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Comments to berticus

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by berticus:
i just don't get the bagging on psychology. science is HARD - science of human behaviour is INCREDIBLY HARD.

you know i love you right?
i responded..i do hope my run-on-sentence style does not detract from the point i was attempting to make.
comments can be so..limiting.
i stated in my comment but let me also state it here.
you have always been a thoughtful and respectful person with me and even though we may disagree you need to understand i respect very much the input you may wish to share.

i prefer to engage with someone i disagree hones my skillz but more importantly it makes me look at my premise and understanding and disagreements force me to scrutinize and maybe re-evaluate my position.
i am quite aware that i do not know everything and discourse helps me form a clearer picture.the only way i can achieve that goal is by engaging someone who disagrees with me (and who is not mentally stunted).
why do you think i frequent a site populated by atheists?
bingo!..same reason.

i have offered you the opportunity to refute my opinions over the past 2 yrs and you have always politely refused.i can only surmise this is due to your assumption that i may get my feelings hurt.
noble but unnecessary.
i also presume that psychology is your field of study,which makes the prospect of discussing with you certain elements of your views and opinions that much more appealing.

you dont have to do anything of course and that is fine but please dont bow out from a discussion with me due to the fear i may have my feelings hurt.
if my fly was open would you allow me to wander with my wanked hanging out?
while i may be a tad embarrassed i will also be grateful.
think about it.
ah my are okie dokie in my book.

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