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Birthdate: February 6th
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The fuck happened to this site? Fuck you Yogi. How do I delete my fucking account?

Member Since: October 30, 2006
Favorite Sift: Best WoW Freakout Ever
Last Power Points used: June 18, 2013
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Comments to budzos

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bareboards2 says...

Well okay then!

Somehow I got the impression from some of your vehement comments that you wanted folks to stop believing.

Certainly we both wish theists to stay out of the laws and the science classrooms. But that is different than wanting them to stop believing.

So after all this -- looks like we agree on all points.

Sorry I misunderstood you.

I am making this public. Mea culpa.

In reply to this comment by budzos:

First: I don't care what people think or believe so long as it doesn't affect me negatively.

Second: If they sincerely think it's true, more power to them. Sometimes I wish there was a god. I just don't believe there is. You can't choose what you believe.

Third: Belief in god, true or not, has many usefeul benefits to individuals and society. I feel that most people who should believe in god do believe in god. I feel religious belief is a product of evolution, and has probably served its purpose in giving rise to stable civilization.

>> ^bareboards2:

Step One down.
Next question -- do you wish that theists would stop believing in God?

In reply to this comment by budzos:
We can agree that I am neither fish, nor theist.

bareboards2 says...

Yeah, but we can start with ourselves and calling it out when it happens. That is how casual racism became impolite. People called it out.

Casual sexism is just as impolite.

That's funny that my comment led to your comment. I was thinking of the McDonald's thread when I wrote it.

Not a coincidence at all, my friend. Directly related!

The Sift is a small place. I keep forgetting that.

In reply to this comment by budzos:
Coincidentally I saw your comment in the newscast thread and it reminded me to check back into the McDonald's thread.

I agree, language shapes the world and our own perception and processing of experiences. What you say is perfectly true but you might be giving too much power to the word "bitch". Like "faggot", most fully conscious people are already trying to use it less. But it won't go away anytime soon.

bareboards2 says...

When I watched this news meltdown video, I immediately thought of this comment stream where the phrase "dumb bitch" was bandied about over and over again.

I know you won't think they are related, but I do. I believe strongly in the power of language. I think it shapes the world.

Right after I watched the news vid, I saw your little list which brought up the dumb bitch thing again.

I probably shouldn't have sent the link to you. Waste of your time. Sorry.

In reply to this comment by budzos:
Your point?

In reply to this comment by bareboards2:

In reply to this comment by budzos:
Things I learned from this thread:

1. Women can't hurt you so don't bother defending yourself
2. Women get one free slap at your face while you're at work
3. If someone jumps the counter after slapping you and is advancing with their friend in an unmistakably hostile manner.. pfft don't worry it's just two women you're not being assaulted
4. Using a weapon to even the odds or ward off an attack is actually offense and not self-defense.
5. Always let the attacker keep their upper hand, otherwise you are now the one committing assault
6. All violent altercations are immediately settled when any party's gluteus maximus touches a horizontal ground plane.. so stop hitting and start passing out hugs
7. Any use of the word bitch makes you a horrible misogynist
8. Screaming your head off and contributing even more stress and clamor to a tense and violent situation is commendable
9. If you react violently to being attacked, well you're just a big ol' egomaniac!

Again, if I had it my way this type of video wouldn't be on the 'Sift.

bareboards2 says...


In reply to this comment by budzos:
Things I learned from this thread:

1. Women can't hurt you so don't bother defending yourself
2. Women get one free slap at your face while you're at work
3. If someone jumps the counter after slapping you and is advancing with their friend in an unmistakably hostile manner.. pfft don't worry it's just two women you're not being assaulted
4. Using a weapon to even the odds or ward off an attack is actually offense and not self-defense.
5. Always let the attacker keep their upper hand, otherwise you are now the one committing assault
6. All violent altercations are immediately settled when any party's gluteus maximus touches a horizontal ground plane.. so stop hitting and start passing out hugs
7. Any use of the word bitch makes you a horrible misogynist
8. Screaming your head off and contributing even more stress and clamor to a tense and violent situation is commendable
9. If you react violently to being attacked, well you're just a big ol' egomaniac!

Again, if I had it my way this type of video wouldn't be on the 'Sift.

siftbot says...

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Yogi says...

In reply to this comment by budzos:
edit: I thought this would be funny and it wasn't.

In reply to this comment by Yogi:
>> ^budzos:

Hate to be a hater but I hate John Stewart's interviews.
I also hate about half of the segments from the Daily Show for how they "Jimmy Fallon" almost everything they do and when they're not doing that they feign shock at how zany their own show is. So maybe I should just stop watching it.

Yeah...do please Fuck Off.

I've never liked Jon's interviews but his show is still top notch.

Yeah well I bet you can't find the last time I was funny either.

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