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Wait - what's your pet hate? People correcting the way dates are written or people that write dates like that?

because you say "Nice one" with a smile, and at the same time, downvote my comment.... I'm lost...
In reply to this comment by MINK:
heads up! i replied...
you just made my day! hit one of my pedantic pet hates right on the button!
nice one
In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
4/9/2008 = April 9, 2008
9/4/2008= September 2, 2008
hence "9/11"
No shit, it sorta got me annoyed. I know that if you say you liked it you really did and i'm glad. Thanks for sticking it through to the end too, I wonder if you were one of the only ones who did...

In reply to this comment by MINK:
yeah good one, thanks for that! not surprised it's got so few votes...
amazing how the "rebels" here never check out the real stuff.
In reply to this comment by alien_concept:
Might be shooting in the dark here, but seeing you about and stuff, I thought this could potentially hold some interest for you. Take a look and see what you think anyhow
In reply to this comment by MINK:

trying to apply logic to god is very "fallacious"
great word btw.
In reply to this comment by imstellar28:
>> ^MINK:
blah blah blah i have a logical problem for you blah blah blah why don't you believe in fairies blah blah blah quantum physics is completely understood by modern science blah blah blah
shut. the. fuck. up. if. you. don't. understand. what. you. are. talking. about.
I never claimed quantum physics was completely understood, but thats not the point--the point is that things you think you know, are actually just probability functions--and that the same is true for the question of whether god exists. What exactly was fallacious in my post, though?
why is it not possible to apply logic to god? how do you decide whether unicorns exist--is that not a logical process?
Might be shooting in the dark here, but seeing you about and stuff, I thought this could potentially hold some interest for you. Take a look and see what you think anyhow

Thanks for the promote.
Maybe if I had changed the title to 'China bans British Olympics message with fake footage' or some such guff, it'd do better.
I dunno... I thought it had a shot at greatness
In reply to this comment by MINK:
wow this needs a beg?
i wanna *promote it
it's the freaking mayor of freaking london doing a freaking standup comedy act and it can't get out of the queue? wow. For sure, you'll get my upvote!
I'm not against having a standardized vocabulary, spelling, or grammar. What was specifically the topic of the video that comment was a reply to was the uproar over a black teacher teaching kids that they were "uneducated" if they said "axe" instead of "ask." And it simply isn't true. It has nothing to do with education and everything to do with English having multiple dialects. And historically, the dialect spoken by white Americans has always been considered okay, regardless of how far from the supposed standard it is (which is why I brought up the Boston pronunciation of "car" as "ca-" and the non-existent Southern contraction "y'all") while the dialects of minorities such as Black Americans and Latin Americans has traditionally been frowned upon.
Thinking there is a standard English pronunciation is delusional. There are accepted standards (plural) of English, most of which are based on white, affluent speech. Now that English is an international language, however, that will surely change. Take India, for instance. They say things like:
"Open the air conditioner."
Instead of:
"Turn on the air conditioner."
Is it wrong? Not if everyone in India talks that way. As more countries embrace English and make their own personalized changes to the language you'll see less arguing about what is "educated" and "uneducated" English and more open acceptance of the fact that people who live in different places speak English differently--and get along just fine without needing "standard" English.
In reply to this comment by MINK:
i see nothing wrong with there being a "business english" standard, or "bbc english". Of course it's not ebonics or half spanish.
I learned Lithuanian to help me get work in Lithuania. I don't swear in front of new clients. I don't walk around talkin fakkin sarf landan aksent and insistin dat peeples rispek my rights, innit.
almost all jobs involve speaking to people, and therefore the way you speak is part of your job performance. What's wrong with that?
In the UK there was a trend for putting call centres in scotland because the scottish accent was judged to be the most trustworthy. What should I do, cry "discrimination!" and insist on more call centres in liverpool (an accent nobody can understand or trust)?
bear in mind i am not at all anti immigration, i just think that it's normal to have a separate language and etiquette for business, and there's no way that's going to be based on a fringe accent, it's gonna get melted down to "average".
People never used to say "gonna" on TV. Now they do. Things change. It's ok. There's many other ways to oppress minorities if that's what you want to do. Eradicating accent prejudice is never ever going to work.
It’s a Slow Sweethearts’ Roast beginning at 3 p.m. EST, on Friday, August 15, 2008:
Roastee: Obsidianfire
Mistress of Ceremonies: karkarlee
Look for karkarlee’s kick-off post and rules of engagement. A survey interview will be posted shortly.
It's YouDieJoe's 250 Party!
Thank you.
In reply to this comment by MINK:
your bio is officially NOT RETARDED! nice one.
First and foremost, please stop taking anything personally. I'm not your enemy, nor am I about to change your mind on anything.
You ASKED for my opinion regarding where *I* thought you stood on the spectrum of political beliefs and I gave it to you. I make no claims to accuracy. You obviously have particular opinions about who *I* am and what I stand for. If YOU know what you believe, then you shouldn't overly care what others believe.
America has the right to protect its interests abroad. If you want to take delight in what you consider hypocrisy, that's your right.
You're an expatriate, are you not? If you rejected your country of origin, its history and culture, then I'm not going to convince you of America's greatness, or try.
Until next time? qm
In reply to this comment by MINK:
That's it man, you've put one too many words in my mouth, i can't be bothered to discuss with you any more, because it's like you're an artificial intelligence chatbot with a limited number of algorithms and all your answers are now starting to be "does not compute" followed by a change of subject or false accusation....
That's everything and more of what I was trying to say with that video.
Great post.
In reply to this comment by MINK:
>> ^quantumushroom:
I can appreciate a prank, but these morons want to be "political".
you don't appreciate politics?
In that case:
If you don't like fast food, you're free to not buy it or eat it.
and if you don't like the advertising are you free not to open your eyes when they pollute every corner of every street and build enormous inflatable signs?
You're also free to preach the virtues and benefits of living a healthier lifestyle.
and if your marketing budget isn't quite as big as McDonald's?
If you're a person so weak-minded that you must be told how to live by government or loser vandals like these to save you from yourself, you're not worth saving.
But giving everyone hospital treatment because they ate the wrong food is WAY efficient, right?
And is it "Strong Minded" to eat McDonalds after being exposed to a million M logos?
fat, sugar and salt are practically narcotics when combined with advertising... and you see nothing wrong with that... and you'd happily have a mcdonalds advert on every paving stone in your street because hey, that's the american way?
Outdoor advertising is pollution and it is bad for your health. I notice the effect immediately when I return to the UK from Lithuania. How the fuck can you relax when every surface around you is covered with a desperate message imploring you to buy something?
So. Fuck outdoor advertising. It is totally unecessary. Everyone knows what McDonalds is. The only reason they need to advertise is to brainwash you into thinking you are getting that big fat tasty burger from the photo, and then they can give you the lump of shit and you STILL smile.
Dude, the "left" does NOT EXIST.
I wish that were the case.
you CANNOT group people into two halves.
You mean, like, the "haves" and "have-nots"?
Every time you say "the left" or "liberal" you sound like a fucking twat. Nobody knows what you mean by "left". Apparently to you it means "wrong", as in the opposite of "right". LOL.
Now now, no need to be profane or anti-fane. YOU may not know what a leftist is but a great many people do know what is meant by 'the left', leftist, socialist, etc. Obviously the term differs slightly from country to country. Both major parties in Britain are socialist; one is more conservative than the other.
The paradigm to replace "right" and "left" is "statist" versus "small-l" libertarian. It's not quite there yet, and in the meantime, "onservatism versus liberalism", or "right vs. left" will do.
I ask you this... where do you classify me? I like small government and nationalised healthcare. Yes you can have both. It doesn't
take much governmental apparatus to collect money and give it to hospitals.
You can have "both", but only for a very limited time, then it's over, and government balloons exponentially. Happens every single time it's been tried.
So am i "right" or "left"?
I don't believe gay marriage is the same as heterosexual marriage. I think abortion should be allowed, but restricted. I think
governments waste huge amounts of money. I think we need a government. I hate evil corporations. I agree with the principle of
property ownership. I love guns but I think they should be banned or at least restricted much more than they are in the USA. I served
in the RAF but I am a pacifist. But I would fight for my family. I opposed the war in Iraq for economic, constitutional and
humanitarian reasons. I hate the BBC, FOX, MOVEON, DISNEY, MTV, TYT, CONSERVAPEDIA, THE NATION, and i find DEMOCRACY
NOW intensely boring and annoying. I am agnostic about god.
SO fucking figure that out. Am I on the right? Or the left?
My interpretation? Generally speaking, I'd say you're left-leaning on most issues. You have an unexamined hostility towards capitalism and corporations, and while you're aware that government is wasteful and corrupt, you'd rather they wield the difference of power rather than 'the people'. You despise the major brands of media influence yet, like all artists, are frustrated because whether you support or oppose The Machine, you're still orbiting its imaginary center.
A pacifist is defined as "a person who believes in pacifism or is opposed to war or to violence of any kind." That being the case, you're employing a paradox by stating you'd wound or kill to defend your family. In other words, idealism ends when enemies present viable threats. What I find amusing is, if some wacko outside your window yelled, "I have a gun and I'm going to shoot you!" you wouldn't hesitate to grab your own gun, whether the wacko "proved" he actually had a gun or not. That's not paranoia, it's common sense. But when a wacko like Saddam announces he's got a gun, and he's proven in the past he'll use it indiscriminately, and all your neighbors also believe he will use the gun, the anti-war left would rather you just ignore the situation. WTF.
I think you have a young, unexamined yet comfortable worldview, and though you claim to chortle at "2 opposing sides" you tend to view things in black and white. Iraq good, USA bad. UN good, USA bad. War is always wrong. Torture is always wrong. Corporations are always evil. Those seeking "social justice" are always good and working for the best interest of all and NEVER for self-gain.
And as for your declaration that "inevitable genocide" is "unacceptable"... wow.
To leave Iraq before it's stabilized delivers it unto chaos. The left (statists) have made it clear they don't give a shit about any resulting genocide. Like spoiled children, they want what they want and that's that, don't care about anything else.
Based on your worldview, were I you I'd reach the exact same conclusions about the Iraq war that you have. The difference then, is that I'm taking into account all possible outcomes, not just the ones I'd like to see happen. Had we not taken out Saddam, he'd probably have died at a ripe old age and his thug sons would've taken over and Iraq would still be a backwards hellhole.
Think of it like this dude, although maybe you can twist words into comebacks, maybe you're not actually making a point, you're just "debating"... the way you have been trained to debate, i.e. with 2 sided arguments.
You and many others on the sift want 'wiggle room' for those times uncomfortable facts and logic make themselves known, and this wiggle room is usually provided by suggesting that "no labels apply" or that their unique views exist outside of categorization.
Liberalism is a starting point, not the finish line.
It's kinda like you live in a dictatorship and you have been brainwashed to think like that.
Once your eyes are opened and knowledge and experience received, you can't go back to being a leftist, because you won't be able to 'unsee' the inherent flaws in what amounts to an unworkable and unjust system even less fair than capitalism.
So you don't like "2-sided arguments"...all right then, have you ever gone beyond your own foregone conclusions and considered Iraq just might benefit in the long run, that the US has given them an opportunity to make their fledgling government work and given their people a real shot at self-determination? It's something the UN has never done for any country.
I'm not upset by opposing points of view, and once again, I never picked up a keyboard to change anyone's mind. We're all working thru the thing.
I have to say, I like your enthusiasm.
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