tymbrwulf:
Yeah I saw that one, but I wasn't sure if it was the same video because it was dead. How do I go about fixing the other sift then? I'm still new.
Can you provide some exposition on the full version and/or point us to a video link?
In reply to this comment by rembar:
LadyBug, I understand where you're coming from, but I can't say I agree. I don't have time to do an informative writeup, but I had to watch the full version of the USAF LSD experiments and then comment on the process and results. I certainly wasn't sifting this video for giggles, I was hoping to add some info, but I got distracted trolling drforeverclear. *sigh*. I had been hoping to make this more of an informative post, rather than something "for posterity" or "you need to see this" or whatnot.
To this end, I am posting a documentary about the Milgram experiment and others.
rembar, is this one arty enough for you?
In reply to this comment by rembar:
We used to have a brilliant TED talk edited down by Farhad on here that included similiar footage used in the original visual cognition experiment that discovered this phenomenon. Wish I could find it right about now.
thanks for taking the personal attack out of your comment
In reply to this comment by rembar:
You think I'm not going to laugh when you rant, but I really am. Respond to the papers I have cited above and to my comments on them, and show their conclusions to be incorrect. I can't take you seriously until then.
are you saying...
There is no science that says fluoride is detrimental to our health and if there is science that says it, it should not be considered science." (science in the broad sense as in studies, journals, books, scientific literature)
if that is the case, then, when I show you scientific studies that do show there are detrimental affects of fluoride, will you then acknowledge that this should be filed under SCIENCE ?
are you really so beholden to the view that there is no scientific literature out there that has shown "any" detrimental affects of fluoride ?
funny I always thought science was suppossed to be open to new data. you seem to have closed your mind.
also, I do not have to take your bait and "prove" anything. All I have to show is that there have been fluoride studies produced that have found adverse health affects.
if you like to see some then visit this link.
the studies and literature quote in my first post can all be found referenced correctly at that link.
In reply to this comment by rembar:
You think I'm not going to laugh when you rant, but I really am. Respond to the papers I have cited above and to my comments on them, and show their conclusions to be incorrect. I can't take you seriously until then.
Cheers, rembar. I was sure I'd seen it here before, but my searching prowess must be lacking
In reply to this comment by rembar:
Hey there, I just wanted to let you know that I discarded your kissy-punchy vid, because it was a dupe of this vid.
Sure, but you'll need its' partner, "fuck 'em if they can't take a joke." They are interchangeable, use when appropriate.
In reply to this comment by rembar:
I like that quote so much I want to take it out to dinner and buy it expensive wines. Mind if I grab that for my profile?
In reply to this comment by mlx:
re: flameouts
fuck 'em if they don't want to dance.
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