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Member Since: July 17, 2008
Last Power Points used: January 2, 2016
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Comments to Asmo

newtboy jokingly says...

OK, but that doesn't mean you can just let the floor be covered in crap, right? ...or do gurneys and doctors both hover down under? ...Or is that an Aussie method of strengthening immune systems by giving them something to fight off?

Asmo said:

I know we have a reputation for toughness etc, but we still treat people on gurneys and beds and stuff, not the floor... ; )

Asmo says...

Lol, s'all good mate, shit happens! ; )

newtboy said:

WTF?!? Didn't I hit upvote? SHIT! I meant to upvote this, not downvote. Sorry.
I shouldn't comment or vote before having my coffee.

newtboy says...

WTF?!? Didn't I hit upvote? SHIT! I meant to upvote this, not downvote. Sorry.
I shouldn't comment or vote before having my coffee.

Asmo said:

You want to see racism still in full force, check out the difference in punishment between usage of crack cocaine vs powder cocaine and the work of Prof Carl Hart on how they are basically the same thing...

Drug addiction has been proven to be exacerbated by poor socio economic conditions.

Drug punishment is more punitive for black people.

More black people live in poor socioeconomic circumstances.

To try and rise above that, a decent portion turn to crime. Surprise surprise, you're dirt poor with no job opportunity so you run with the gang.

Meanwhile, the republican party works as hard as possible to keep socialist policy (at least, socialist policy that helps black people, you can keep farm subsidies and corp bailouts to the whites) a demonised concept that might actually help reform these areas.

Fix the inequality, fix the socio economic problems, job discrimination etc, you fix most of the drug and crime problems. Less crime = less spending on cops, less spending on healthcare, less spending on incarceration etc = more money for more social inequality fixing...

Amazing right?

And yeah Genji, Lantern and co are bigots and racists (who will play the "oh I'm being ad hom'ed" card when you realistically describe them) who go out of their way to bait people. Keep giving them shit, they don't deserve (and probably wouldn't comprehend or even condescend to rationally respond to) legitimate discourse.

It's sad but the best thing to hope for imo is generational change, eventually Lantern and co. will be the last fossils hanging on to an era we should move on from. Then they'll die and the world will be a better place... ; )

poolcleaner says...


Asmo said:

I'm not sure why anyone is surprised...

The US has a long storied history of destroying freedom. The prohibition, the Cold War years, post 911 etc. The fact that a lot of people still buy in to the comfortable lie that they live in the "land of the free" is because admitting they are meat puppets for a corrupt government is too bitter a pill too swallow + the US national sense of superiority to places like China because they do things better than those totalitarians...

This will not change. There is no analogous period in history to compare to. The participants of the French revolution or the American war of independance didn't have facebook or twitter to sit around whining on and feeling like they were making a difference. They got off their asses and rose up because the only alternative was to be ploughed under.

Online slacktivism is an acceptable panacea for the discontented masses, they have an outlet to complain while easily identifying themselves as 'persons of interest'.

oritteropo says...

There are two invocations called *promote - one costs two points and only applies to your own posts. This one can be invoked by anyone with two power points to burn.

The second one costs only one point, but only applies to other people's posts... you require gold star to invoke this one.

Asmo said:

Arrrgh, foiled again! I thought non-probies could promote?

kymbos says...

Hey, thought you might be interested in this little moment of much-delayed sanity:

Still not perfect, but a step in the right direction.
In reply to this comment by Asmo:
>> ^kymbos:

@star69 - equating the act of a no-name comedian at a union event with the career-long actions of Tony Abbott is pathetic.
How has Gillard taken Australia 'so far backwards'?
Also, you would be able to downvote if you actually contributed something to this community.

I'm pretty sure he's referring to Gillard's comments re: libs attending the Allen Jones speech, castigating them for not getting up and leaving... In which case, the situations are analogous.

Data retention?

Compulsory internet filtering?

Two policies that forever damn Labor in my eyes. Two policies Gillard has not canned or dropped. I keep hoping Malcolm Turnbull get's up as leader of the opposition and wins the next election, but Abbott hasn't committed to pushing the fascist nanny state yet so I'll roll the dice on him...

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