davidraine US

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Real Name: David
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PROTIP: Foxes are awesome.

Member Since: December 5, 2007
Last Power Points used: June 9, 2013
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Comments to davidraine

siftbot says...

Congratulations on reaching new heights on VideoSift. You have earned yourself 25 stars, earning you status of Silver Star member. You have been awarded 1 Power Point for achieving this level. Thanks for all your contributions.

Forher2me says...

This has nothing to do with anything, but I love your profile photo. It's soft, furry, cute and welcoming. Good spin on your style. I want that fox!

SDGundamX says...

No problem. I've done it before myself and wished there was a "take back" button on the comment down-voting. I just thought it was weird that lately I've been attracting comment downvotes over completely uncontroversial postings.

In reply to this comment by DavidRaine:

Under ordinary circumstances, I'm certainly going to downvote a comment that promotes voting without watching the video for whatever reasons. While this should not include sarcastic reasons, sarcasm doesn't always translate over text, and I just flat out missed it this time. I'm going to blame an annoyed state of mind brought on by watching too many political videos, but in reality, I just dropped the ball on this one. My apologies for misunderstanding.

11714 says...

i do believe you're right! my bad :-(

In reply to this comment by DavidRaine:
>> ^NinjaFish:
"if you are not outraged you are not paying attention"
>> ^DavidRaine:
Assassinate the senator responsible. Bomb a government building. Lead an armed uprising.

please dont suggest bombing buildings as a means of change. That is terrorism, not justice. Far more innocents would die than any guilty politician.

Someone needs to be **MUCH** more careful when quoting. I never suggested assassination, bombing, or uprisings -- gorillaman did, and I seriously despise people who try to put words into my mouth.

Besides, I agree with you -- Assassination will only make the Republican party stronger as the senator will become a martyr and the war against terror will become much more important, not to mention that it's a despicable act. Bombing a government building has roughly the same effect, except that it has the potential to take more lives and is even less politically relevant. I cannot think of a more useless endeavor than attempting an armed uprising against one of the best trained and most technologically advanced militaries in the world.

NordlichReiter says...

Yep took social phsych, can say that out of all the classes I took that one was the most interesting. A teacher that creates experiments in class rather than lecture all day is the best the best the best.

PS I wanted this to be a video comment, but alas I clicked the wrong tag. sorry.

In reply to this comment by DavidRaine:
>> ^Raigen:
I have watched this particular show in it's entirety, and Derren notes at the beginning that he uses no plants or actors during the course of his travels around the U.S.

>> ^NordlichReiter:
Do you believe every thing you hear or see on the Magic box.... did he just manipulate you over the TV into thinking that he is an honest non actor using master of suggestion?

An interesting point, though I would argue that if he is manipulating people into a particular belief over the airwaves then he could just as effectively use the same techniques in person. I think it comes down to whether or not you believe this type of manipulation is possible. In any event, the best defense is to take a class in psychology -- Become aware of the methodology and the mindset that leaves you open to suggestion, and you will suddenly find yourself immune to their effects.

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